Show #869 - Thursday, May 19, 1988

1988 Senior Tournament final game 1.


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Peggy Kennedy, a forensic toxicologist from Menands, New York

Joan Erickson, a writer and professional dog walker from Glen Mills, Pennsylvania

Louise Reyburn Dice, a farmer and writer from Taos, New Mexico

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 9
A blind John Milton described this biblical strongman as "eyeless in Gaza"
    $100 21
Tho in real life he was between McKinley & Taft, on Mt. Rushmore he's between Jefferson & Lincoln
    $100 2
Adults spend about 20-25% of their sleep hours in "REM", which is this
    $100 19
Lindbergh was known as "Lucky Lindy" or "The Lone..." this
    $100 17
The word "pasta" is Italian for this, the paste you knead to make pasta
    $100 26
Instrumental music plays
    $200 10
He had 10 half brothers but only 1 full brother, Benjamin
    $200 22
The dark ponderosa pines gave this famous region its name
    $200 5
What you're listening to when you measure your "HR"
    $200 1
To see Lindbergh's plane today, you should go there
    $200 13
Green pasta usually gets its color from this vegetable
    $200 27
[Instrumental opening plays] "Folks, here's a story 'bout Minnie the Moocher"
    $300 11
He told his friends, "Miserable comforters are ye all"
    $300 23
In Deadwood, one can visit the grave sites of this legendary wild west "couple"
    $300 6
Meaning of 1 of 4 letters in the acronym "RICE", 4 recommended treatments for most sports injuries
    $300 3
Lindbergh tested his plane by flying from San Diego to NYC with a stopover in this city
    $300 14
Many prefer pasta cooked this way, an Italian idiom meaning "firm to the bite"
    $400 12
Ezekiel saw a vision of these coming together followed by sinews & flesh coming up on them
    $400 24
1 of the 2 national parks in South Dakota
    DD: $400 7
One way to make a baby, it's what "IVF" stands for
    $400 4
He took off on his historic flight from this airport
    $400 15
According to pasta expert James Beard, the best flour for making pasta is this "hard" wheat flour
    $500 16
In Numbers 16, Korah, Dathan & Abiram led a rebellion against this man's leadership
    $500 25
It's approximately 17 miles west of Castle Rock, South Dakota, at about 104° w. longitude, 45° n. latitude
    $500 8
In a "CAT" scan, the "A" & "T" stand for axial tomography, & the "C" stands for this
    $500 20
After the flight, Pres. Coolidge awarded Lindbergh the 1st of these medals in U.S. history
    $500 18
It's said this, Latin for "little worm", was the generic name for pasta in Italy circa 1500-1800

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 12):

Louise Joan Peggy
$300 $600 $1,700

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Louise Joan Peggy
$700 $2,200 $2,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 11
At the Convention he resisted an attempt to make him "king"
    $200 26
In 1982, oldest "human" remains known to date were discovered in Africa in this drought-stricken country
    $200 13
Camels & deer, like cattle, are ruminants, meaning they have compound stomachs & do this
    $200 25
Hemingway claimed all modern American literature comes from this book by Mark Twain
    $200 6
Deposed in 1688, James II was the last English king of this religion
    $200 4
The plural of auditorium
    $400 12
At age 81, he was by far the oldest delegate
    $400 27
Carbon dating puts the building of this landmark on the Salisbury Plain back to about 1988 B.C.
    $400 17
Anteaters are classified as Edentata, animals that have none of these or ones that are weak
    $400 24
Claiming it wasn't in his vein, Hawthorne turned over the task of writing "Evangeline" to him
    $400 7
He married Berengaria of Navarre while he was off on a crusade
    $400 3
The plural of index
    $600 14
Not present at the Convention, he was serving as U.S. Minister to France at the time
    $600 28
In 1940 in France, 4 kids looking for their dog discovered Lascaux Cave, famous for these
    $600 18
Probably to reduce competition, female giraffes do this with their necks bent, males, at full stretch
    $600 23
In 1938, his humorous "I'm a Stranger Here Myself" was 1 of few poetry books ever to make best-seller lists
    $600 8
Historically, this legendary "king" was probably a Celtic chieftain who lived in the 6th century
    $600 1
The plural of seraph
    $800 15
Not present at the Convention, he was serving as U.S. Minister to England at the time
    DD: $1,000 29
In North America, most archaeologists receive their training in this academic dept. of a university
    $800 19
Zebras belong to this Latin genus
    $800 22
Carson McCullers novel that deals with a deaf mute's associations in a small southern town
    DD: $1,500 9
1 of the 3 Danish kings who ruled England in the 11th century
    $800 2
The plural of genius
    $1000 16
The only signer from New York, he wanted the president to hold office for life
    $1000 30
Inspired by Homer's epics, this German businessman discovered & excavated Ancient Troy
    $1000 20
It's the term for the breeding ground of seals, as well as for certain birds
    $1000 21
Only "X" entry in "The Reader's Encyc. of Am. Lit." is "Xingu", a story by this "Ethan Frome" author
    $1000 10
Though Shakespeare said he was murdered, some say he starved himself after being deposed by Henry IV
    $1000 5
The plural of genus

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Louise Joan Peggy
$4,800 $5,400 $10,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

The 2 Black Americans who have won the Nobel Peace Prize

Final scores:

Louise Joan Peggy
$4,700 $7,000 $11,400

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Louise Joan Peggy
$4,100 $5,400 $10,200
17 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
16 R,
2 W
20 R
(including 2 DDs),
0 W

Combined Coryat: $19,700

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1988-03-02
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