At the Convention he resisted an attempt to make him "king" |
George Washington
In 1982, oldest "human" remains known to date were discovered in Africa in this drought-stricken country |
Camels & deer, like cattle, are ruminants, meaning they have compound stomachs & do this |
chew their cud
Hemingway claimed all modern American literature comes from this book by Mark Twain |
Huckleberry Finn
Deposed in 1688, James II was the last English king of this religion |
The plural of auditorium |
At age 81, he was by far the oldest delegate |
Benjamin Franklin
Carbon dating puts the building of this landmark on the Salisbury Plain back to about 1988 B.C. |
Anteaters are classified as Edentata, animals that have none of these or ones that are weak |
Claiming it wasn't in his vein, Hawthorne turned over the task of writing "Evangeline" to him |
He married Berengaria of Navarre while he was off on a crusade |
Richard the Lion-Hearted
The plural of index |
Not present at the Convention, he was serving as U.S. Minister to France at the time |
In 1940 in France, 4 kids looking for their dog discovered Lascaux Cave, famous for these |
(prehistoric) cave paintings
Probably to reduce competition, female giraffes do this with their necks bent, males, at full stretch |
In 1938, his humorous "I'm a Stranger Here Myself" was 1 of few poetry books ever to make best-seller lists |
Ogden Nash
Historically, this legendary "king" was probably a Celtic chieftain who lived in the 6th century |
The plural of seraph |
Not present at the Convention, he was serving as U.S. Minister to England at the time |
In North America, most archaeologists receive their training in this academic dept. of a university |
Zebras belong to this Latin genus |
Carson McCullers novel that deals with a deaf mute's associations in a small southern town |
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
1 of the 3 Danish kings who ruled England in the 11th century |
(1 of) Harold (Canute or Harthacnut)
The plural of genius |
The only signer from New York, he wanted the president to hold office for life |
(Joan: Who is Gouverneur Morris?)
Alexander Hamilton
Inspired by Homer's epics, this German businessman discovered & excavated Ancient Troy |
(Heinrich) Schliemann
It's the term for the breeding ground of seals, as well as for certain birds |
Only "X" entry in "The Reader's Encyc. of Am. Lit." is "Xingu", a story by this "Ethan Frome" author |
Edith Wharton
Though Shakespeare said he was murdered, some say he starved himself after being deposed by Henry IV |
(Louise: Who is Richard III?)
Richard II
The plural of genus |
(Louise: What is geee...nie?)