Show #2238 - Wednesday, May 4, 1994

1994 College Championship quarterfinal game 3.


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Martin Poteralski, a senior from Georgia Tech

Elizabeth Lizotte, a senior from Simpson College

Dave Goldsmith, a senior from Colgate University

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 20
The humuhumunuku-nukuapuaa, found in this state's waters, is a triggerfish
    $100 22
If you can "spare" the time in St. Louis, you might "strike out" & visit the hall of fame for this sport
    $100 28
These cutters come in festive shapes, so Heloise thinks it's fun to use them as napkin rings
    $100 11
This "Red Badge of Courage" author wrote his shipwreck story "The Open Boat" after surviving a shipwreck
    $100 5
While much of this residence is off limits, you can visit the Blue, Green & East Rooms
    $100 1
Willard made a sculpture of this animal out of tar
    $200 2
The "walking" variety of this fish was introduced into Florida from Asia in the 1960s
    $200 23
In 1992 this black tennis star was named Sportsman of the Year by Sports Illustrated
    $200 21
Extra! Extra! Heloise recycles these by shredding them to line hamster cages
    $200 12
Thomas Wolfe told this author, "'Tender is the Night’ had in it the best work you have ever done"
    $200 6
Wondering what a million dollars looks like? It's on display at Binion's Horseshoe Casino in this Nevada city
    $200 4
Horst hates to be described by this adjective—he prefers diminutive
    $300 3
A black type of this common fishbowl fish is called a moor
    $300 25
In the 1994 Orange Bowl, this team won the college football title by defeating Nebraska, 18-16
    $300 24
Of mayonnaise, butter or honey, the one Heloise loves to use a hair conditioner
    $300 13
This Daniel Defoe character may have been inspired by the notorious thief Moll King
    $300 7
The observation deck of this 605-foot landmark offers a 360-degree view of Seattle & Puget Sound
    $300 17
Mary says it's her favorite branch of the service
    $400 8
Scientists have introduced the coho species of this fish into the Great Lakes to control alewives
    $400 26
Sam Snead has won over 80 professional tournaments in this sport
    $400 29
Collect this in a plastic container as it falls, then mix it with cream & maple syrup for a yummy dessert
    $400 14
Chapter I of this George Eliot novel is entitled "Outside Dorlcote Mill"
    $400 9
A cog railway can take you up this highest mountain in New Hampshire
    $400 18
Carole aspires to be this kind of medium; maybe she should move to Delphi
    DD: $800 16
Georges Bank & the Grand Banks are the best fishing grounds for this fish, Gadus morhua
    $500 27
In 1969 this New York Jets quarterback was the MVP of Super Bowl III
    $500 30
For a restful bath Heloise uses a partially inflated plastic beach ball as this
    $500 15
Virgil based the last 6 books of this epic on the "Iliad"
    $500 10
Of interest in & around this Minnesota city are the Mayo Clinic, Mayo Park & Mayowood
    $500 19
Jay only drinks pure water from this country

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Dave Elizabeth Martin
$0 $2,100 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Dave Elizabeth Martin
$500 $4,100 $1,900

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 20
Certain Virginia families can trace their ancestry to this woman through her son Thomas Rolfe
    $200 1
Partly out of modesty, his sister Fanny Mendelssohn published some of her songs under his name
    $200 7
The palm that produces this extremely sweet fruit may be the world's oldest cultivated plant
    $200 8
In 1862 the Confederate Congress passed a bill exempting anyone owning 20 of these from military service
    $200 21
Neophobia is a fear of anything that's this
    $200 26
This country contains over 3/4 of the total area of the former Soviet Union
    $400 27
This Shoshone woman saved the records of the Lewis & Clark expedition when a boat capsized
    $400 2
This city is considered the birthplace of Dixieland jazz
    $400 15
This root vegetable shouldn't be peeled before cooking as the red color will leach out of it
    $400 11
The USS Rhode Island rescued 47 members of the crew of this ironclad when it sank Dec. 31, 1862
    $400 17
Famed psychoanalyst who wrote "Das Ich und das Es"—"The Ego and the Id"
    $400 25
Until 1990 Moldova had been known by this name
    $600 28
A city on Lake Winnebago in this state is named for Oshkosh, an American ally in the Black Hawk War
    $600 3
The di bravura type of this operatic solo shows off a singer's skill & emotional range
    $600 16
The name of this relative of the cabbage comes from the Latin bracchium, meaning "arm" or "branch"
    $600 12
Federal forces recaptured this South Carolina fort Feb. 18, 1865
    $600 22
Many people respond to this famous test by saying the inkblots look like bats or witches
    $600 4
The black soil of the steppes in this country has made it the "breadbasket" of the C.I.S.
    $800 29
John Ross helped write a constitution for this tribe after it traveled the "Trail of Tears"
    $800 5
This Gilbert & Sullivan operetta opens on the quarter-deck of the title ship
    $800 18
Though it originated in S. America, the potato came to N. America from this European country
    $800 13
This general for whom a "Charge" at Gettysburg is named never forgave Lee for ordering it
    $800 23
Dementia praecox is an obsolete term for this severe disorder whose name means "splitting in the mind"
    $800 9
Letts make up a little over half of this Baltic nation's population
    $1000 30
This Chiricahua Apache leader remained under gov't control from his capture in 1886 until his death in 1909
    $1000 6
This composer's "Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2" includes music for a csardas, a traditional Hungarian dance
    $1000 19
This starchy type of banana is always eaten cooked
    $1000 14
Over 13,000 Union prisoners perished at this prison camp near Americus, Georgia
    DD: $1,000 24
Kurt Koffka was a leader in this system of psychology whose name is German for "form" or "shape"
    DD: $1,500 10
Muslim Azerbaijan & this Christian country each claim Nagorno Karabakh an enclave within Azerbaijan

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Dave Elizabeth Martin
$6,700 $6,500 $9,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

In the majority of the state legislatures, this person presides over the senate

Final scores:

Dave Elizabeth Martin
$13,300 $13,000 $12,600
Automatic semifinalist 2nd place: $1,000 if eliminated 3rd place: $1,000 if eliminated

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Dave Elizabeth Martin
$6,700 $6,500 $10,100
14 R,
2 W
21 R,
2 W
22 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $23,300

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1994-02-27
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