Show #1096 - Monday, May 15, 1989

1989 College Championship semifinal game 1.


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Alex Yang, a senior from Tulane University

Kristine Zaleskas, a sophomore from Harvard College

Jason Moore, a freshman from USC

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 18
Seen in August, the Perseids are this type of shower
    $100 2
Song that begins "Father & I went down to camp, along with Captain Good'in'"
    $100 1
The longest railway tunnel in the world opened in '88 in this Asian country known for "bullet" trains
    $100 5
According to Stevenson, it's who "should always say what's true and speak when he is spoken to"
    $100 7
2 of the 3 main languages of North America
    $100 17
In 1907 Barnum & Bailey's circus was sold to them
    $200 19
Sap-sucking insect named for a white, sticky cornmeal-like powder found on its body
    DD: $500 3
Based on a Scottish air; this was 1st used officially around 1845: [Instrumental music plays]
    $200 21
Yes, ships do have telephone numbers, but this part of the number changes as they travel
    $200 6
Elizabeth Barrett Browning said, "And, if God choose, I shall but love thee better after" this
    $200 8
Their west-to-east order can be recalled by using the phrase "Super Man helps everyone one"
    $200 25
There are 2 main types of these in the circus, Auguste & whiteface
    $300 20
St. Jerome was critical of those who used the end to justify these
    $300 4
Katherine Lee Bates wrote the words "O beautiful for spacious skies" after a trip to this Colo. peak
    $300 22
3 million of these safety devices are slated to be installed in 1990 model American cars
    $300 11
Ben Jonson wrote, "Drink to me only with thine eyes and I will" do this "with mine"
    $300 14
Most encyclopedias include the 7 countries of this region as part of North America
    $300 28
A Moscow circus act features these animals trained in the art of juggling with the feet
    $400 26
Siena College made news when its basketball games were closed to the public due to this disease
    $400 9
In the George M. Cohan song, it's "the emblem of the land I love"
    $400 23
This Pennsylvania city has more than 1,000 bridges, the most any U.S. city
    $400 12
Edward Fitzgerald 1st published his translation of this Persian work anonymously in 1859
    $400 15
World's highest commercially navigable river flows into Coeur d'Aene Lake in this U.S. state
    $400 29
This "Entertainment Tonight" star hosts the ABC series "Great Circuses of the World"
    $500 27
An extreme U-bend in a stream or to wander aimlessly & idly without fixed direction
    $500 10
It's our equivalent of England's "Britannia, The Pride Of The Ocean"
    $500 24
Championship competition for motorless vehicles held each year in Akron, Ohio
    $500 13
Sandburg said of this city: "I have seen your painted women under the gas lamps luring the farm boys"
    $500 16
These mountains extend from Alaska into Mexico where they're called the Sierra Madre Oriental
    $500 30
Type of act that was the specialty of the Wallendas

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 12):

Jason Kristine Alex
-$300 $1,300 $300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jason Kristine Alex
$2,100 $3,600 $900

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
The only mammals capable of unassisted flight
    $200 4
This, not Time, was the 1st news magazine out with a big report on the Time-Warner merger
    $200 2
Murdered in a palace intrigue, this Persian king was succeeded by his son Artaxerxes I
    $200 10
According to 1 estimate, there are 1,000 of these in U.S. colleges & 768 of them march
    $200 12
If a church's interior is "cruciform", it's shaped like this
    $200 20
Originally this word meant "taro leaves", but it now refers to a modern Hawaiian feast
    $400 3
The basic cell of the nervous system
    $400 16
In titles, this word precedes Science, Hot Rodding & Mechanics
    $400 5
This prince consort is the president of World Wildlife International Fund
    $400 11
Some experts suggest kids should spend 10 minutes a day times their grade level on this activity
    $400 13
Found in Gothic architecture, these supports can be "clasping" or "flying"
    $400 28
Of guru of this religion might worship Vishnu
    $600 6
Petruchio might be embarrassed to learn these are among the smallest mammals
    $600 17
Amazing Heroes is a magazine covering this industry
    $600 9
It's said this lusty empress' favorite toast was "God, grant us our desires and grant them quickly"
    $600 25
The only U.S. chair of Shiite studies was recently established at this N.J. Ivy League university
    $600 21
The term for a round hall surmounted by a dome: the U.S. Capitol has a famous one
    $600 29
Dictionaries define this as a bean curd or Oriental soybean cheese
    DD: $1,500 7
The prefix "hepat-", as in hepatitis, refers to this organ
    $800 18
You don't have to be a detective to figure out EQMM is how this magazine refers to itself
    $800 14
This queen's son Louis XVII probably died of natural causes at age 10, but many believed he'd been poisoned
    $800 26
From the Latin for "parish" it's the common term for an elem. school maintained by a parish
    $800 22
From the Greek for "one stone" it's a structure of one solid piece, like an obelisk
    $800 30
A chest of drawers, or a government department
    $1000 8
Hairy cap, stair-step & granite are varieties of these most primitive green land plants
    $1000 19
In 1972 this writer founded Ms., a magazine published & edited by women
    $1000 15
Her maiden name was Michiko Shoda
    $1000 27
The 1st U.S. college school of business, the Wharton School is part of this university
    DD: $4,000 23
The 3 classical orders of Greek architecture were Doric, Ionic & this
    $1000 24
An African antelope also called a wildebeest

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jason Kristine Alex
$3,300 $9,800 $8,200

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

The U.S. Census Bureau predicts by 2050 this country could surpass China in population

Final scores:

Jason Kristine Alex
$6,550 $3,199 $16,400
2nd place: $5,000 3rd place: $5,000 Finalist

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Jason Kristine Alex
$3,300 $9,500 $4,500
11 R,
5 W
23 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
15 R
(including 2 DDs),
4 W

Combined Coryat: $17,300

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1989-04-09
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