This young girl of Exmoor was actually an heiress whose true title was lady Lorna Dugal |
Lorna Doone
Clavius, one of the largest of these on the Moon, can be seen without the aid of a telescope |
a crater
In 1886 'this monumental sculpture by Bartholdi was dedicated in New York Harbor |
the Statue of Liberty
The Rio Negro in South America is the longest tributary of the river |
the Amazon
When Washington named Samuel Osgood to this post, it was something to write home about |
Postmaster General
In the film "Twins" Danny DeVito & he played genetically designed twins |
[André imitated the correct response causing both Alex and the audience to laugh.]
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Born James Gatz, he was a bootlegger & a peddler of phony stocks |
the Great Gatsby
The most common compound on Earth, none of it has been found on the Moon |
(André: [Mumbles] What is aluminum?) (Tim: What is carbon?)
water (H2O)
Ceramics are usually fired in one of these special ovens at temperatures ranging from 1200-3500° F. |
a kiln
About 15 miles east of Las Vegas you'll find this largest artificial lake in the U.S. |
Lake Mead
When Washington left office all 5 members of the cabinet got to keep their jobs under this new president |
John Adams
Their children were the twins Alexander Helios & Cleopatra Selene, & Ptolemy Philadelphos |
Antony & Cleopatra
This elderly spinster created by A. Christie solved her 1st case in 1930's "Murder at the Vicarage" |
Jane Marple
Of 1/4, 1/2 or 3/4, the diameter of the Moon as compared to the Earth's |
Japanese master artist Hokusai was famous for his "Thirty-Six Views of" this mountain |
Mount Fuji
The ancient region of Mesopotamia was located between these two rivers |
the Tigris & the Euphrates
Oliver Wolcott got advice on fiscal policy from this man he replaced as Secretary of the Treasury |
Alexander Hamilton
Maurice & Robin Gibb are the twins in this "How Deep Is Your Love" group |
the Bee Gees
Loved by 2 men, Quasimodo & Claude Frollo, this Gypsy girl was later hanged as a sorceress |
[Boisterous reaction from the audience after André gave his correct response and before Alex ruled it correct]
1 of the 2 phases in which the Moon produces the high spring tides on Earth |
a new moon or a full moon
This Florentine sculptor's real name was Donato but we know him better as this |
The Straits of Mackinac connect Lake Huron to this Great Lake |
(Tim: What is Lake Superior?)
Lake Michigan
After Timothy Pickering moved into his 3rd cabinet post, Sec'y of State, James McHenry was named this |
(Scott: What is Treasury Secretary?)
Secretary of War
David Canary has won 3 Emmys for his portrayal of twins Adam & Stuart Chandler on this soap |
All My Children
Paul Baumer, a 19-year-old German soldier, was the narrator of this Erich Maria Remarque novel |
All Quiet on the Western Front
The next full moon after this one is called the Hunter's Moon & occurs around October 25th |
the Harvest Moon
At a Philadelphia art museum, you can see the first bronze cast of this Frenchman's "Gates of Hell" |
(Auguste) Rodin
At Pittsburgh this river joins the Allegheny to form the Ohio |
the Monongahela
Post filled by Edmund Randolph, William Bradford & Charles Lee |
Attorney General
Last name of Phil & Steve, twins who finished 1st & 2nd in the slalom at the 1984 Winter Olympics |