Show #1097 - Tuesday, May 16, 1989

1989 College Championship semifinal game 2.


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Monroe Roark, a junior from West Georgia College

Kyle Bostian, a senior from University of Massachusetts

Linda Krisak, a sophomore from Case Western Reserve University

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 3
He was captured & enslaved by Barbary pirates years before he wrote "Don Quixote"
    $100 1
What the mouse did when the clock struck one in "Hickory Dickory Dock"
    $100 21
Chromium compounds make a ruby red & an emerald this color
    $100 9
If you want to be on his show, ask Fido to bone up on a stupid pet trick
    $100 11
This bread's wrapper features red, yellow & blue balloons all over it
    $100 14
In England long ago, husbands gave their wives money on Jan. 1 to buy a year's worth of these hem holders
    $200 4
Swiss author Johann Wyss was most famous for this adventure novel
    $200 2
Mozart wrote the tune & later, in 1806, Jane Taylor wrote the words to this song about a star
    $200 22
On the Celsius scale, this is the melting point of ice
    $200 15
Jerry Seinfeld wasn't insulted when he was introduced as Geo. Stanberry by this "Master of Insults"
    DD: $500 13
As this teenage character on TV, John Haymes Newton can be seen wearing the following:
    $200 27
In this language "Happy new year" is "Hauoli makahiki hou"
    $300 5
Robert K. Massie, who wrote "Nicholas & Alexandra", won a Pulitzer Prize for his book about this czar
    $300 6
This 49er miner's daughter wore sandals made from "herring boxes, without topses"
    $300 23
Most light bulbs don't contain a vacuum or oxygen but this gas whose symbol is Ar
    $300 16
She says she's "the only woman in the history of the world who left J. Carson and didn't ask him for money"
    $300 19
"Ask any mermaid you happen to see, 'What's the best tuna?'" & you'll get this reply
    $300 28
Reason the 1989 Tournament of Roses Parade & the Rose Bowl weren’t held on New Year’s Day
    $400 7
Victorian prime minister whose verse play, "The Tragedy of Count Alarcos", appeared in 1839
    $400 10
When a cowboy sings "Whoopee ti yi yo, git along little dogies", he's talking to these young animals
    $400 24
The Pythagorean theorem only applies to this type of triangle
    $400 17
Walter Hill chose him for "48Hrs." based on his performances on "Saturday Night Live"
    $400 20
Songs the Elis sing at this university include "Bingo", "Bull-Dog" & "Bingo, That's The Lingo"
    $400 29
It's sounded on Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year
    $500 8
Elected class poet at Harvard after 6 others declined, he later became 19th c.'s leading transcendentalist
    $500 12
Completes the line "Oh, I went down South for to see my Sal, sing polly-wolly-doodle..."
    $500 25
This light metal is the most abundant metal in the earth's crust
    $500 18
Ed Grimley is his alter ego
    $500 26
Appropriately, this type of animal is featured in the Lufthansa & Japan Air Lines logos
    $500 30
February 6, 1989 marked the start of the Chinese year named for this reptile

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Linda Kyle Monroe
$900 $1,400 -$200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Linda Kyle Monroe
$2,100 $3,200 $700

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 18
The Constitution was drafted in this city between May 25 & September 17, 1787
    $200 1
Ads for "Fletch Lives" show this actor holding a Southern belle, Clark Gable style
    $200 6
2,000 years ago Juvenal wrote, "You should pray for a sound mind in" this
    $200 7
The republics of Kirghiz, Tadzhik & Uzbek aren't independent, they're part of this country
    $200 13
The Hardy-Rand-Rittler test is used to determine the type & degree of this phenomenon
    $200 21
This grain is the chief food of about half the people in the world
    $400 27
For purposes of representation & taxation, these people were to be counted as 3/5 of a person
    $400 2
This may sound "fishy", but he won an Oscar for "A Fish Called Wanda"
    $400 9
Sam Goldwyn supposedly said, "Anyone who goes to see" one of these doctors "should have his head examined"
    $400 8
John Davis, an American seal hunter, was the 1st person known to set foot on this continent
    $400 14
The shortest wavelengths of light that we can see appear as violet; the longest as this color
    $400 23
This bird is so popular it's the state bird of Connecticut, Michigan & Wisconsin
    $600 28
Each state's number of presidential electors is equal to this number
    $600 3
Ron Perlman said this character is so "'s like play Hamlet every week"
    $600 10
Robert Burns' love was like this type of rose
    $600 11
The Jura Mountains border France & this country
    DD: $2,000 15
Term for any 2 colors that lie directly opposite each other on the color wheel
    $600 24
In a song title, this adjective describes a "wreck from Georgia Tech"
    $800 29
The Constitution replaced these bylaws adopted by Congress in 1777 & ratified in 1781
    $800 4
1 of the 2 bald black actors who starred in a TV detective series on ABC in 1989
    DD: $3,000 19
According to "Little Women", "Christmas won't be Christmas without any" of these
    $800 12
Mexican peninsula that lies between the Gulf of Mexico & the Caribbean Sea
    $800 16
In contrast to a blackout, this is a dim-out
    $800 25
This car's "Flying Lady" radiator ornament is known formally as "The Spirit of Ecstasy"
    $1000 30
James Madison, Alexander Hamilton & John Jay wrote this series of 85 essays urging ratification
    $1000 5
Jamie Lee Curtis played this late Playboy model on TV; Mariel Hemingway played her in "Star 80"
    $1000 22
Voltaire claimed, "If God did not exist, it would be necessary to" do this
    $1000 20
This famous Roman road built in 312 B.C. is still in use today
    $1000 17
Primrose, crocus & jonquil are 3 shades of this color
    $1000 26
In fencing a quick return thrust; in speaking a quick retort

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Linda Kyle Monroe
$7,300 $10,400 $3,900

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

It was published annually from 1732-1757 & credited to an imaginary astronomer

Final scores:

Linda Kyle Monroe
$13,600 $6,199 $7,800
Finalist 3rd place: $5,000 2nd place: $5,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Linda Kyle Monroe
$6,400 $8,200 $3,900
16 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
(including 1 DD)
26 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
8 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $18,500

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1989-04-09
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