Show #1026 - Monday, February 6, 1989

1989 Teen Tournament quarterfinal game 1.


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Greg Parde, a junior from Minneapolis, Kansas

Elena Whitley, a junior from Raleigh, North Carolina

Dan Chase, a junior from Fairfax, Virginia

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 3
In fiscal year 1914, the 1st year these were collected under the 16th Amendment, they totaled $28 million
    $100 8
In gymnastics it's not for riding on but vaulting over
    $100 26
Pee-Wee's preferred style of neckwear is one of these
    $100 2
Now comprising only about 1% of the population, they have lived in Australia for more than 30,000 years
    $100 16
Since olden days cooks have sprinkled this on food to make it last
    $100 19
The largest one ever made by birds was built by bald eagles & weighed over 6,700 lbs.
    $200 4
On paper money, a letter in a circle indicates which bank of this system issued it
    $200 9
As opposed to interscholastic, in these programs kids of one school compete against each other
    $200 27
Pee-Wee has a "farm" full of these insects who spell out messages with their tiny little bodies
    $200 7
1 of the 2 animals featured on Australia's coat of arms
    $200 17
It comes from animals, whether they're wild or tame
    $200 20
A Texas cat named Dusty must have been the cat's meow as she had 420 of these
    $300 1
A person must have been this for 9 years to serve in the U.S. Senate
    $300 10
One of the oldest sports in the world, its 2 main styles are freestyle & Greco-Roman
    $300 28
Pee-Wee gets the secret word from Conky, who's one of these
    $300 13
This star co-wrote "Crocodile Dundee" as well as its sequel
    $300 18
You could eat this crustacean to bolster your courage -- but it probably wouldn't help
    $300 23
Some of these arthropods have as many as 750 legs, not a thousand as their name implies
    $400 5
PACs, which have been the subject of much controversy, are these
    $400 11
Kids in ancient Athens took P.E. for pleasure & Roman kids used it as training for this
    $400 29
Pee-Wee tells the audience, "For the rest of the day, whenever anyone says the secret word," do this
    DD: $400 14
Australia lies completely within these 2 hemispheres
    $400 21
Pablo hid one of these in his coat
    $400 24
The Gaboon viper has the longest of any snake, nearly 2"
    $500 6
This Bill of Rights amendment prohibits double jeopardy as well as self-incrimination
    $500 12
Founded by Eisenhower July 16, 1956, its top award for excellence is an emblem & certificate
    $500 30
This friend of Pee-Wee's, "The most beautiful woman in Puppetland", dresses like a prom queen
    $500 15
Australians call the countryside "the bush"; their name for the interior is this
    $500 22
Johnny is so cheap he put only one of these in the cobbler
    $500 25
It's the slowest-moving land mammal, & its name is a synonym for laziness

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Dan Elena Greg
$1,500 $400 $300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Dan Elena Greg
$2,300 $2,500 $400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 8
One of these in Moscow, the Rossiya, can accommodate 6,000 guests
    $200 16
In LOGO, a program to teach kids to use computers, the cursor resembles this shelled reptile
    $200 1
In 1793 Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin near Savannah in this state
    $200 14
In English there are 6 of these: present, past, future, present perfect, past perfect & future perfect
    $200 6
In South Africa, a bishop, in ballet a skirt
    $200 13
His kids weren't Moe, Larry & Shemp but Ham, Japheth & Shem
    $400 9
A landmark in this British city is the twin-towered Royal Liver Building
    $400 17
Computers were given part of the blame for this October 19, 1987 event
    $400 2
From 1894 to his death in 1909 this Apache leader was a tourist attraction at Ft. Sill in Okla.
    $400 22
The word which should replace the 1st "which" in this phrase
    $400 7
The Royal Danish Ballet was founded in this city in 1748
    $400 18
Isaac's mom & dad, they were 91 & 101 years old respectively when he was born
    $600 10
Built to keep out invaders, much of its present structure dates back to the Ming Dynasty
    $600 28
Steve Jobs said his new computer, called the NeXT will 1st be sold exclusively to these institutions
    $600 3
In 1951 the government began testing these at a site about 60 miles northwest of Las Vegas
    $600 23
Words that end in LY are usually this part of speech
    $600 15
A hoard of mice is defeated by a Christmas present in this popular holiday ballet
    $600 21
Amram & Jochebed had 3 children: Miriam & these 2 guys who led a group out of Egypt
    DD: $900 11
Statue that has the following view:
    $800 29
Using 400 computers, a team has broken down a 100-digit number into these, used as secret codes
    $800 4
The 1st English colony was established in 1585 on this island, & was promptly lost
    $800 24
To often split them is to often misuse them
    $800 19
The ballet "Le Beau Danube", set in a Viennese park, is danced to this composer's music
    $800 26
He was so proud of his son Joseph, he gave him a spiffy coat of many colors
    $1000 12
Charlemagne celebrated Christmas in 800 A.D. in this landmark which was rebuilt 800 years later
    $1000 30
If you have an extra $44 million, you can buy his & hers Y-MP/832 supercomputers from this company
    DD: $300 5
136 years apart, Franklin Pierce & John Sununu left this state to go to the White House
    $1000 25
A verb form ending in "ing" used as a noun is a gerund; used as an adjective it's this
    $1000 20
"Aurora's Wedding", the 3rd act of this ballet, is sometimes presented by itself
    $1000 27
You'd be wise to know these were Solomon's parents

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Dan Elena Greg
$8,200 $6,400 $1,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

The 7 largest banks in the free world are headquartered in this country

Final scores:

Dan Elena Greg
$9,400 $5,000 $2,800
Automatic semifinalist 2nd place: $1,000 if eliminated 3rd place: $1,000 if eliminated

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Dan Elena Greg
$8,100 $7,100 $1,400
17 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
21 R,
4 W
(including 2 DDs)
13 R,
5 W

Combined Coryat: $16,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1989-01-04
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