Show #7987 - Tuesday, May 7, 2019

2019 Teachers Tournament quarterfinal game 2.


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Trevor Crowell, a high school Spanish teacher from Mountain View, California

Matthew Bunch, a middle school civics and world history teacher from Miami, Florida

Tara Baxter, a high school English teacher from Tucson, Arizona

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We'll give you the running mate. You tell us who the other person on the ticket was.)
    $200 26
(Sarah of the Clue Crew presents from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.) Using facilities in Spain, Australia & California, JPL can monitor all space missions beyond the orbit of the Moon from mission control; those stations are spaced by this many degrees longitude, one-third of the globe, to maintain constant contact
    $200 21
The "D" in the name of this tangy juice brand is short for "delight"
    $200 16
The principal has confiscated several of these trading cards including 3 Squirtles
    $200 11
In this title precinct, Detective Rosa Diaz' formal leather jacket is "the one without any blood on it"
    $200 1
Adjective for the chance of being struck by a meteor
    $200 6
Tim Kaine
    $400 27
(Sarah of the Clue Crew presents from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.) A descent vehicle, like the one in this clean room, was used to create a soft landing using the sky crane maneuver to lower this inquisitive rover to the surface in 2012
    $400 22
This brand introduced its cranberry juice cocktail in the early 1930s
    $400 17
The principal won't give back this toy--she doesn't care how well a kid can "rock the baby" or "around the world"
    $400 12
This Jim Parsons character said, "Howard, you know me to be a very smart man. Don't you think if I were wrong, I'd know it?"
    $400 2
It's time to be quiet & do this & not be so verbose
    $400 7
Geraldine Ferraro
    $600 28
(Sarah of the Clue Crew presents from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.) JPL's Juno probe needed a boost to get to its target; scientists designed its trajectory to come back to Earth & then use our gravity to slingshot to this planet, Juno's husband in mythology
    $600 23
Green Machine & Kale Blazer are 2 of the blends from this juice brand that sounds like it bares it all
    $600 18
This red, spherical firecracker with a fruity name was found in one of the bathrooms--thank heavens it didn't go off!
    $600 13
Mr. Peanutbutter, leading a dog's life on this streaming comedy: "Officer... what was I supposed to do? Not chase the mail truck?"
    $600 3
I will not shed this for the beast we just killed--after all, he was a predator
    $600 8
Paul Ryan
    $800 29
(Sarah of the Clue Crew presents from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.) In 2017 JPL was able to restart long-dormant thrusters on Voyager 1; that helped reorient the spacecraft, so it can maintain communication from 13 billion miles away in this 12-letter space between solar systems
    $800 24
A juice brand is punningly named "Apple &" her
    $800 19
No kid is going to have this in school, even if it is the body spray as opposed to the weapon
    $800 14
Creator Mike Judge's own experiences as an engineer partly inspired this high-tech HBO sitcom
    $800 4
Who'd have imagined I'd catch one of these at the seaside?
    $800 9
Hubert Humphrey
    DD: $2,000 30
(Sarah of the Clue Crew presents from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.) To curate the best images, music & messages to put on the two golden records, time capsules of info about Earth the two Voyagers would send outside the solar system, the project created a committee headed by this astronomer & author
    $1000 25
The name of this juice brand that comes in a pouch evokes a warm Italian island
    $1000 20
Several cans of this energy drink that "gives you wings" are in her desk, not all taken from students
    $1000 15
On "Extras", David Bowie made up a song about this British comic that began, "Little fat man who sold his soul" & got so very much worse
    $1000 5
You consider me this adjective, I presume
    $1000 10
Lloyd Bentsen

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Tara Matthew Trevor
$1,400 $5,200 -$200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Tara Matthew Trevor
$3,000 $6,400 $7,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: "P-A-C-K" will end each correct response.)
(Alex: To celebrate the 150th anniversary of its completion, a whole category about...)
    $400 21
"Achilles was still in full pursuit of Hector, as a hound chasing a fawn"
    $400 1
Dude, where's my portfolio? A savvy tech investor, this star of "That '70s Show" was in on Skype in 2009; he did okay
    $400 6
Oil tankers & other ships pay a fee to take this 50-mile Central American shortcut
    $400 26
Called the player-coach of the orchestra, the concertmaster almost always plays this instrument
    $400 11
Originally this celebrity group included Bogie & Bacall; Sinatra was famously a member
    $400 16
We were a multi-tasking nation--the first earth for the east- & westbound route was turned in this middle year of the Civil War
    $800 22
Aesop's moral to this insect fable:
"It is thrifty to prepare today for the wants of tomorrow"
    $800 2
Shailene Woodley, who played Tris in this film series, has enjoyed making her own cheese, face oils & toothpaste
    $800 7
The city of Quetzaltenango in this nation is home to a large population of K'iche' people
    $800 27
This section in the back of the orchestra is sometimes referred to as the battery
    $800 12
Queen Helene says it uses natural English clay in this facial treatment
    $800 17
Every 30 seconds 2 guys laid down a 500- to 700-lb. rail; then came men with sledgehammers driving these, 10 to each rail
    $1200 23
"Of bodies changed to various forms I sing"
    $1200 3
In 2007 Chazz Palminteri brought this outer-borough story to Broadway; he's also got a restaurant on West 46th Street
    $1200 8
Puerto Cortes in Honduras, which handles much of the country's trade, was badly damaged in 1998 by one of these
    $1200 28
The Sousaphone, a type of this brass instrument, wraps around the player
    $1200 13
Canine term for a group of German subs in WWII
    $1200 18
Towns that sprang up with saloons, gambling & sometimes a murder a day got this nickname, also an AMC TV drama about the railroad
    DD: $2,000 24
"Democracy passes into despotism"
    $1600 4
The first time Steve Martin publicly showed his art collection was in 2001 at this Las Vegas hotel
    DD: $3,000 9
A fruit & a bean, they were once the basis of Central America's economy & are now its most important fair trade crops
    $1600 29
Orchestra these are a lot less dome-y than the church types
    $1600 14
The average blue-collar guy
    $1600 19
Near Laramie in this state, the railroad's highest point has a monument to the Ames brothers, shovel millionaires who helped finance it
    $2000 25
"These impossible women...can't live with them, or without them!"
    $2000 5
This "Jurassic Park" co-star made a No. 1 jazz album with his Mildred Snitzer Orchestra
    $2000 10
English is the official language of Belize, which was known by this 2-word name from 1862 until 1973
    $2000 30
This standard orchestral woodwind is about 4 1/2 feet long with a curved metal piece called a crook or bocal
    $2000 15
Melting from one of these in the Sierra Nevada provides about 1/3 of California's water needs
    $2000 20
Other workers drank ditch water & got ill; Chinese workers drank tea & became 90% of the workforce of this co. heading east from California

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Tara Matthew Trevor
$1,000 $12,400 $15,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

As a teenager this woman regained her sight thanks to 2 surgeries in 1881 & 1882

Final scores:

Tara Matthew Trevor
$2,000 $9,600 $15,500
3rd place: $5,000 if eliminated 2nd place: $5,000 if eliminated Automatic semifinalist

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Tara Matthew Trevor
$1,000 $12,400 $12,800
8 R,
4 W
21 R,
3 W
20 R
(including 3 DDs),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $26,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2019-04-01
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