Show #7950 - Friday, March 15, 2019

Lindsey Shultz game 2.


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Bianca Ligon, a history professor from Baltimore, Maryland

Brad Stylman, a health safety professional from Jersey City, New Jersey

Lindsey Shultz, a physician and healthcare analyst from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (whose 1-day cash winnings total $35,201)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 26
Out on an island in 2001, a downhill 60-foot triple-break putt at TPC Sawgrass' famed 17th was better than most for this superstar
    $200 11
This is the smallest unit of computer memory
    $200 8
I need this to change my mind, a word that also applies to the strength of liquor
    $200 6
Sharing the nickname the "Father of Texas" are Stephen Austin & this first president of the republic of Texas
    $200 16
In this activity, as you go lower & stay longer, pressure can damage tissues & nitrogen can build up in the blood
    $200 1
On March 15, 1869 the Red Stockings of this Ohio city became the first professional baseball team
    $400 27
Here's Bubba Watson cutting loose with this type of 5-letter shot that veers to the side of the dominant hand of the player
    $400 22
Types of this include messenger, transfer & ribosomal
    $400 13
You're going to have to do this 3-word phrase that involves rotating my ulna
    $400 7
Charlie Munger, this man's right hand as VP of Berkshire Hathaway since 1978, didn't get a raise for over 25 years
    $400 17
As viewers of "Phantom Thread" know, some varieties of these edibles, like the Destroying Angel, are highly toxic
    $400 2
He held the first ever presidential press conference March 15, 1913
    $600 28
The long chip at the 1978 Jackie Gleason Classic was one of 5 straight birdies to seal the win for this Golden Bear
    $600 23
This type of atom is formed by the loss or gain of electrons
    $600 14
To sway me, you'll need to provide one of these metaphoric weapons, showing recent use
    $600 9
Mohawk actor Jay Silverheels was famous for playing this faithful sidekick of the Lone Ranger
    $600 18
Planning a trip? Check this Cabinet dept.'s website for advisories; places like Syria get a level 4: "Do not travel"
    $600 3
On March 15, 1892 Jesse Reno patented the first of these transports, the Reno inclined elevator
    $800 29
Here's Phil Mickelson putting for birdie at the gorgeous par-5 18th to claim the 2012 Pro-Am title at this California beach
    DD: $1,100 24
The Latin word for this element is stannum
    $800 15
I can't be turned; I've undergone this psychological "cleaning", first attributed to Chinese Communists
    $800 10
Henry VIII had 2 wives named Anne:
Anne Boleyn & Anne of this place
    $800 19
The National Fire Protection Assoc. reports 200 fires involving these lights each Dec. & Jan., so unplug yours at night
    $800 4
John McCloskey became the USA's first of these March 15, 1875, but didn't get his red hat until an 1878 trip to Rome
    $1000 30
Check out the $10 million putt that won the 2016 FedEx Cup bonus for this man, also known as Wee Mac
    $1000 25
This 3-letter nitrogen compound is used as an explosive in munitions & demolitions
    $1000 21
You'd best use your skills at this, also a Jane Austen novel title
    $1000 12
After his famous partner's death, this man competed the second & third volumes of "Das Kapital"
    $1000 20
One of the fastest & deadliest snakes, this African species is actually brown; its name comes from the color of its mouth
    $1000 5
U.N. forces captured this capital city March 15, 1951, the fourth & final time the city would change hands

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Lindsey Brad Bianca
$2,200 $1,800 $3,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Lindsey Brad Bianca
$7,700 $3,600 $5,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Of course, because St. Patty's Day is coming up.)
    $400 11
A young woman decides hibernation may be the answer in Ottessa Moshfegh's "My Year of" this, R&R for short
    $400 18
Since 1951 it's been the highest point in China
    $400 13
On "The Flintstones", he's Barney & Betty's super-strong kid
    $400 1
Also talking about a "wired planet", in 1971 Marshall McLuhan used the phrase this synonym for knowledge "age"
    $400 6
To bewilder
    $800 12
"The Coddling of the American Mind" is dubious about these "spaces" that make college students feel sheltered
    $800 19
The ICC building in this former British colony was limited to 118 floors because it may not be taller than the mountains
    $800 14
Julia Roberts played the evil queen to Lily Collins' Snow White in this 2012 film
    $800 2
--Hey, Dante!
--Yeah, Petrarch!
--It's almost 1300. Time to start this "rebirth"
    $800 7
This plant grown for fiber is also called linseed
    $800 29
If you're an Irish-American teacher known the world over as "The Miracle Worker", you'd likely make the hall also
    $1200 23
Lawrence Osborne put this classic Raymond Chandler P.I. back to work in "Only to Sleep"
    $1200 20
The national anthem asks, "Let us amount our flesh & blood towards our new" this long structure
    $1200 15
This hit song in Spanish & English by DJ Snake features Ozuna, Cardi B & Selena Gomez
    $1200 3
Nobel laureate Paul Crutzen said the Anthropocene epoch began with rising levels of these gases like CO2 around 1800
    $1200 8
An addition to a building
    $1200 27
2017 saw this comic legend earn his "stripes", & that's the fact, Jack!
    $1600 24
Imani Perry went "Looking for Lorraine", this African-American playwright & activist who died all too young at 34
    $1600 21
The last of this dynasty & of all the emperors, Pu Yi abdicated in 1912 following the republican revolution
    $1600 16
This Bowie song that says "you've torn your dress" & "your face is a mess" ranks as one of the all-time best glam rock songs
    $1600 4
In a book title by historian Eric Hobsbawm, the Age of Revolution began in this year of big doings in France
    $1600 9
It's the name of the gymnastic feat seen here
    $1600 26
Last name of astronauts Eileen & Michael, back-to-back inductees in 2013 & 2014
    DD: $4,000 25
"Boom Town: The Fantastical Saga of" this Midwest capital city includes "Its Chaotic Founding" on April 22, 1889 & much more
    $2000 22
National Day, October 1, commemorates the People's Republic's founding in this year
    $2000 17
With music & lyrics by Burt Bacharach & Hal David, this Broadway show features the song "I'll Never Fall In Love Again"
    $2000 5
Japan underwent Westernization in the period named for Mutsuhito, who took this royal "M" name & died in 1912
    $2000 10
To enthrall or to paralyze with terror
    DD: $2,000 28
The 2011 inaugural class included Maureen O'Hara & this 4-time Pulitzer-winning 20th century playwright

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Lindsey Brad Bianca
$23,700 $8,800 $8,000
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 1854 he became official musical instrument maker to Emperor Napoleon III; an instrument he invented is named for him

Final scores:

Lindsey Brad Bianca
$20,000 $16,001 $5
2-day champion: $55,201 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Lindsey Brad Bianca
$21,400 $8,800 $8,000
24 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
15 R,
1 W
12 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $38,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2019-01-29
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