Show #1698 - Wednesday, January 8, 1992


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Darlynne Burnett, a district manager from Wrightwood, California

Peter Wadhams, a podiatrist originally from Rochester, New York

Bruce Gardner, a veterinarian from Cerritos, California (whose 2-day cash winnings total $18,202)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 7
In August 1891 the first one of these sold by American Express was cashed
    $100 13
Gourmet cooks often dredge these frog parts in seasoned flour before cooking them
    $100 1
The anchor of this Civil War ironclad was recovered off the N. Carolina coast in 1983
    $100 26
In 1940 Raymond Massey played John Brown in "Santa Fe Trail" & this president "in Illinois"
    $100 2
The Penguin Book of Saints calls him the foster father of Jesus Christ
    $100 15
Derived from Gaelic for "enough", it means abundant & was Pussy's last name in "Goldfinger"
    $200 8
Mary Ann Nichols, a prostitute in Whitechapel, became his 1st victim on August 31, 1888
    $200 18
Shirred eggs, which are often topped with milk, cream or butter, are cooked by this method in little ramekins
    $200 12
A monument above the final resting place of this battleship was dedicated at Pearl Harbor in 1962
    $200 27
The cast of this "landmark" film included Richard Boone as Sam Houston & Laurence Harvey as William Travis
    $200 3
His first successor in the See of Rome was St. Linus
    $200 16
This type of booze was probably named because it was distilled or smuggled under lunar light
    $300 9
It was put on display in August 1978 in Turin, Italy's San Giovanni Cathedral
    $300 19
"Female" name of the steak dish with cognac that "Twin Peaks" Agent Cooper might serve to his secretary
    $300 14
Germany justified the May 7, 1915 sinking of this ship by saying it carried munitions
    $300 28
The incredible performer portrayed by the incredible Glenda Jackson in "The Incredible Sarah"
    $300 4
Not surprisingly, he's the patron saint of skiers
    $300 22
This dog's name may derive from a Chinese word for dog; it's dark tongue is its "mein" attraction
    $400 10
On Aug. 22, 1485 the last battle of the Wars of the Roses was fought on this field in Leicestershire
    $400 20
The Hungarian name for this poultry dish is paprikas csirke
    $400 17
The bow of the Stockholm, constructed to cut through ice, cut through the side of this liner in 1956
    $400 5
He was canonized in 1173, just 3 years after he was murdered at Canterbury
    $400 23
A violent storm who name evolved from the Latin word for time
    $500 11
On August 16, 1960 it became a republic with Archbishop Makarios as president
    DD: $1,000 21
Besides veal, the other meat found in a traditional veal cordon bleu
    $500 25
The Mary Rose, a ship built for this king in 1510, sank in 1545 & was raised in 1982
    $500 6
His supposed relics were brought from Alexandria to Venice in the 9th century
    $500 24
The name of this carnivore is derived from the Greek word for hog, which may make you "laugh"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Bruce Peter Darlynne
$600 $1,400 $300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Bruce Peter Darlynne
$1,600 $3,800 $300

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 9
Bimetallists favored using both of these metals as legal tender
    $200 15
He became a capitaine de corvette in the French Navy in the '40s * captain of the Calypso in 1950
    $200 11
In 1972 he created the Kinte Foundation to store records that help trace Black "Roots"
    $200 4
Weighing 563 carats, the world's largest blue star sapphire is the "Star of" this country
    $200 1
This 193-square-mile lake on the California-Nevade border is over 1600 feet deep
    $200 13
According to legend, while in Asia Minor Alexander cut this fabled fastening with his sword
    $400 24
Colorful name of the German ecological party
    $400 16
Barnacles, crabs & lobsters are members of this arthropod class
    $400 23
Chester Hines was perhaps best known for his novel "Cotton Comes to" here
    $400 5
Tricolored tanzanite was first discovered in this country in 1967
    $400 2
The Potawatomi Indians called the site of this city "Mahn-a-waukee Seepe"
    $400 14
As a youth Alexander studied Greek culture & literature under this philosopher
    $600 25
Mugwumps were members of this party who abandoned James G. Blaine to support Cleveland in 1884
    $600 17
The seaweed that makes up this huge "Sea" within the Atlantic Ocean reproduces without seeds
    DD: $1,000 6
If the water in this October gem dries out, the rainbow colors will disappear
    $600 3
The Matanuska Valley produces about 3/4 of this 49th state's agricultural products
    $600 20
A 20 Alexander became king of this region, later divided among Bulgaria, Yugoslavia & Greece
    $800 26
In U.S. politics the "Free-Soilers" opposed the extension of this practice to the territories
    $800 18
This "colorful" tide occurs when there is a population explosion of dinoflagellates
    DD: $2,000 29
In 1989 this "Beloved" author became a professor of Creative Writing at Princeton
    $800 10
Most of these ruby-like gems used in jewelry are of the almandine variety
    $800 7
This Louisiana capital is on the site of a pole that marked the boundary of 2 indian nations
    $800 21
After the death of this beloved horse whom he tamed, Alexander built a city in its honor
    $1000 27
All members of Congress have this "privilege" of sending official mail postage-free
    $1000 19
Sometimes called a sea cow, this rare mammal is a close relative of the dugong
    $1000 28
While living in Paris, he published his first novel, "Go Tell It on the Mountain"
    $1000 12
The name of this bluish gem used in jewelry & for carvings means "stone of azure"
    $1000 8
Named for a cascade on a nearby river, this is South Dakota's most populous city
    $1000 22
In 323 B.C., Alexander died in a palace in this Mesopotamian city, his intended capital

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Bruce Peter Darlynne
$5,600 $6,000 $2,100

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

These 2 brothers-in-law merged their soap- & candle-making businesses in 1837

Final scores:

Bruce Peter Darlynne
$4,201 $12,000 $3,799
2nd place: trip for 2 to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico New champion: $12,000 3rd place: Oneida Silversmiths gift certificate + Nintendo Entertainment System

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Bruce Peter Darlynne
$5,600 $5,500 $5,100
11 R,
0 W
20 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
15 R,
5 W
(including 2 DDs)

Combined Coryat: $16,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1991-10-22
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