Secretaries in NYC, Washington, D.C., & L.A. ritually toss these out of windows on December 31 |
The 1st False Dmitri became this in 1605, but don't worry, he was killed the next year |
In the show's opening, the reply to "Henry! Henry Aldrich!" |
Com-ing, Mother!
The oried covering of the nutmeg, it's not used in the mixture sprayed in an attacker's face |
An antonym of humble, it's how the Marines describe themselves |
While a trapper is a hunter, a Trappist is one of these |
In Roget's thesaurus, "a jiffy" is considered synonymous with "2 shakes of a this animal's "tail" |
She didn't use nepotism to get the throne in 1762, she used force |
Catherine the Great
How Frank Nelson as a salesclerk would reply when Jack Benny opened with "Oh, sir?" |
It can describe a piece of garlic or be a spice by itself |
A phrase meaning intermittent, or the antonyms on a light switch |
off & on
They come in air raid, game, or prison varieties |
In the Northern Hemisphere, month in which the harvest moon appears |
(Lee: What is August?)
Name by which the Communists went in 1917 |
After the resounding crashes, he would muse "Gotta clean out that closet someday" |
Fibber McGee
Plant of the mint family, or a member of the Rathbone family |
It describes a sauce containing sugar & vinegar |
sweet & sour
Before computer terminals, you called this person to carry your newspaper story to the editor |
copy boy
1982 film set in 1954 & starring Peter O'Toole |
My Favorite Year
In the 1200s, a conquered Russia became part of this Asian empire |
Quarrelsome couple played by Don Ameche & Frances Langford |
(John & Blanche) The Bickersons
In French, this herb is "estragon" |
Pair of action antonyms used for both dinner tables & typewriter tabs |
(Joe: What is set?) (Alex: Be more specific.)
set & clear
The parliamentary officer appointed to keep order within an organization |
(Ruth: What's a parliamentarian?)
sergeant at arms
Song which begins "Once upon a time there was a tavern..." |
(Alex: "[*]" my friend.)
"Those Were the Days"
1 of the 5 composers collectively known as the "Moguchaya Kuchka", or "Mighty Handful" |
(Alex: [prior to the wager] We've got about a minute to go, Lee.) ... (Lee: Who is Tchaikovsky?)
(1 of) Balakirev, Borodin, Cui, Mussorgsky, Rimsky-Korsakov
They were the married couple that lived "in the small house halfway up the next block" |
Vic & Sade
Jamaican pepper is also known by this totally encompassing name |
Meaning "flowing", in handwriting it's the opposite of manuscript |
Position in airport operations which relies on an echo location receiver |
(air traffic) controller