Seen in August, the Perseids are this type of shower |
meteor showers
Song that begins "Father & I went down to camp, along with Captain Good'in'" |
"Yankee Doodle"
The longest railway tunnel in the world opened in '88 in this Asian country known for "bullet" trains |
According to Stevenson, it's who "should always say what's true and speak when he is spoken to" |
a child
2 of the 3 main languages of North America |
(2 of) English & Spanish (French)
In 1907 Barnum & Bailey's circus was sold to them |
the Ringling brothers
Sap-sucking insect named for a white, sticky cornmeal-like powder found on its body |
a mealybug
Based on a Scottish air; this was 1st used officially around 1845: [Instrumental music plays] |
[The music was not played going into the break.]
"Hail To The Chief"
Yes, ships do have telephone numbers, but this part of the number changes as they travel |
the area code
Elizabeth Barrett Browning said, "And, if God choose, I shall but love thee better after" this |
Their west-to-east order can be recalled by using the phrase "Super Man helps everyone one" |
the Great Lakes
There are 2 main types of these in the circus, Auguste & whiteface |
[Alex Trebek announces a minute to go in the round prior to reading the clue]
St. Jerome was critical of those who used the end to justify these |
the means
Katherine Lee Bates wrote the words "O beautiful for spacious skies" after a trip to this Colo. peak |
(Jason: What is "America The Beautiful"?)
Pikes Peak
3 million of these safety devices are slated to be installed in 1990 model American cars |
Ben Jonson wrote, "Drink to me only with thine eyes and I will" do this "with mine" |
I will pledge with mine
Most encyclopedias include the 7 countries of this region as part of North America |
Central America
A Moscow circus act features these animals trained in the art of juggling with the feet |
Siena College made news when its basketball games were closed to the public due to this disease |
the measles
In the George M. Cohan song, it's "the emblem of the land I love" |
[NOTE: Kristine's response did not include "You're".]
"You're A Grand Old Flag"
This Pennsylvania city has more than 1,000 bridges, the most any U.S. city |
Edward Fitzgerald 1st published his translation of this Persian work anonymously in 1859 |
The Rubaiyat (of Omar Khayyam)
World's highest commercially navigable river flows into Coeur d'Aene Lake in this U.S. state |
This "Entertainment Tonight" star hosts the ABC series "Great Circuses of the World" |
Mary Hart
An extreme U-bend in a stream or to wander aimlessly & idly without fixed direction |
It's our equivalent of England's "Britannia, The Pride Of The Ocean" |
(Alex Yang: What is "Columbia"?) (Alex Trebek: Be more specific.) (Alex Yang: "Gem Of The Sea"?)
"Columbia, The Gem Of The Ocean"
Championship competition for motorless vehicles held each year in Akron, Ohio |
the Soap Box races (Derby)
Sandburg said of this city: "I have seen your painted women under the gas lamps luring the farm boys" |
These mountains extend from Alaska into Mexico where they're called the Sierra Madre Oriental |
the Rocky Mountains
Type of act that was the specialty of the Wallendas |
the high wire act