In 1600 the first published edition of this comedy spelled the title word "Ado" Adoe |
Much Ado About Nothing
A man's hairpiece |
a toupée
After his encounter with the Great Fish, he warned Nineveh of its great evil & the city repented |
Eggs Sardou, like Eggs Benedict, is topped with this sauce |
Ling-Ling, the oldest of these creatures outside China, died at the National Zoo in December |
giant panda
According to The Eagles, "You can't hide" these |
(Julie: What are [*]? Your [*]?)
"Lyin' Eyes"
Enobarbus says Antony won't leave her because "Age cannot wither her, not custom stale her infinite variety" |
To get one's bearings, or another term for the Far East |
He sent Igal the Issacharite to scout the Promised Land in Numbers 13:7 |
In the Mideast this pocket bread is cut into wedges & used as a dipper for hummus |
pita bread
In December Premier Constantine Mitsotakis made his daughter Culture Minister of this country |
In a 1921 hit title, this exclamation followed "Ma!" |
"He's Making Eyes At Me"
This woman tells her husband, "Your face, my thane, is as a book where men may read strange matters" |
Lady Macbeth
To move about hurriedly, or a framework formerly worn by women to puff out their skirts |
Originally an agricultural festival, the Feast of the Unleavened Bread was combined with this holiday |
It's the tall narrow glass used to serve a dessert of ice cream layered with fruit & whipped cream |
parfait glass
In September this "Long Island Lolita" pleaded guilty to shooting Mary Jo Buttafuoco |
Amy Fisher
Van Morrison's first Top 10 hit was this colorful tune |
"Brown Eyed Girl"
The play "Cymbeline" gave us the song that says, "Hark! Hark!" this bird "at heaven's gate sings" |
a lark
It's the club-shaped tool used to pound substances in a mortar |
The King James Version translates the Hebrew word Sheol as this place |
(Kathy: What is Shiloh?)
When milk coagulates, it separates into these 2 parts |
curds & whey
She married Timothy Laurence after divorcing Captain Mark Phillips in April |
Princess Anne
This 1912 songs is perfect for St. Patrick's Day |
"When Irish Eyes Are Smiling"
In this play Mercutio says, "A plague o' both your houses!" 3 times before he dies |
Romeo and Juliet
From the Latin word for "bear", it's an adjective meaning bearlike |
(Applause for running the category).
Joab killed this rebellious son of David though David had said to spare him |
In the leg & shoulder section of a pig, this cut is between the picnic ham & the pig's feet |
the ham hock
This former World Chess Champion was indicted for breaking U.S. sanctions against Yugoslavia |
Bobby Fischer
It was the theme to "Rocky III" |
"The Eye of the Tiger"