Show #636 - Monday, May 18, 1987

1987 Senior Tournament semifinal game 1.


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Lee Saunders, a part-time textbook editor from Orlando, Florida

Joe McKenna, a retired professor of economics from St. Louis, Missouri

Ruth Henoch, a teacher from Potomac, Maryland

[next game >>]

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 16
Secretaries in NYC, Washington, D.C., & L.A. ritually toss these out of windows on December 31
    $100 20
The 1st False Dmitri became this in 1605, but don't worry, he was killed the next year
    $100 10
In the show's opening, the reply to "Henry! Henry Aldrich!"
    $100 15
The oried covering of the nutmeg, it's not used in the mixture sprayed in an attacker's face
    $100 1
An antonym of humble, it's how the Marines describe themselves
    $100 5
While a trapper is a hunter, a Trappist is one of these
    $200 17
In Roget's thesaurus, "a jiffy" is considered synonymous with "2 shakes of a this animal's "tail"
    $200 21
She didn't use nepotism to get the throne in 1762, she used force
    $200 11
How Frank Nelson as a salesclerk would reply when Jack Benny opened with "Oh, sir?"
    $200 26
It can describe a piece of garlic or be a spice by itself
    $200 2
A phrase meaning intermittent, or the antonyms on a light switch
    $200 6
They come in air raid, game, or prison varieties
    $300 19
In the Northern Hemisphere, month in which the harvest moon appears
    $300 24
Name by which the Communists went in 1917
    $300 12
After the resounding crashes, he would muse "Gotta clean out that closet someday"
    $300 28
Plant of the mint family, or a member of the Rathbone family
    $300 3
It describes a sauce containing sugar & vinegar
    $300 7
Before computer terminals, you called this person to carry your newspaper story to the editor
    $400 22
1982 film set in 1954 & starring Peter O'Toole
    $400 25
In the 1200s, a conquered Russia became part of this Asian empire
    $400 13
Quarrelsome couple played by Don Ameche & Frances Langford
    $400 29
In French, this herb is "estragon"
    $400 4
Pair of action antonyms used for both dinner tables & typewriter tabs
    $400 8
The parliamentary officer appointed to keep order within an organization
    $500 23
Song which begins "Once upon a time there was a tavern..."
    DD: $200 27
1 of the 5 composers collectively known as the "Moguchaya Kuchka", or "Mighty Handful"
    $500 14
They were the married couple that lived "in the small house halfway up the next block"
    $500 30
Jamaican pepper is also known by this totally encompassing name
    $500 9
Meaning "flowing", in handwriting it's the opposite of manuscript
    $500 18
Position in airport operations which relies on an echo location receiver

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Ruth Joe Lee
$1,000 $1,200 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Ruth Joe Lee
$1,700 $3,000 $2,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
In the '50s he published "Brave New World Revisited" a supplement to his 1932 work
    $200 12
Olaus Roemer announced to Paris scientists in 1676 that he had calculated the speed of this
    $200 15
This royal family's name came from one of their 1st castles, "Habichtsburg", Hawk's Castle
    $200 2
The high card in a royal flush poker hand
    $200 7
Meaning "belonging to the muses", it's a picture made of colored tiles set in mortar
    $200 20
The Pharaoh's reaction resulting from the 10th plague, death of the Egyptian 1st born
    $400 3
His brother Orion bought the Hannibal Journal in 1851
    $400 13
Research chemist Chaim Weizmann was the 1st president of this country
    $400 16
Bran Castle in Romania's Carpathian Mountains is touted to tourists as this man's home
    $400 25
Other category on this board which is the title of a game that fits in this category
    DD: $600 8
TV private detective whose theme was the following:
    $400 21
Though "many are called," this occurs
    $600 4
This author's real 1st name was the one he gave to his detective Sam Spade
    $600 14
British chemist remembered not for his steel process but for his raincoat
    $600 17
A castle on this site some 21 miles west of London goes back to the time of William the Conqueror
    $600 26
Number of bicycles which appear on the back of any card in a standard Bicycle deck
    $600 9
To assemble the troops, or a list of those assembled
    $600 22
In Mark 14:43-46, it's what happened to Jesus after being kissed by Judas
    $800 5
Author of "The Agony & the Ecstasy", he worked his way through college picking fruit & playing sax
    DD: $500 28
Henrik Dam won '43 Nobel Prize for discovery of this vitamin he named from German spelling of "coagulation"
    $800 18
Contrary to its romanticized history, this Death Valley landmark was built by Albert Johnson
    $800 27
Among the different versions of this game for which Hoyle gives rules are cutthroat & honeymoon
    $800 10
The top of a spar on a ship, or the place to list a magazine's staff
    $800 23
His actions resulted in his being forced to go on his belly & eat dust
    $1000 6
Barnum & Bailey's Circus used to reenact the chariot race from this man's 1880 novel
    $1000 19
The opulent Chateau d'Artigny was built by this 20th century French perfume king
    $1000 11
The word "mutt", a mongrel, is a shortened form of this word for fool
    $1000 24
The result of this is "both shall fall into the ditch"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Ruth Joe Lee
$6,800 $5,200 $3,400

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Title 4 of the U.S. Code states its length must be exactly 1.9 times its width

Final scores:

Ruth Joe Lee
$3,199 $0 $6,800
2nd place: $5,000 3rd place: $5,000 Finalist

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Ruth Joe Lee
$7,300 $5,800 $3,600
17 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
16 R,
1 W
(including 1 DD)
15 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $16,700

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1987-02-11
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