Show #2013 - Wednesday, May 12, 1993

1993 College Championship semifinal game 3.


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Jessica Sison, a sophomore from San Francisco State University

Phoebe Juel, a junior from Grinnell College

Nelson Brooks, a senior from University of South Carolina

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
Totality during one of these never lasts for more than about 8 minutes
    $100 4
Campbell & Algar
    $100 14
In Wagner's "Das Rheingold", a mallet strikes this blacksmith tool to imitate the sound of dwarf's hammering
    $100 10
In early 1776 Naval Commander in Chief Esek Hopkins raided Nassau in this island group
    $100 30
If you're ready to do something at any time you're ready at "the drop of" one of these
    $100 21
In a cheer it follows "Hip, hip"
    $200 2
These lunar features range in size from tiny pits of more than 600 miles across
    $200 5
Premiere Magazine reports that while Mike Myers got a new wig for the movie, he used the same TV wig for Garth
    $200 19
Usually played in pairs, the metal plates of this percussion instrument are about 14-20" in diameter
    $200 11
This Green Mountain Boy was captured by the British September 25, 1775 & held for over 2 1/2 years
    $200 17
If you work 9-5 Monday through Friday, you work this many hours
    $200 22
This sauce served with fish is usually made with mayonnaise, pickles, onions, olives & capers
    $300 3
These star systems like the Milky Way are sometimes referred to as "island universes"
    $300 6
Garth said of Tia Carrere's character, "If she were president she'd be" this
    $300 23
A standard guitar has 6 strings & a standard banjo has this many
    $300 12
These German mercenaries were so named because about half came from a certain principality
    $300 18
During a leap year the month of April has this many days
    $300 27
1 of 6 openings at the sides & corners of a pool table
    DD: $700 8
Olympus Mons, believed to be the largest volcano in the solar system, is located on this planet
    $400 7
The German version of the film translated this catch phrase as "Wir sind unwurdig"
    $400 24
The trombone was developed in the 1400s as a variable of this horn, which was then valveless
    $400 15
He denounced the Stamp Act before the House of Burgesses by saying, "If this be treason, make the most of it"
    $400 20
"Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say goodnight till it be" this
    $400 28
The name of this highly spiced sausage comes from the Latin word for "salt"
    $500 9
The diameter of this planet is estimated to be less than 2,000 miles
    $500 13
The soundtrack brought this 1976 Queen hit back to the charts
    $500 25
James Galway transcribed numerous works for this wind instrument, including Vivaldi's "Four Seasons"
    $500 16
An American retreat from this Pennsylvania creek on Sept. 11, 1777 allowed the British to occupy Phila.
    $500 26
A Gary Cooper film or a 2-word phrase for midday
    $500 29
From an old form of "to maim", it's random or wilful damage

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Nelson Phoebe Jessica
$2,200 $1,300 $0

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Nelson Phoebe Jessica
$3,600 $2,600 $800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 6
A crusader was said "to take up" this religious symbol, which was often sewn on his clothing
    $200 1
Buckwheat, Farina & Alfalfa were part of this kids' group
    $200 30
Clinton's first choice for Attorney General, she withdrew her name
    $200 14
In 1811 Venezuela's independence was proclaimed in this city
    $200 20
Daily horoscopes are must for someone who's interest in this subject
    $200 29
Though adopted July 4, 1776, it may not have been signed by the final delegate until 1781
    $400 7
Some of these fortresses were the motte & bailey style; a motte was a hill, a bailey, a walled court
    $400 2
He was Farmer McGregor's nemesis
    $400 4
He moved from Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee to Secretary of Defense
    $400 15
As a Moorish fortress this capital was known as Majrit
    $400 21
Oneirology studies & interprets these, as did Sigmund Freud
    $400 28
On July 20, 1976 this Milwaukee Brewer hit the final home run of his career, bringing the total to 755
    $600 8
This Queen of England was also known as Eleanor of Guyenne
    DD: $2,000 3
Type of mischief maker seen here
    $600 5
He helped Clinton pick VP Al Gore & Al helped Clinton pick him as Secretary of State
    $600 17
Tourist attractions in this capital include the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts & the Gum Dept. Store
    $600 22
Osteology is the study of these
    $600 25
In November 1888 this notorious London killer claimed his final known victim, Mary Kelly
    $800 16
Mystery, miracle & morality were 3 types of these that were extremely popular during the Middle Ages
    $800 11
The first book published by Mark Twain's company was this sequel to "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"
    DD: $2,000 9
As Secretary of the Treasury, he'll be right on the money, or at least his signature will be
    $800 18
On December 9, 1992 U.S. Marines entered this capital of Somalia
    $800 23
It's the science that deals with dates & sequences of events, or a list of such
    $800 26
The 21st & final session of this international organization took place in April 1946
    $1000 13
He inherited the whole Frankish kingdom when his brother Carloman died in 771
    $1000 12
To get to the bottom of the trouble in "A Midsummer Night's Dream", look to this sprite
    $1000 10
This former San Antonio mayor now head H.U.D.
    $1000 19
It lies just across the river from Hull, Quebec
    $1000 24
Helminthology studies parasitic ones of these, such as the leech & the liver fluke
    $1000 27
In 1848 this composer gave his final concert, a benefit for Polish refugees

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Nelson Phoebe Jessica
$11,400 $13,000 $1,800

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

For his unconventional but effective use of the media, Advertising Age named him its 1992 Adman of the Year

Final scores:

Nelson Phoebe Jessica
$22,800 $26,000 $1
2nd place: $5,000 Finalist 3rd place: $5,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Nelson Phoebe Jessica
$11,100 $10,400 $1,800
24 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
24 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
10 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $23,300

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1993-02-23
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