Show #1287 - Tuesday, March 20, 1990


[<< previous game]

Peter Bass, a lawyer from Washington, D.C.

Mike Duffy, a law student from Bridgefield, Pennsylvania

Mark Shrager, a budget analyst from Granada Hills, California (whose 2-day cash winnings total $20,000)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 19
This dancer was quoted as saying, "If I sing in the rain now, I get pneumonia"
    $100 16
God told him, "Dust thou art and unto dust shalt thou return"
    $100 14
Country whose basic monetary unit is the ostmark, or "east mark"
    $100 1
According to the Commodores, "You're" this many times "a lady"
    $100 11
All crustaceans have 2 pairs of these; the second pair must be for UHF
    $100 6
A small auto, or a small case containing face powder
    $200 22
Her boyfriend, Tom Arnold, got "Rosey" tattooed on his backside & even exposed it on "A Current Affair"
    $200 20
She announced, "They have taken away the Lord out of the sepulchre"
    $200 17
2-word title of the official who heads the city government of Dublin
    $200 2
In 1968 the Temptations were on this "Cloud"
    $200 12
A blue lobster turns up once in 4 million, but still turns this color when cooked
    $200 7
This adjective meaning "very small" comes from "Gulliver's Travels"
    $300 23
This star of "The Outlaw" said she was once so skinny the boys in school called her "Bones"
    $300 21
She said, "Thou hast mocked me these 3 times and hast not told me wherein thy great strength lieth"
    $300 24
The Greeks called the prehistoric tribes of Spain this, probably after the Ebro River
    DD: $500 3
1964 song heard here in which The Searchers found what they were searching for:

"I took my troubles down to Madame Ruth /
You know that gypsy with the gold-capped tooth..."
    $300 13
They're stuck to ships' hulls & they're hermaphroditic just in case no one's close by
    $300 8
Elves, fairies & Willie WInkie are all described as this
    $400 29
This "Hotel Queen" loves to throw "I'm Just Wild About Harry" birthday bashes for her husband
    $400 27
He "wasted his substance with riotous living"
    $400 25
This country in the Pyrenees is a haven for smugglers
    $400 4
According to The Crests, they "make a lovely sight, but not as bright as your eyes tonight"
    $400 15
If you had a fiddler on your roof, one of these would be clomping around
    $400 9
A small compartment for a Mouseketeer drummer
    $500 30
This pianist has been called Denmark's "Clown Prince"
    $500 28
"His meat was locusts and wild honey"
    $500 26
This eastern European country was established in 1918, with Thomas Masaryk as it's 1st president
    $500 5
Number of the Rolling Stones' 1966 "Nervous Breakdown"
    $500 18
If Sizzler had an all-you-can-eat special on these, you'd bet the baleen whale would go there
    $500 10
Term for the minerals like fluorine, zinc & copper that your body has only in small amounts

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

Mark Mike Peter
$2,700 $400 $900

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Mark Mike Peter
$3,400 $2,600 $1,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Are we out for blood? Peter, you get to pick first.)
    $200 1
A law restricting billboards on interstate highways was encouraged by this first lady
    $200 11
Styles of these include gambrel, curb & mansard
    $200 15
We acquired this state by treaty 9 days after gold was discovered at Sutter's Mill
    $200 20
This noted ornithologist also wrote the text for "Birds of America"
    $200 26
Mix egg white, gin, apple brandy, lemon juice & grenadine & you get this color "Lady"
    $200 3
Hemoglobin has 2 main parts, globin, a protein & heme, which contains this mineral
    $400 2
She met her future husband the year before he ran for Congress from Michigan's fifth district
    $400 12
Ribbed groin vaults & the flying buttress were introduced with this imposing 12th century style
    DD: $1,500 16
The southernmost city, town & point in the 50 states are located on this Hawaiian island
    $400 21
His "Tropic"al books created topical controversy & were banned in the U.S. for many years
    $400 27
It puts the kick in a Moscow mule
    $400 4
If you suffer from a shortage of Vitamin K, your blood may have trouble doing this
    $600 8
In 1939, at Chicago's Girls' Latin School, she played the lead role in the Senior play "First Lady"
    $600 13
The most famous buildings designed by Inigo Jones are in this capital city
    $600 17
Farms occupy 95% of the land in this Cornhusker State, more than any other
    $600 22
'69 R. Moore book made into a film that's subtitled "The World's Most Crucial Narcotics Investigation"
    $600 28
Classes of this fortified wine include Fino, Amontillado & Oloroso
    $600 5
Of the 4 main blood types, the 1 that can be donated to only 1 group, its own
    $800 9
She was almost 6 feet tall & very shy when she made her debut in 1902
    $800 14
This term for wooden paneling comes from the Middle Dutch "wagenschot", perhaps meaning wagon wood
    $800 18
This future state song of Maryland was a battle song for Confederate soldiers
    $800 23
"The Mystery of Marie Roget" was a sequel to this 1841 Poe tale
    $800 29
A motorcycle accessory, or a cocktail made of brandy, Cointreau & lemon juice
    $800 6
The most abundant of the plasma proteins, it's also found in the white of an egg
    DD: $1,500 10
The only president & first lady who were born in the same small town
    $1000 25
This northern Italian born in 1508 has been called the most imitated architect in history
    $1000 19
The Colorado River enters Arizona from this state
    $1000 24
N.H.'s rock formation "The Old Man of the Mtn." was made famous in this N. Hawthorne tale
    $1000 30
The 2 varieties of red port are ruby & this
    $1000 7
Bacteria-eating white blood cells called neutrophils are developed in this

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Mark Mike Peter
$2,600 $5,800 $3,800

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Word derived from the act of breaking up a failed Italian moneylender's market bench

Final scores:

Mark Mike Peter
$5,200 $3,999 $0
3-day champion: $25,200 2nd place: Keller dining furniture + International Siversmith flatware 3rd place: Smith Corona laptop word processor and printer

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Mark Mike Peter
$2,400 $6,200 $3,800
19 R
(including 1 DD),
7 W
19 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
(including 1 DD)
13 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $12,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1989-11-06
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