He was captured & enslaved by Barbary pirates years before he wrote "Don Quixote" |
What the mouse did when the clock struck one in "Hickory Dickory Dock" |
ran down
Chromium compounds make a ruby red & an emerald this color |
If you want to be on his show, ask Fido to bone up on a stupid pet trick |
David Letterman
This bread's wrapper features red, yellow & blue balloons all over it |
Wonder Bread
In England long ago, husbands gave their wives money on Jan. 1 to buy a year's worth of these hem holders |
pin money
Swiss author Johann Wyss was most famous for this adventure novel |
(Monroe: What is Heidi?)
The Swiss Family Robinson
Mozart wrote the tune & later, in 1806, Jane Taylor wrote the words to this song about a star |
"Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star"
On the Celsius scale, this is the melting point of ice |
(Kyle: What is 100 degrees?)
Jerry Seinfeld wasn't insulted when he was introduced as Geo. Stanberry by this "Master of Insults" |
Don Rickles
As this teenage character on TV, John Haymes Newton can be seen wearing the following: |
(Linda: What is the Superman insignia?)
In this language "Happy new year" is "Hauoli makahiki hou" |
Robert K. Massie, who wrote "Nicholas & Alexandra", won a Pulitzer Prize for his book about this czar |
Peter the Great
This 49er miner's daughter wore sandals made from "herring boxes, without topses" |
(Alex: "My Darling [*]", right)
Most light bulbs don't contain a vacuum or oxygen but this gas whose symbol is Ar |
She says she's "the only woman in the history of the world who left J. Carson and didn't ask him for money" |
Joan Rivers
"Ask any mermaid you happen to see, 'What's the best tuna?'" & you'll get this reply |
Chicken of the Sea
Reason the 1989 Tournament of Roses Parade & the Rose Bowl weren’t held on New Year’s Day |
it was a Sunday
Victorian prime minister whose verse play, "The Tragedy of Count Alarcos", appeared in 1839 |
When a cowboy sings "Whoopee ti yi yo, git along little dogies", he's talking to these young animals |
The Pythagorean theorem only applies to this type of triangle |
a right triangle
Walter Hill chose him for "48Hrs." based on his performances on "Saturday Night Live" |
Eddie Murphy
Songs the Elis sing at this university include "Bingo", "Bull-Dog" & "Bingo, That's The Lingo" |
It's sounded on Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year |
a ram's horn (the shofar)
Elected class poet at Harvard after 6 others declined, he later became 19th c.'s leading transcendentalist |
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Completes the line "Oh, I went down South for to see my Sal, sing polly-wolly-doodle..." |
all the day
This light metal is the most abundant metal in the earth's crust |
Ed Grimley is his alter ego |
Martin Short
Appropriately, this type of animal is featured in the Lufthansa & Japan Air Lines logos |
(Alex We have less than a minute to go, Kyle.)
February 6, 1989 marked the start of the Chinese year named for this reptile |
(Kyle: What is the dragon?)
the snake