23 years after Andy Warhol copied their cans, this co. paid him to paint the box for their new dry soup |
the Campbell Soup Company
Photographer who was paid $25,000 by the U.S. government for documenting the Civil War |
Mathew Brady
His creation of "Fat Albert" helped him earn a doctorate in education from the University of Massachusetts |
Bill Cosby
U.S. state that has provided the setting for most of Eudora Welty's & William Faulkner's stories |
Over 400 years before surgeon general's report, Columbus discovered Indians enjoying this |
(Alex: We've got about a minute to go in the round.)
A type of rabbit, goat, cat or sweater |
It took 147 years & an executive order from FDR for this elected office to get its own flag |
vice president
Of 4, 14, or 24%, the percentage of U.S. population over 25 that had college degrees in 1910 |
(Alex: 17% today, by the way.)
A book containing his predictions for 1985 & beyond has been published, 419 years after his death |
It's said that at age 78 she discovered Tom Selleck for her comeback film "Myra Breckinridge" |
Mae West
The only crop used for livestock feed that has been grown since prehistoric times |
Women were called "Lucy Stoners" in late 19th century if they kept this after marriage |
(Greg: Haven't got a clue.) ... (Alex: Lucy Stone was a women's rights advocate.)
their maiden name
Students attending a "normal school" at the turn of the century were learning this profession |
(school) teaching (elementary)
Former vocation of James Kavanaugh, author of "The Celibates" |
a priest
Accidentally discovered in 1879, it made sweet history till the FDA called it a health hazard 99 years later |
Choirs & Todd Rundgren's voice-only rock album share this name, from Italian for "as in a chapel" |
a cappella
In '85, value of the famous "Man with the Golden Helmet" plummeted when experts found it wasn't his |
[The end-of-round signal sounds.]
In Dec. 1963, a Gallup poll found him to be the living man whom Americans most admired |
(Greg: Who is John F. Kennedy?)
Lyndon Johnson
Italy's 1st woman M.D., she originated the teaching method that bears her name |
(Maria) Montessori
French author of "Cherie" & "Gigi", she was known by one name, too |
He discovered temp. at which ferromagnetic substances lose magnetism but found fame with wife Marie |
(Pierre) Curie
Both London's & NYC's Cleopatra's Needles originally stood in this city |
Known as "Jack the Dripper", he dribbled paint onto canvas spread on the floor |
Jackson Pollock
Prohibition was repealed when this state known for religious temperance ratified 21st Amendment in '33 |
Historian Will Durant said education is "the progressive discovery of" this |
our own ignorance
Movies made from his books include "The Last Picture Show", "Hud" & "Terms of Endearment" |
Larry McMurtry
The 2 planets "discovered" 1st by mathematical computations, not telescopes |
(Greg: What is Uranus & Neptune?) (Marvin: What is Pluto & Uranus?) (Jackie: What is Pluto & Uranus?)
Pluto & Neptune
Officially named Catalan, # of tourists each year outnumbers residents here 30 to 1 |
[Scattered applause for Marvin sweeping the category.]