Show #2853 - Wednesday, January 15, 1997

Paul Gutowski game 4.


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Julie Johnson, an assistant director from Emporia, Kansas

Doug Fitch, a college student from Casselberry, Florida

Paul Gutowski, a substance abuse counselor from Rockford, Illinois (whose 3-day cash winnings total $32,301)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 9
The remains of the Rose Theater & this one also associated with Shakespeare were uncovered in London in 1989
    $100 11
Popular in China, shaoxing is a wine made from this grain
    $100 22
The weaverbird was named for its habit of weaving these from plant fibers
    $100 2
Most geographers define the northern terminus of the Blue Ridge Mountains as Harpers Ferry in this state
    $100 7
In an Oscar-winning Disney song, this nonsense phrase precedes "My, oh my, what a wonderful day"
    $100 1
This amusement park attraction contains devices to surprise, frighten, bewilder or amuse
    $200 10
The tomb of Han king Liu Wu yielded his body & a shroud made of this green gemstone
    $200 12
Amontillado, a type of this fortified wine, has a distinctively nutty flavor
    $200 23
The Australian budgerigar is the bird usually sold as this in pet stores
    $200 3
The Bitterroot Range of this mountain chain extends more than 300 miles along the Idaho-Montana border
    $200 13
Of "De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da", "Goo Goo", & "Nee Nee Na Na Na Na Nu Nu", the one never a Top 40 hit
    $200 8
This type of popular music combines elements of jazz, soul & blues
    $300 15
Like calvados, Swiss batzi is a brandy made from this fruit
    DD: $500 4
Mount St. Elias is the second-highest mountain in this state & in the U.S.
    $300 14
According to the title of a Roger Miller song, it's what you can't do "In a buffalo herd"
    $300 19
This Protestant movement was organized in opposition to liberalism & secularism
    $400 26
A recent study suggests that this 3.2-million-year-old skeleton of a female is actually a male
    $400 16
This cocktail contains vodka, gin, rum, tequila, lemon juice & cola, but no Lipton's
    $400 5
Rising from the ocean floor, this most massive mountain in the world lies south of Mauna Kea
    $400 17
Syllables that follow "It don't mean a thing, if you ain't got that swing"
    $400 20
Any person who holds a particular office or trust
    $500 24
The palace of this king who ordered the massacre of the innocents was discovered at Masada in 1955
    $500 27
First produced in 1801, this "royal" brand is "Scotland's Prince of Whiskies"
    $500 25
Gymnogyps Californianus is the scientific name of this largest North American vulture
    $500 6
This river carved a "water gap" in the Kittatinny Mountains between New Jersey & Pennsylvania
    $500 18
1971 Top 10 hit from Daddy Dewdrop; "Don't Ya Jes' Love It"
    $500 21
On this type of railway, ascending & descending cars may counterbalance each other

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Paul Doug Julie
$1,400 $600 $700

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Paul Doug Julie
$2,900 $100 $2,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 21
Len Cariou, Broadway's original Sweeney Todd, plays this author in the one-man show "Papa"
    $200 1
This patriot was the first to sign the Declaration of Independence
    $200 24
Annie Leibovitz was 23 when she became chief photographer for this music magazine in 1973
    $200 2
This Dutch city has more than 400 bridges linking its approximately 90 islands
    $200 16
He's sometimes referred to as the "Apostle of Ireland"
    $200 4
Lewis Carroll based this title girl on a daughter of the dean of Oxford's Christ Church College
    $400 22
You could call Nicol Williamson's recent one-man show a "Great Profile" of this great stage actor
    $400 8
On November 15, 1777, Congress adopted this constitution
    $400 25
Grace Mirabella edited this magazine for 17 years before launching her own in 1989
    DD: $600 3
Capital in which the following was minted:
    $400 17
This saint of Assisi was baptized Giovanni; his name was changed by his father
    $400 6
Fortunato is the unfortunate victim in this author's famous horror story "The Cask Of Amontillado"
    $600 23
A category on Famous Andreas might include this "SCTV" actress who stars in "Nude, Nude, Totally Nude"
    $600 9
Americans lost this June 17, 1775 battle at Charlestown, Massachusetts because they ran out of ammunition
    $600 29
In 1996 this children's magazine that features Goofus & Gallant celebrated its 50th anniversary
    $600 5
This South American capital was founded in 1538 close to a Chibcha Indian center called Bacata
    $600 18
A cathedral in Salerno, Italy is said to contain the crypt of this saint & author of the 1st gospel
    $600 7
This Anne Rice vampire has very white skin "that has to be powdered down for cameras of any kind"
    $800 10
In this 1783 treaty, America pledged to restore property to loyalists
    $800 28
Published by Conde Nast, it's "America's Food and Entertaining Magazine"
    $800 12
The Islamic University of Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud & the Abdulaziz Military Academy are in this city
    $800 19
Mother of the Virgin Mary, she's the patron saint of pregnant women
    $800 13
Montague Tigg uses the rather obvious alias Tigg Montague in his novel "Martin Chuzzlewit"
    $1000 26
This comic, once a rabbi, calls his newest solo show "Love Thy Neighbor"
    $1000 11
British general Howe's September 1777 victory at this Pennsylvania creek led to the occupation of Philadelphia
    DD: $2,000 27
Founded in 1857, this Boston-based magazine was named by Oliver Wendell Holmes
    $1000 15
In 1768 the Gurkhas captured this city & made it their capital
    $1000 20
In 1970 this saint of Avila became the first woman named a doctor of the Roman Catholic Church
    $1000 14
In a 1766 novel Squire Thornhill abducts Sophia Primrose, whose father is "The Vicar Of" this

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Paul Doug Julie
$7,900 $6,300 $5,200

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Before achieving fame in Hollywood, he was a cosmetician to the Russian royal court

Final scores:

Paul Doug Julie
$3,199 $0 $2,500
4-day champion: $35,500 3rd place: Samsung 19-inch TV-VCR combo 2nd place: Wallace Silversmiths 5-piece tea service

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Paul Doug Julie
$7,900 $5,100 $5,800
18 R,
0 W
11 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
16 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $18,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1996-11-06
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