Show #8177 - Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Paul Trifiletti game 5.


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Lacey Davies, a casting assistant from New York, New York

Mark Nasielski, an electrical engineering student from Los Angeles, California

Paul Trifiletti, an attorney from Athens, Georgia (whose 4-day cash winnings total $83,801)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Now last year we had some difficulty with the [*] category so we thought we would try it again but in this category, it deals entirely with referees' signals, and I'm going to be giving you three players the signals.)
    $200 1
Like electrons, visible light behaves both as particles &amp; as these flowing fields
    $200 25
The U.S. Supreme Court has one Chief Justice &amp; 8 of these other justices
    $200 20
This playboy's Playboy Mansion
    $200 17
Hailee Steinfeld plays this 19th century poet in an Apple TV+ series with lots of 21st century touches
    $200 7
Offensive teams love to see this sign; it means points
    $200 12
It can be a trainee working short-term without pay, or a recent medical school grad working in a hospital prior to a residency
    $400 2
Using just a few pieces of plastic cut from an old CD case, you can turn your smartphone into a projector of these 3-D images
    $400 29
As backup to Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, Werner Kogler has this 4-letters-longer title
    $400 21
This author's Ozcot
    $400 18
Wanda Coleman's jazz-influenced "American" these poems sometimes have more than 14 lines, but 16 max
    $400 8
An equal opportunity foul, it can be called against offense or defense
    $400 13
From the Latin for "understand", it's someone learning a trade from a skilled employer
    $600 3
Without this process by which light is converted to chemical energy, Earth would be populated only by bacteria
    $600 28
Suzette Charles, 1984 first runner-up in this pageant, replaced Vanessa Williams
    $600 22
This tech mogul's house in Medina, Washington is sometimes called Xanadu 2.0
    DD: $2,400 6
Katharine Lee Bates' book containing this patriotic song used similar language about Mont Blanc: "O beautiful beyond all dream"
    $600 9
Just a little pre-snap movement by an offensive lineman causes this 5-yard penalty
    $600 14
In a learning sense it's not a tax accountant, but a student who attends a class informally without working towards a grade
    $800 4
This phenomenon is the change in direction of a ray of light as it moves from one medium into another
    $800 27
The appointed second-in-command to the Secretary of State has this title--no tin stars involved
    $800 23
This chemical heir's Winterthur House in northern Delaware
    $800 19
The August 1913 Poetry Magazine had "I Heard a Flute" by Ruth Gaines &, more famously, this Joyce Kilmer poem
    $800 10
Offensive teams don't like to see this sign given against them
    $800 15
A Protestant group promoting Christian unity is called these "of Christ", D.O.C. for short
    $1000 5
It's the 1-word title of Isaac Newton's landmark 1704 treatise on light
    $1000 26
In the Marine Corps just below corporal comes this corporal
    $1000 24
The Beehive House, home to this religious leader until 1877
    $1000 11
Careful if playing Green Bay--Aaron Rodgers loves to catch defenses in this foul
    $1000 16
5 letters in English, it's an Arabic word for "student", or one member of an extremist group in Afghanistan

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Paul Mark Lacey
$800 $4,600 $600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Paul Mark Lacey
$1,800 $8,200 -$200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Each correct response will begin with "I-N".)
    $400 8
That's an empty reservoir for natural or coal this. An inner container rises up when it's full
    $400 1
Alice & Asok are 2 coworkers of this Scott Adams comic strip title guy
    $400 9
Tefnut was a goddess of rain &amp; moisture in the mythology of this civilization
    $400 3
He passed away in 14 A.D. on the 19th of the month named for him
    $400 23
The town of Oymyakon, Russia in this proverbially cold region plunged to a mind-numbing -90 degrees in 1933
    $400 19
Blow up a balloon
    $800 14
These two Magi gifts smell much better than they look
    $800 18
Garfield the cat hates Mondays but loves this layered pasta dish
    $800 10
Born full grown &amp; dressed in armor, this Greek goddess missed out on her childhood
    DD: $3,200 4
Claudius' death in 54 A.D. was due to this type of foul play, very common in the TV miniseries "I, Claudius"
    $800 24
The coldest temp ever recorded on Earth, -144 F., was found by researchers studying satellite data of this continent
    $800 20
In an election it's the person who currently holds the office
    $1200 15
Rosin is applied to these to help make sweet music
    $1200 28
In their last strip, this pair go sledding away, with the boy saying, "It's a magical world... let's go exploring"
    $1200 11
She's the Hindu goddess of wealth and good fortune but not a top chef, as TV's Padma could tell you
    $1200 2
Tyrannical Tiberius was smothered in 37 A.D. but was followed by this equally infamous successor who also needed killin'
    $1200 25
This U.S. state's Prospect Creek hit -80 in January 1971
    $1200 7
1, 2, 3, 4, etc.
    $1600 16
Once worn by the French navy, the stereotypical mime shirt is named for this westernmost French mainland province
    $1600 29
(Sarah of the Clue Crew presents by a display monitor.) Cartoonist Mort Walker called the stars over a drunken character "squeans", and gave the name "waftaroms" to the wavy lines indicating this
    $1600 12
May Day grew out of a festival that celebrated this Roman goddess of flowers &amp; spring
    $1600 5
He died at his military headquarters in 180 A.D., 3 years after making Commodus his co-emperor
    DD: $2,000 26
In 1954 an historic contiguous USA low temp of -70 was recorded near Rogers Pass in this fourth-largest state
    $1600 21
A colorful Duke Ellington tune is called "Mood" this
    $2000 17
That's not caviar, but the finger type of this citrus fruit, bursting with beads of juice
    $2000 13
This earth mother &amp; wife of Odin was attended by a dozen handmaidens
    $2000 6
Septimius Severus died in Eboracum, now this north of England city whose name is associated with white in the Wars of the Roses
    $2000 27
In Feb. 1947 temps reportedly fell to -85 at Fort Selkirk on this river that lends its name to a Canadian territory
    $2000 22
From the Italian for "to cut", it's a method in which images are carved into metal plates to make prints like the one seen here

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Paul Mark Lacey
$13,000 $16,600 $1,000

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

From the title of a British-set comedy, it completes the final line "I've now realized for the first time in my life the vital..."

Final scores:

Paul Mark Lacey
$23,000 $7,199 $2,000
5-day champion: $106,801 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Paul Mark Lacey
$13,000 $14,400 $1,000
16 R,
2 W
25 R
(including 2 DDs),
4 W
(including 1 DD)
6 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $28,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2020-01-14
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