Chaldeans were noted for their achievements in these 2 fields whose names begin with "astro" |
astrology & astronomy
The kalungu, a "talking" drum from this continent, makes sounds that resemble human speech |
Literally translated, the name of this popular Italian dish means "pie" |
Reagan appointed him to the EEOC; Bush appointed him to the Supreme Court |
Clarence Thomas
The man who says,"'Come, Desdemona, I have but an hour of love...we must obey the time" |
This long, short-legged German breed comes in 2 sizes: standard & miniature |
The Zapotecs, not the Maya, were probably the first people in what is now this country to write |
Built in the 18th & 19th centuries, the giraffe was an upright type of this instrument |
a piano
Hawaiian dish made from cooked taro root pounded to a smooth paste |
This abolitionist bought her home in New York from William H. Seward |
Harriet Tubman
When "Macbeth" is presented in French, these characters are called Les Trois Sorcieres |
the (three) witches
Breeds in this group of dogs include the Dandie Dinmont, Kerry Blue & Cairn |
(Damon: What are Scottish terriers?)
Marduk, who became lord of the gods, was the chief god of this city, Nebuchadnezzar's capital |
(Damon: What is Babylonia?)
The gittern, which is not to be confused with the cittern, was a medieval form of this instrument |
a guitar
The name of this Chinese-American dish is Cantonese for "miscellaneous fragments" |
chop suey
Before turning author & poet, she toured singing & dancing in "Porgy & Bess" |
Maya Angelou
If you say, "Sweets to the sweet", you're quoting this queen who says it at Ophelia's burial |
This Chinese dog was introduced to the West after the British seized the Imperial Palace in 1860 |
(Jim: What are sharpeis?) (Amy: What are Shih Tzu?)
the Pekingese
The ancient kingdom of Kush lay along this river in what is now the Sudan |
the Nile
Trommel is the German word for "drum", & this particular drum is a grosse trommel |
a bass drum
These miniature cabbages originated in the capital of Belgium in the 13th century |
Brussels sprouts
Born Dana Owens, she raps & acts under this "royal" moniker |
Queen Latifah
Reagan's first line in this play is "I am made of that self metal as my sister" |
King Lear
Some say this breed named for a Canadian province was developed from dogs imported by Basque fishermen |
the Newfoundland
"Mausoleum" comes from the name of this ruler of Caria whose mausoleum was erected at Halicarnassus |
(Jim: Who is Mausoleus?)
This American statesman invented the glass harmonica in the 1760s |
Benjamin Franklin
In the 1950s Bananas Foster was created by Brennan's Restaurant in this U.S. city |
New Orleans
These mayors of Detroit & Los Angeles, both first elected in 1973, decided not to run again in 1993 |
Tom Bradley and Coleman Young
Margarelon describes himself as "a bastard son of Priam's" in this tragedy |
Troilus and Cressida
In 1931 this dog was declared a national monument of Japan |
the Akita