Show #863 - Wednesday, May 11, 1988

1988 Senior Tournament quarterfinal game 3.


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Fran Kirchhof, a retired bookstore person from Denver, Colorado

Katie O'Callaghan, a teacher from Tucson, Arizona

Bob Winthrop, a technical writer originally from Hannibal, Missouri

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 29
Varsovians are inhabitants of this city in Poland
    $100 28
The order Struthioniformes contains only one living species, this really big bird
    $100 7
In movie musicals of the '50s, her name preceded "& Gower Champion"
    $100 2
In golf, it denotes a tournament which can be entered by both amateur & professional players
    $100 20
On their 99th birthday, Britons are eligible to receive a birthday telegram from her
    $200 10
Someone originally from Naples, or a 3-flavored brick of ice cream originally from 19th c. America
    $200 27
These animals know "dam" well they live in a place called a lodge
    $200 6
He was Cyd Charisse's dance partner in "On an Island with You" before he escaped to "Fantasy Island"
    $200 17
In every verse, "brave" is rhymed with this word
    $200 3
For a football team, it's being sent back 5 yards, for a hockey player, being put in a box
    $200 14
One occasionally still sees signs with 3 triangles on them indicating a building once had this
    $300 8
If you sang "Good Night, Cairene", you'd be addressing someone from this city
    $300 24
While a Kodak is a camera, a Kodiak is one of these
    $300 1
In Lear's poem, "...hand in hand, on the edge of the sand, they danced by the light of the moon"
    $300 15
This word means elevated fortifications, often including parapets
    $300 11
A 40-40 tie in tennis
    $300 21
Allegedly, it was how they used their knives so people of this state were once called "Toothpicks"
    $400 9
Literally the fruit of a prickly pear, a Sabra also means a native of this Mediterranean country
    DD: $500 25
Males & females of this kind of animal can be called harts & hinds
    $400 4
Born Vernon Blythe & Irene Foote, they were famous for their fancy footwork
    $400 18
Of a lawyer, doctor, or soldier, profession of Francis Scott Key when he wrote "The Banner"
    $400 13
Unless he's up 1st in an inning a baseball player is usually here just before he's "at bat"
    $400 22
Executives of the Haggar Company coined this word for "trousers"
    $500 12
Though the term may mean "white houses", Cariocas now live in houses of various colors in this city
    $500 26
This animal's name came from the fact it frequents shrubbery & has a piglike nose
    $500 5
In the 1947 film "Good News", Peter Lawford did "The Varsity Drag" with this tiny blonde
    $500 19
It happened on March 3, 1931, some 116 years after the poem was written
    $500 16
Goalposts & bedposts are different nicknames for this in bowling
    $500 23
In the late 19th c., engineer Sandford Fleming proposed that the world be divided into 24 of these

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Bob Katie Fran
$2,600 $0 $1,500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Bob Katie Fran
$3,000 $600 $4,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

"HIGH" & "DRY"
    $200 12
The bearded figure in his Florentine pieta is a self-portrait at about age 80
    $200 28
The biblical statue showing swords beaten into plowshares was a gift from this atheistic country
    $200 3
Olvier Holmes' middle name
    $200 17
Since this has happened over 500 times, Wash. State ferry crews receive obstetrical training
    $200 1
Grades 9-12, or a in some places, 10-12
    $400 11
At age 81, she went to Ireland to thank the Irish for providing soldiers for the Boer War
    $400 27
U.N. forces maintain a precarious peace on this Eastern Mediterranean island
    $400 4
Edna Millay's middle name
    DD: $2,000 29
His show featured "Crazy Shots", "The Question Man", & the following theme:
    $400 13
About 120 times a day Texas' Los Ebanos Ferry is pulled by hand across this river
    $400 2
In this process, synthetic solvents are substituted for water
    $600 8
In the 1932 German presidential election, this 84-year-old defeated 43-year-old Hitler
    $600 23
More U.N. agencies are headquartered in this non-member country than any other single country
    $600 5
William Howells' middle name
    $600 25
This '60s police comedy, set in the Bronx was actually filmed in the Bronx
    $600 14
From 1898 to 1975, this was the fare on the Staten Island Ferry
    $600 18
Traditionally, the ocean beyond the 3-mile limit
    $800 9
At ages 90 & 77 respectively, they published the last volume of their "Story of Civilization"
    $800 22
The 1st time the U.S. ever did this in the Security Council was in 1970
    $800 6
Gerard Hopkins' middle name
    $800 24
For many years, Jack Lescoulie was a regular on this program
    DD: $600 15
The oldest operating ferry boat run by this state is named the "Governor Muskie"
    $800 20
This folk dance from the British Isles was originally, a male victory dance
    $1000 10
In 1966, this 67-year-old Supreme Court Justice married 23-year-old Cathleen Heffernan
    $1000 21
Of the 6 major U.N. organs, it's the 1 housed in the famous rectangular-shaped building
    $1000 7
Wilkie was this aurthor's middle name, not his first
    $1000 26
This music maker's show originally debuted in 1955 as "The Dodge Dancing Party"
    $1000 16
In 1879, Robert Louis Stevenson noted the ferry ride in describing his arrival at this California city
    $1000 19
They were named by Ponce de Leon in 1513 because of the turtles he found in nearby waters

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Bob Katie Fran
$9,800 $1,200 $10,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

2 of the 5 states whose highest point of elevation is less than 1000 feet above sea level

Final scores:

Bob Katie Fran
$7,800 $0 $11,800
2nd place: $1,000 if eliminated 3rd place: $1,000 if eliminated Automatic semifinalist

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Bob Katie Fran
$8,200 $1,200 $10,900
25 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
7 R,
2 W
24 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $20,300

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1988-03-01
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