Show #2641 - Monday, February 12, 1996

1996 College Championship quarterfinal game 1.


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Michael Musgrove, a senior from Georgia Tech University

Bryan Fagan, a junior from Southwest Missouri State University

Jenn Cunningham, a senior from Yale University

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Jeopardy! Round

THE 1840s
    $100 5
The kiwi is the only bird with nostrils at the tip of this
    $100 1
Nashiti, a laquerware technique developed in this country, features flakes of gold leaf
    $100 6
This year lent its name to California gold rushers
    $100 13
Add a letter to knee to get this word that means to fall on your knees
    $100 19
More than 40 peaks in this South American range rise above 20,000 feet
    $100 3
This lunar word completes the CD title starring Margot Kidder & Brian Keith, "Under a Killing..."
    $200 30
If a glass lizard breaks off this body part, another one can grow
    $200 4
A popular type of 17th century woodwork was made to resemble this ocean vegetation
    $200 8
Discovered in 1846, this explosive liquid was later found to help symtoms of angina pectoris
    $200 14
It's a small broom used a a clothes brush
    $200 20
This Scottish capital lies on a series of hills surrounding a valley called Princes Street Gardens
    $200 2
In "Slam City" you go one-on-one in this sport with Scottie Pippen
    $300 28
Ctenocephalides felis is a flea best known for pestering these animals
    $300 7
Valenciennes is one of the finest "pillow" types of this delicate openwork fabric
    $300 9
In 1848 a flock of these birds devoured the crickets threatening Utah's crops
    $300 16
According to Longfellow, it's what Priscilla wanted John Alden to do for himself
    $300 21
This snowy eastern region of Russia makes up about 3/4 of the country's area
    $300 11
This Belgian star of the film "Street Fighter" is in the Sony PlayStation game, too
    $400 27
Some female Indian elephants have extremely short ones of these called tushes
    $400 15
This country's Capodimonte porcelain factory was founded in 1743 on the grounds of a royal palace
    $400 10
Christoph Buys Ballot explored this mode of transportation to prove the Doppler effect
    $400 17
It means a square of turf; if you create one on a golf course, you should replace it
    $400 22
The Sinai Peninsula & the tip of Arabia lie at either end of this "colorful" sea
    $400 26
An ex-lifeguard of "Baywatch" & a star of "Under Siege", she plays twins on the "Panic in the Park" CD
    $500 24
Typically, this flatfish whose name comes from the word "holy" has both eyes on the right side of its head
    $500 25
From the Latin filum (thread), & granum (grain), it's delicate ornamental work done with fine metal wire
    DD: $1,400 12
Slogan used by U.S. expansionists in the dispute over the Oregon border
    $500 18
The first 5-letter cardinal number is three & the first 5-letter ordinal number is this
    $500 23
The name of this island nation off the coast of India means "beautiful island" in the native language
    $500 29
In "Bloodwings: Pumpkinhead's Revenge", you can see this daughter of Monkee Mickey

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 10):

Jenn Bryan Michael
$500 $1,100 $400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jenn Bryan Michael
$1,100 $5,100 $1,500

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 27
St. Augustine, the 1st Christian missionary to England, founded the abbey here, & that's no tale
    $200 11
The U.S. Mint & the Bureau of the Public Debt are divisions of this cabinet department
    $200 17
These are usually removed from Muscat grapes before the grapes are turned into raisins
    $200 1
Last name of Poe twins Roderick & Madeline; their house fell
    $200 16
It's the number of degrees in a circle
    $200 6
Handel's opera about Julius Caesar & this queen is considered one of his greatest
    $400 12
In 1982 this Surgeon General called smoking "the most important public health issue of our time"
    $400 18
These are made by dehydrating plums in an oven
    $400 2
Stephen Dedalus, the hero of this author's first novel, also appears in his second, "Ulysses"
    $400 21
If a gallon of milk is too hard to handle, you can buy this many quarts; it's the same
    $400 7
Andre Gretry composed a 1784 opera about this crusader king & his favorite minstrel, Blondel
    $600 29
This 1899 Chinese uprising began with the Righteous & Harmonious Fists attacking missionaries
    $600 13
In August 1995 this former NBA player & Senator from New Jersey announced he wouldn't run for reelection
    $600 19
Members of the laurel family include cinnamon, sassafras & this guacamole ingredient
    $600 3
Gregor Samsa experiences this title process in a 1915 Franz Kafka story
    $600 22
A hectare, a metric measure of area, is equal to 247 of these units
    $600 8
Though set in Ancient Persia, "Serse", Handel's opera about this ruler, includes some London street songs
    $800 28
In 1735 this English founder of Methodism traveled to Georgia as a missionary
    $800 14
This current Secretary of the Interior received a b.s. in geology from Notre Dame
    $800 24
The hydrogenated oil of this palm fruit has been used a margarine's primary ingredient
    DD: $2,313 4
Title assumed by Edmond Dantes, a Dumas hero who escapes from a prison
    $800 23
Barometers often measure atmospheric pressure in these units abbreviated mb
    $800 9
In an 1837 opera by Donizetti, this queen loves the Earl of Essex but he love the Duchess of Nottingham
    $1000 20
In 1539 Franciscan missionary Marcos de Niza came upon this septet of Zuni settlements
    DD: $1,600 15
In 1973 Richard Helms, James Schlesinger & William Colby all served as director of this agency
    $1000 25
This potato man discarded about 65,000 berry bushes to create his blackberry-raspberry hybrid
    $1000 5
When we experience "One Day in" his life, he's serving his 9th year in a Siberian labor camp
    $1000 26
The explosive force of a nuclear bomb is measured in these units
    $1000 10
Massenet's opera about this Castilian hero is set in 12th century Seville

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jenn Bryan Michael
$1,300 $17,413 $5,100
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

This American general born in 1820 was called "Cump" by his siblings

Final scores:

Jenn Bryan Michael
$2,600 $21,613 $10,200
3rd place: $1,000 if eliminated Automatic semifinalist 2nd place: $1,000 if eliminated

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Jenn Bryan Michael
$1,300 $14,400 $5,100
10 R,
4 W
33 R
(including 3 DDs),
1 W
14 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $20,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1996-01-09
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