Show #4886 - Monday, December 5, 2005


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Vicky Stanton, a school psychologist from Sherman Oaks, California

Todd Roshak, a program manager from Redmond, Washington

Adam Weinstein, a graduate student from Fort Lauderdale, Florida (whose 2-day cash winnings total $39,700)

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Jeopardy! Round

YES "I.M."
(Alex: Each correct response in that last category will be two words--one word starting with an "I", the other one starting with an "M".)
    $200 13
Joseph Karl Stieler's early 19th-century portrait of this man captures his energy & ferocity
    $200 18
The Bee Gees:
"Well you can tell by the way I use my walk, I'm a woman's man, no time to talk"
    $200 1
Indiana University's Lilly Library contains many rare books including his 1450s New Testament
    $200 8
She gave the keynote speech for the adoption of the Declaration of Human Rights on Dec. 9, 1948 in Paris
    $200 26
As their name suggests, these diapers introduced in 1978 cling to the body
    $200 3
To Internet users, I.M. is this real-time communication service
    $400 14
He's the former stockbroker who painted "Woman with Mango", seen here
    $400 19
The Beach Boys:
"Well East Coast girls are hip, I really dig those styles they wear"
    $400 2
This railroad known as the AT&SF once had passenger libraries & reading rooms on its trains
    $400 9
In 1947 her father published the diary she had kept during her 25 months in hiding
    $400 4
A page from one of these medieval documents is seen here
    $600 15
This influential Italian also worked in sculpture
    $600 20
The Eagles:
"And she said, 'We are just prisoners here, of our own device'"
    DD: $1,000 25
In 1598 Thomas Bodley began to rebuild the library at this university; it reopened in 1602
    $600 10
In 1947 East Bengal became East this; later it became Bangladesh
    $600 29
An ex-Dupont chemist from New Hampshire introduced this brand of popular food storage containers in 1946
    $600 5
Claude Rains played this elusive fellow on the big screen in 1933
    $800 16
She's the Pennsylvania-born expatriate whose work is seen here
    $800 21
C.W. McCall:
"We's headin' for bear on eye-one-oh, 'bout a mile outta Shakeytown, I says 'Pigpen, this here's Rubber Duck'"
    $800 24
The website for this country's Bibliotheque Royale Albert I can be read in French & Dutch
    $800 11
In 1948 she was named the Israeli ambassador to the USSR
    $800 28
It's the nationality that follows "K" in the name of the sneaker brand founded by the Brunner Brothers
    $800 6
It's the instrument of persuasion seen here
    $1000 17
The unique modern stylings of this abstract Dutchman are seen in his "Broadway Boogie Woogie"
    $1000 22
The B-52's:
"I got me a car, it's as big as a whale... and it's about to set sail!"
    $1000 23
For aural thrills go to the Vincent Voice Library at Michigan State & hear a recording of this 23rd U.S. president
    $1000 12
This astronomical observatory was founded by Caltech in 1948
    $1000 27
In 1936 Moet & Chandon introduced this champagne brand named for a blind French monk
    $1000 7
Cotton's father, this Puritan minister was also president of Harvard

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

Adam Todd Vicky
$400 -$600 $6,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Adam Todd Vicky
$3,600 $2,600 $6,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We will list the 7 tiles that will be in your rack, and we'll also give you a clue to the word you have to come up with.)
    $400 1
A root-like part called a holdfast keeps some of this type of algae from being washed away
    $400 6
Paquin's plantains
    $400 12
(I'm Tom Silva, general contractor.) For our 25th anniversary project, renovating a farmstead, we converted this 39x50' building into living space
    $400 16
"Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship" is a Bildungsroman, or novel of education, by this "Faust" author
    $400 30
Nostradamus very clearly predicted a new election of one of these for the year 1609--but Paul V failed to die
    $400 21
T, U, N, S, I, E, Q:
A judicial investigation of a death
    DD: $3,000 2
This implement-shaped type of red blood cell is thought to be the result of a mutation in Africa long ago
    $800 7
Ms. Foster's rock & roll show equipment handlers
    $800 13
The U.S. Air Force Museum's Cold War gallery is, appropriately, in a 200,000-square-foot one of these
    $800 17
A play rehearsal is interrupted by strangers at the beginning of his "Six Characters in Seach of an Author"
    $800 29
The "Hister" who will "Vex Venice" is purportedly this 20th century fiend with a couple of letters changed
    $800 22
E, W, S, B, O, 2 Rs:
A website access tool
    $1200 3
This old nickname for the star we call the sun can also mean a Martian day, a bit longer than ours
    $1200 8
Gooding's instruments
    $1200 11
The Tabularium, or state archives, was one of the monumental structures of this central area of ancient Rome
    $1200 18
This African-American author's works include the 500,000-year-spanning "Temple of My Familiar"
    DD: $5,000 25
"The faults of" this city "will be laid quite bare" must refer to the failure of the League of Nations--mustn't it?
    $1200 23
2 As, R, B, S, D, N:
An underwater ridge in a river
    $1600 4
This 2-word barrier keeps many prion diseases from passing from 4-legged animals to humans
    $1600 9
McDaniel's hamburgers
    $1600 14
(Sarah of the Clue Crew strolls through New York's Little Italy.) From Latin for "to hold", this type of building is synonymous with urban decay, but gives Little Italy its charm
    $1600 19
This author of "Deliverance" was Prof. of English at the University of South Carolina in Columbia from 1968 to 1997
    $1600 28
"The great camel" (your guess is as good as ours) will drink from these 2 longest rivers that pass through Germany
    $1600 24
O, G, N, 2 As, P, R:
A model of excellence
    $2000 5
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew points out a nuclear phenomenon on the blackboard.) It's the deflection of particles in many directions; as the particle is aimed more directly at the nucleus, the angle increases
    $2000 10
Dame Judi's ditches
    $2000 15
Genoa's finest art museums, including the Civic Museum & National Gallery, are in buildings originally built as these
    $2000 20
Bernardo Bertolucci brought this author's novel "The Sheltering Sky" to the big screen in 1990
    $2000 26
"More butcher than king in England" is seen as this leader born in 1599, 33 years after Nostradamus died
    $2000 27
2 Vs, 2 Es, D, L, O:
To delegate or to deteriorate

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Adam Todd Vicky
$8,200 $13,200 $10,600

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Now the fourth largest in area, it's the largest state formed primarily from the Louisiana Purchase

Final scores:

Adam Todd Vicky
$1 $2,599 $7,999
3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $7,999

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Adam Todd Vicky
$13,200 $10,600 $10,600
17 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
15 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W
17 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $34,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2005-09-20
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