This "Big City" boy isn't allergic to pollan, Tracy Pollan that is |
Michael J. Fox
Joy of Cooking"s recipe for these makes "about 8 5"-long fat men or 16 thinner ones" |
gingerbread men
Over 400 of these account for about 40% of your body's weight, more perhaps for Arnold Schwarzenegger |
When little George Washington moved here as a tot, it was called Little Hunting Creek Plantation |
Mount Vernon
It's a "comfy" covering for your teapot |
a tea cozy
Color of the cover of the album officially titled "The Beatles" |
They have been referred to as the "Vice" king & "The Ice Queen" |
Don Johnson & Barbra Streisand
Traditionally, the crisscross designs on peanut butter cookies are made with this utensil |
a fork
Nails grow from this top layer of skin |
the epidermis
Chincoteague is famous for its wild ponies but has an entire museum devoted to this yummy mollusk |
A jukebox, or an early movie theater that charged only 5¢ |
a nickelodeon
The only day of the week not mentioned in "Lady Madonna"; maybe 3 syllables were hard to rhyme |
She's the new anchor in Mike Nichols' life |
(Alex: CBS, 60 Minutes.)
Diane Sawyer
Pastry chefs know these are the 2 main ingredients in meringue |
egg whites and sugar
Heartburn is not a burning sensation in the heart but in this tube |
the esophagus
1 of the 3 U.S. presidents who also served as governor of Virginia |
James Monroe (or Jefferson or Tyler)
A person who removes the outer covering from trees or one who works outside a carnival show |
a barker
In August 1962 he was kicked out of the group |
Pete Best
In February she got an Olympic bronze; in March she got a gold wedding ring from Brian Hogen |
Debi Thomas
Pralines are most commonly made with this nut |
(Diane: What are almonds?) (Andrew: What are hazelnuts?) ... (Alex: Diane, if you had a second chance, what would you have said? (Diane: {Snapping fingers.] Um, um...[*].) (Alex: That's it, but we can't give it to you, of course, because you were wrong the first time.)
The anatomical name for the voice box |
the larynx
When it became Virginia's capital, Middle Plantation was renamed Williamsburg in this king's honor |
(Andrew: What is Richmond?) (Diane: Who is WIlliam IV?)
William III (William of Orange)
A division within a classification, or ⅙ of a "Jeopardy!" board |
(Alex: That's it, we've got a minute to go.)
a category
Since "Sgt. Pepper" was released in 1967, this was the year Pepper taught the band to play |
(Alex: "It was 20 years ago today." You got it.)
A popular tabloid topic, Gitte & Gastineau are this pair |
Mark Gastineau & Brigitte Nielsen
The part of Great Britain best known for its shortbread |
This hormone causes cells to take in & use sugar from the bloodstream |
This concert site in Vienna, Virginia was the 1st in the Nat'l Park system dedicated to the performing arts |
Wolf Trap
Piece of clothing on which a man usually wears his cockade |
a hat
Tommy Smothers, Timothy Leary & others joined this Beatle & his new wife in the following 1969 hit:
Ev'rybody's talking about Bagism, Shagism, Dragism, Madism, Ragism, Tagism This-ism, that-ism, ism, ism, ism All we are saying is give peace a chance |
John Lennon