Show #7944 - Thursday, March 7, 2019


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Hope Shinn, a librarian from Silver Spring, Maryland

Kristin Philips, a college program administrator from Mountlake Terrace, Washington

Dana Wayne, an educator from North Hollywood, California (whose 2-day cash winnings total $32,401)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You have to unscramble the dog name in...)
    $200 26
This city's skyline is seen on the coin honoring the Mohawk ironworkers who worked on skyscrapers there
    $200 14
You can go green & power up with these panels on the roof of your house, as well as your RV or boat
    $200 19
An old-time gangster might threaten to fill ya full of this metal--actually, most of it in the U.S. goes into batteries
    $200 9
Low to the ground:
    $200 1
This phrase means to refrain from evaluating a novel or anything else just from its appearance
    $200 4
In 2004 a steamed-up Green Day didn't want to be an "American" this, the title of their No. 1 album
    $400 27
The belt named for this Onondaga title character of a Longfellow poem symbolized the Iroquois Confederacy
    $400 15
Baking a cake at high altitude? Use less of this leavener from Arm & Hammer
    $400 20
Na is the symbol of this element that makes up about 2.8% of the Earth's crust
    $400 10
A hunter:
    $400 2
I get it, I hear you, "I read you" these 2 ways
    $400 5
"She ain't no human being", Sex Pistol Johnny Rotten snarled in "God Save" her
    $600 28
Lewis & Clark were assisted by the Manda & Hidatsa, tribes on this stately river who are celebrated on the 2014 coin
    $600 16
This ceremony, AKA brit milah or bris, usually occurs on the eighth day of a Jewish boy's life
    $600 21
It weighs 21 times as much as an equal volume of water; a CD that sells 2 million units becomes double this
    $600 11
A lap dog:
    $600 3
We're using every one of these, meaning all available methods
    $600 6
In 1970 protopunks the MC5 lamented, "Terminal stasis the air's so thick it's like drowning in" this sweet stuff
    $800 29
The 2018 coin features this member of the Sac and Fox tribe, who mastered every sport he tried
    $800 17
At the narrowest point of this northern neighbor of Panama, it's only 75 miles from the Pacific to the Caribbean
    $800 22
Atomic number 55, it's used in atomic clocks
    $800 12
A sled dog:
    $800 23
An event that will be long remembered is "one for" these, like the ones published by Elias
    $800 7
"Let fury have the hour, anger can be power", these Britpunks sang on the album "London Calling"
    $1000 18
The name of this mausoleum is derived from that of the woman it honors; she was "the chosen one of the palace"
    $1000 24
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows a lightbulb on the monitor.) Because it has the highest melting point of all metals, this element was long used as a filament in incandescent lightbulbs
    DD: $800 13
Small & fluffy:
    $1000 25
If you're "reading" this, you're making sure to be aware of all the many conditions of an agreement
    $1000 8
In 2018 this band's frontman Mike Ness was accused of anti-socially punching out a heckler at a Sacramento show

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Dana Kristin Hope
$2,000 $4,000 $200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Dana Kristin Hope
$4,400 $7,200 $2,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 29
The 160,000-acre Lake Powell reservoir was created by Arizona's Glen Canyon Dam on this river
    $400 9
We understand Sonora, Mexico banning Robocop, as a name, but this "Harry Potter" character played by Emma Watson?
    $400 30
In the 1500s Swiss physician Paracelsus established that this science of the elements was central to medicine
    $400 1
A med. journal said this Ian Fleming man's "alcohol intake puts him at high risk of multiple alcohol related diseases"
    $400 16
It used to be called the AFL-NFL World Championship Game
    $400 24
This 1997 James Cameron flick couldn't avoid hitting a slew of Oscars
    $800 6
The same-named strait connects this Alaskan sea to its northern neighbor, the Chukchi Sea
    $800 11
In Sweden you can call your kid Lego, but not this 4-letter furniture store brand--too close to home, I guess
    $800 15
Dr. Joycelyn Elders wrote a memoir subtitled "From Sharecropper's Daughter to" this top U.S. medical job
    $800 2
Kerouac, in this book: "We spent the same Five Points listening to jazz, drinking booze in crazy...saloons"
    $800 19
As a song says, the sound of it "is something quite atrocious"
    DD: $2,000 25
This HBO drama melds moms with Monterey murder
    $1200 7
This largest island in the Mediterranean is separated from the mainland of Italy by the Strait of Messina
    $1200 12
You can't name your daughter after actress Lavin or Cardellini in Saudi Arabia--this name they share is banned
    $1200 17
He influenced parenting from the 1940s on by stressing affection & allowing for kids' individuality
    $1200 3
Providing some "Fear & Loathing", he was "drinking Singapore slings with mescal on the side & beer chasers"
    $1200 21
Per Freud, this part of the personality develops during the first 5 years of life
    $1200 26
Buster Bunny & Plucky Duck star in these animated TV "Adventures"
    $1600 8
In 1910 Wyoming's Buffalo Bill Dam was the world's tallest & the first one made of this to be taller than it is wide
    $1600 13
Sweet names not allowed in France include Nutella & Fraise, this berry
    $1600 18
Leonard Wood left his job as White House physician to command this regiment; Teddy Roosevelt was its No. 2
    DD: $1,800 4
Alcoholic Ben Sanderson decides to drink himself to death in Sin City in this John O'Brien novel
    $1600 22
In 1984 the Democratic Party created a category of these, who are not pledged to any candidate
    $1600 27
Possessive preceder of "Playhouse" & "Big Adventure"
    $2000 10
A huge dam with nearly 140 million cubic yards of packed rock & earth, Tarbela Dam is near Rawalpindi in this country
    $2000 14
This North Atlantic island nation bans names that contain C, W or Q since those letters aren't in their alphabet
    $2000 20
The first female to earn a medical degree in the U.S., she opened her own clinic on NYC's Bleecker Street in 1857
    $2000 5
Jake Barnes notes, "I was a little drunk... just enough to be careless" in this 1926 Hemingway book
    $2000 23
This adjective means disdainful or scornful
    $2000 28
Channing Tatum takes it off again in this 2015 movie sequel

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Dana Kristin Hope
$16,200 $12,000 $15,800

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

This famous work of art was damaged in 1652 when a door was cut into a wall, removing Jesus' feet

Final scores:

Dana Kristin Hope
$31,601 $20,500 $31,600
3-day champion: $64,002 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Dana Kristin Hope
$16,200 $12,000 $14,600
19 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
20 R,
2 W
15 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W

Combined Coryat: $42,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2019-01-16
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