Show #4892 - Tuesday, December 13, 2005


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James Reeves, a writer originally from New Orleans, Louisiana

Amy Johnson, a business writer from Seattle, Washington

Rich Way, a manager from Aromas, California (whose 1-day cash winnings total $20,401)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You have to name the work whose ending we have decided, for whatever reason, to change.)
    $200 1
Your body has millions of these glands, up to 625 per square inch of skin, & they're probably now working overtime
    $200 10
"Broadway Joe"
    $200 20
In the 1920s Alvin "Shipwreck" Kelly made a name for himself by sitting atop these, often for days at a time
    $200 6
Farmer Arable dabbed the napkin at his mouth. Mmm! That Wilbur... "Some pig", indeed!
    $200 13
One particle of sand
    $200 18
The 2005 version of the Mac operating system shares its name with this tawny Asian feline
    $400 2
Total number of sides on a Klein bottle or a Mobius strip
    $400 11
"Mean Joe"
    $400 21
An air and space museum in Wapakoneta, Ohio is named for this Wapakoneta native
    $400 7
Jenny told me "Love means never having to say you're sorry". But now she was gone, & that nurse was giving me the eye.
    $400 14
It's the geographic feature mentioned in Arizona's state nickname
    $400 19
The Apple iBook & Powerbook are this type of portable computer
    $600 3
If the solar system's 9 planets were lined up smallest to largest, Earth would be this number in line
    $600 23
"The Refrigerator"
    $600 22
Robert E. Lee's wife, Mary Ann Randolph Custis, was the great-granddaughter of this first lady
    $600 8
Enraged, Lemuel tore the ropes from his body. His captors were "not six inches high"! His boot rose ominously.
    $600 15
Not only did Buck Henry pen this 1967 coming-of-age film classic, he played a hotel desk clerk, too
    $600 28
Making $1 a year at Apple, he's the Guinness World Record holder for lowest paid chief executive officer
    $800 4
This prized natural substance is made up of alternating thin plates of calcium carbonate & conchiolin
    $800 26
"Too Tall"
    $800 24
In 1811 work began on the 1st national highway, the Cumberland Road, between Illinois & Cumberland in this state
    DD: $1,000 9
Kitty & Levin's marriage is great, she thought. My guy stinks. With that, she pushed Hubby under the train. Whoomp!
    $800 16
In 1967 "The Colonel's Coup" overthrew the monarchy in this country
    $800 29
"Take off" & "land" information wirelessly with this Apple WiFi device
    $1000 5
What we call a Thermos goes back to the flask this scientist invented in the 1890s
    $1000 27
    $1000 25
Closed in 2002, this lavish NYC restaurant began as a place for immigrants to gather & drink tea
    $1000 12
"Hey, it's Dantes! He must've escaped in Abbe Faria's burial shroud!" shouted Villefort. So they hanged him. Fin.
    $1000 17
The 4 basic forces in physics are the strong nuclear, the weak nuclear, the electromagnetic & this one
    $1000 30
This "speedy" Mac software lets you watch movies or graphics on your PC or Mac computer

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Rich Amy James
$0 $2,600 -$200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Rich Amy James
$2,400 $4,200 $3,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 6
This existentialist gave the world "Nausea", a philosophical novel, in 1938
    $400 12
The middle name of this "Kill Bill" star is Karuna & she has a brother named Mipam
    $400 2
Vermont hogs have lived high off this company, eating ice cream waste & loving it (except for mint Oreo)
    $400 21
In the endgame, 2 opposing ones of these pieces that always move on the same color often leads to a draw
    $400 16
Julius Caesar burst into tears when he thought of how many lands this man had conquered by Julius' age
    $400 24
The Spanish put a tilde above this letter to indicate a palatal nasal sound
    $800 7
Cartesianism, based on mathematical principles, comes from the Latin verison of his name
    $800 11
Born in Vancouver in 1981, on film he "skywalked" into space in 2002
    $800 1
Let's not keep silent about the fact that this president was born in Plymouth Notch, Vermont in 1872
    $800 22
In the newspaper, your dumb move that lost a knight would be followed by this symbol, maybe 2 of them
    $800 17
Born in 1638, the first child of a 22-year marriage, this king was christened Louis Dieudonne, or "gift of God"
    $800 30
In ASL this letter is indicated by bending the 3 middle fingers to the palm & extending the thumb & pinkie up
    DD: $1,000 8
A Gershwin song says, "My nights were sour, spent with" this gloomy German philosopher
    $1200 13
A star of the "Matrix" movies, she was named after a Hollies song
    $1200 3
While living in Arlington, Vt., he featured many of its residents on his Saturday Evening Post covers
    $1200 23
A guy looking over a game making annoying suggestions is doing this, from a Yiddish word
    $1200 18
In the 1670s, this Quaker preached in Germany, & many of his listeners later came to his American colony
    $1200 29
It precedes "note" in a slang term for a hundred-dollar bill
    $1600 9
"Zarathustra's Sister" is a biography of Elisabeth & her brother, this philosopher
    $1600 14
He delivered the "Jaws" speech about the shark attack on the Indianapolis' crew
    DD: $1,000 4
From Burlington, you can hop aboard the cruise ship The Spirit of Ethan Allen III & cruise this lake
    $1600 28
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew plays chess with Cheryl.) By moving my rook, I've given my opponent the nasty shock of discovered this
    $1600 19
In 1889 this 74-year old chancellor instituted old age pensions in Germany
    $1600 25
On a piece of sheet music, play loudly when you come to this letter, short for the Italian meaning "strong"
    $2000 10
(Sarah of the Clue Crew reads from Athens, Greece.) Stoicism, the name for his school of philosophy, is derived from the stoa; he taught his followers here
    $2000 15
OK, one more time: John C. McGinley is on "Scrubs"; this actor played Amos in the 2002 film "Chicago"
    $2000 5
In 2004 some residents of this city, Vermont's largest & most bustling ski area, wanted to secede & join N.H.
    $2000 27
In tournament play, a fallen flag means you've lost because this has happened
    $2000 20
In 1940 he got more votes than any Republican presidential candidate before him, & still lost
    $2000 26
It's the symbol for the old British penny

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Rich Amy James
$7,200 $5,400 $12,000

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

He was the only 20th century president who had previously served as U.S. House Minority Leader

Final scores:

Rich Amy James
$14,399 $400 $9,500
2-day champion: $34,800 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Rich Amy James
$7,200 $5,400 $14,600
13 R,
5 W
12 R,
2 W
21 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 2 DDs)

Combined Coryat: $27,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2005-09-21
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