Show #692 - Tuesday, September 15, 1987

Missing introductions.


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Stuart Cleland, a public television producer from Wilmette, Illinois

Garry Boone, originally from Ohio

Ted Cooperstein, a lawyer originally from Potomac, Maryland (whose 3-day cash winnings total $26,151)

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Jeopardy! Round

'50s ADS
    $100 11
Dancer & spy whose famous alias meant "eye of the dawn"
    $100 26
When watering African violets, never use cold water, & never get these wet
    $100 19
Samson killed 1000 Philistines with this part of an ass's anatomy
    $100 12
As Betty Furness frequently said, "You can be sure if it's..." this
    $100 1
This "dam" city is not only the Netherlands' busiest port, but the world's
    $100 3
"Atinlay igspay" is Pig Latin for this
    $200 23
"Anyone who sees & paints a sky green & pastures blue ought to be sterilized," said this Nazi
    $200 27
Unlike most others, the snake plant & Chinese evergreen can get by with only a small amount of this
    $200 20
Jochebed's baby, whom Pharaoh's daughter paid Jochebed to nurse
    $200 13
In a 1951 commercial, these horses began their reign on TV pulling the reins of the King of Beers' wagon
    $200 2
Field in which Dutchmen Jan Steen, Jan van Goyen & Jan Vermeer were known
    $200 7
For a girl it's a hair style; for a wild boar, a fly swatter
    DD: $200 22
At the end of the opera featuring the following, this title character is killed with a dagger: "Torreador Song" plays
    $300 28
1 of 3 types of tropical house plants with fronds
    $300 21
King David was the 2nd-most famous individual born in this city
    $300 14
Children touting this toothpaste proclaimed, "Look mom! No cavities"
    $300 4
Dutch monarchs are not crowned, but like our president, enter office by this ceremony
    $300 8
You "feed" it with change, then, when it's full, take a hammer to it
    $400 17
This Italian introduced the lottery to Paris in 1757, but was more famous for his seductions
    $400 29
When the leaves of a Philodendron pertusum start to grow, they develop these
    $400 24
While Paul's original 1st name was Saul, Peter's was this
    $400 15
Disney Studios created Fresh-Up Freddie, a cartoon rooster who crowed about this soda pop
    $400 5
The world's oldest operating commercial airline, it began operating in 1919
    $400 9
Because he was so tiny, this character got to go to school in Christopher Robin's pocket
    $500 18
This mistress of Louis XV was guillotined in 1789, even though she "was a lady"
    $500 30
For plants, it can be a type of bud covering or a deadly insect
    $500 25
Reputed author of the Acts of the Apostles, which is considered a continuation of his gospel
    $500 16
"The bread with the red, yellow & blue balloons printed on the wrapper"
    $500 6
He "symbolizes the eternal struggle of Holland against the sea"
    $500 10
It's what gives you, me, or a pig color

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

Ted Garry Stuart
$1,300 $1,000 $1,500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Ted Garry Stuart
$2,000 $1,500 $1,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 7
A papoose
    $200 12
'85 best seller by Mark H. McCormack told "What They Don't Teach You at" this business school
    $200 28
For Thanksgiving, chef Paul Prudhomme stuffs a chicken into a duck & then both into this
    $200 2
The first war in which "Kilroy was here"
    $200 22
    $400 8
1 of the 6 tribes that made up most efficient N. American Indian organization, the Iroquois League
    $400 13
In 1956, "Arthritis & Common Sense" & Frances Benton's "Search for" this woman were non-fiction best sellers
    $400 27
Of Goodyear, Dunlop, or Michelin, the cheese
    $400 3
In 1956, French, British & Israeli forces invaded this country
    $400 21
From Latin for "a writing in front", it's a doctor's instructions for the druggist
    $600 9
Sometimes called "Indian rice", it isn't really rice but the grains of a marsh grass
    DD: $1,000 14
The "initial" author of "The Sensuous Woman"
    $600 26
Honored with a degree from this British university, Haydn named a symphony for it
    $600 23
If you "Win one for the kipper" in England, you've done it for this type of fish
    $600 4
On Dec. 16, 1971, this country's forces surrendered to combined forces of India & Bangladesh
    $600 20
Mr. Murphy, this is Mr. Dorfman; Mr. Dorfman, Mr. Murphy
    $800 10
Chief Joseph has been called the outstanding personality in the history of this tribe
    $800 15
One 1986 best seller was about "Men Who Hate Women & The Women Who" do this
    $800 25
Before composing his own "Grand Canyon Suite", he scored "Rhapsody in Blue" for Gershwin
    $800 17
Boneless short loin steak named for NYC restaurant
    $800 5
Chief battle-ground of the 30-Years War, this country's development was hindered for 200 years due to it
    DD: $1,000 19
Put into effect January 1, 1863, its name consisted of 2 12-letter words
    $1000 11
He told A. Oakley, "The white man knows how to make everything, but he doesn't know how to distribute it"
    $1000 1
Leon Uris' best seller "Mila 18" took title from address of resistance HQ in this city
    $1000 24
Though Jewish, Aaron Copland used Christian folk hymn "Simple Gifts" in this "regional" ballet
    $1000 16
The 2 liquids most associated with the town of Vichy, France
    $1000 6
Secretary of State John Hay described it as "a splendid little war"
    $1000 18
Slang for bureaucratic jargon, which is actually the opposite of "talkin' turkey"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Ted Garry Stuart
$5,200 $2,700 $3,200

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Of its 16 pieces, the number that can make white's 1st move

Final scores:

Ted Garry Stuart
$6,401 $5,400 $20
4-day champion: $32,552 2nd place: San Diego armoire wall system & Magnavox VCR + Jeopardy! box game or computerized version 3rd place: General Electric gas rang + Jeopardy! box game or computerized version

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Ted Garry Stuart
$5,200 $2,700 $4,200
21 R,
4 W
14 R,
6 W
12 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
(including 2 DDs)

Combined Coryat: $12,100

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1987-06-16
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