One of these in Moscow, the Rossiya, can accommodate 6,000 guests |
a hotel
In LOGO, a program to teach kids to use computers, the cursor resembles this shelled reptile |
a turtle
In 1793 Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin near Savannah in this state |
In English there are 6 of these: present, past, future, present perfect, past perfect & future perfect |
In South Africa, a bishop, in ballet a skirt |
a Tutu
His kids weren't Moe, Larry & Shemp but Ham, Japheth & Shem |
A landmark in this British city is the twin-towered Royal Liver Building |
Computers were given part of the blame for this October 19, 1987 event |
the stock market crash
From 1894 to his death in 1909 this Apache leader was a tourist attraction at Ft. Sill in Okla. |
The word which should replace the 1st "which" in this phrase |
(Elena: What is what?)
The Royal Danish Ballet was founded in this city in 1748 |
Isaac's mom & dad, they were 91 & 101 years old respectively when he was born |
Sarah & Abraham
Built to keep out invaders, much of its present structure dates back to the Ming Dynasty |
the Great Wall of China
Steve Jobs said his new computer, called the NeXT will 1st be sold exclusively to these institutions |
schools (colleges, universities)
In 1951 the government began testing these at a site about 60 miles northwest of Las Vegas |
nuclear bombs (atomic bombs)
Words that end in LY are usually this part of speech |
an adverb
A hoard of mice is defeated by a Christmas present in this popular holiday ballet |
(Greg: What is The Nutcracker Suite?) [Originally accepted as correct; reversed after the break as Alex did not pick up on the added word "Suite" at the time.]
The Nutcracker
Amram & Jochebed had 3 children: Miriam & these 2 guys who led a group out of Egypt |
Aaron & Moses
Statue that has the following view: |
the statue of Lincoln at the Lincoln Memorial
Using 400 computers, a team has broken down a 100-digit number into these, used as secret codes |
prime factors
The 1st English colony was established in 1585 on this island, & was promptly lost |
Roanoke Island
To often split them is to often misuse them |
(Greg: What is a modifier?)
the infinitive
The ballet "Le Beau Danube", set in a Viennese park, is danced to this composer's music |
Johann Strauss
He was so proud of his son Joseph, he gave him a spiffy coat of many colors |
(Greg: Who is Isaac?)
Charlemagne celebrated Christmas in 800 A.D. in this landmark which was rebuilt 800 years later |
St. Peter's Basilica
If you have an extra $44 million, you can buy his & hers Y-MP/832 supercomputers from this company |
136 years apart, Franklin Pierce & John Sununu left this state to go to the White House |
(Elena: I have absolutely no idea.)
New Hampshire
A verb form ending in "ing" used as a noun is a gerund; used as an adjective it's this |
(Alex: We've got less than a minute to go.)
"Aurora's Wedding", the 3rd act of this ballet, is sometimes presented by itself |
Sleeping Beauty
You'd be wise to know these were Solomon's parents |
David & Bathsheba