Show #7940 - Friday, March 1, 2019

2019 All-Star Games wildcard match, game 2.


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Team Austin (subtotal of $5,200)

Playing the Jeopardy! Round: Leonard Cooper, a graduate student at Brown University from Little Rock, Arkansas

Playing the Double Jeopardy! Round: Roger Craig, a machine learning consultant from Newark, Delaware

Playing the Final Jeopardy! Round: Austin Rogers, a bartender from New York, New York

Team Colby (subtotal of $7,600)

Playing the Jeopardy! Round: Alan Lin, a software engineer from Riverside, California

Playing the Double Jeopardy! Round: Pam Mueller, a think tank researcher from Culver City, California

Playing the Final Jeopardy! Round: Colby Burnett, a college counselor from Chicago, Illinois

Team Buzzy (subtotal of $0)

Playing the Jeopardy! Round: Jennifer Giles, a third grade teacher from Longmont, Colorado

Playing the Double Jeopardy! Round: Alex Jacob, a freelance trivia writer from Greensboro, North Carolina

Playing the Final Jeopardy! Round: Buzzy Cohen, a music executive from Los Angeles, California

[next game >>]

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 27
This tuna character first appeared in a Starkist commercial in 1961
    $200 28
The concept of a "whisperer" who calms animals was popularized by this Nicholas Evans novel
    $200 29
Teddy Roosevelt & John F. Kennedy
    $200 30
In 1959 there were more than 25 shows in this genre on TV, including "Rawhide"
    $200 26
Beginning with 4 vowels, Ueueteotl is one spelling for the fire god of these people
    $200 25
Nicolas-Jacque Conté mixed graphite & clay to make this writing tool easily produceable for the masses
    $400 24
It's bigger than the yellowfin & in 2013 a 490-pound one of these colorful tuna sold at auction in Tokyo for $1.8 million
    $400 16
1916's "Mr. Britling Sees It Through" by this author tried to make sense of the madness of WWI; no time travel involved
    $400 17
Emma Watson & John F. Kennedy Jr.--this "colorful" school
    $400 20
Currently on TBS, he's been on late night TV since 1993, hosting 3 different shows
    $400 22
Long words using only the same vowel include numbskull, paragraph & this job of keeping things pretty at Pebble Beach
    $400 21
This German was working in Manchester, England when he made a device to count alpha particles
    $600 23
"Join the Crew" & "Fishin' Friction" are episode titles of this TV show on the National Geographic Channel
    $600 5
The disaster movie genre really took off when this 1968 novel about Trans America flight No. 2 out of Chicago came to the screen
    DD: $2,500 18
Brooke Shields (class of '87 with honors) & F. Scott Fitzgerald
    $600 19
This creator of "Mad Men" brought us 2018's "The Romanoffs"
    $600 9
There are 4 consonants in a row in this word for combining 2 vowels in the same syllable, as in "coin" or "loud"
    $600 8
British sea captain John Ward made one of these in the 1850s by combining blocks of cork on a vest
    $800 13
AKA the aku, it's named for the way it launches itself out of the water
    $800 1
This Edith Hull bestseller about forbidden love in the desert became a 1921 film starring Rudolph Valentino
    $800 4
Bill & Hillary Clinton for law school, where they first met
    $800 15
On "Newhart" Larry was a rural fellow who had 2 brothers, both named this
    $800 10
In "yes", Y is a consonant, in this 5-letter word for a final resting place, it's a vowel
    $800 7
In 1907 James Spangler invented a portable vacuum cleaner--then sold the rights to this man
    $1000 14
The FDA's not involved in rating, so tuna rated sushi grade or this raw fish grade is just what the seller thinks is good
    $1000 2
In a 1952 book a craftsman fashions "The Silver" this title drinking vessel to house the Holy Grail
    $1000 3
Dr. Seuss,
Shonda Rhimes &
Mindy Kaling
    $1000 12
A game pie & charlotte russe were featured in a season 3 episode of this "Great" show from across the pond
    $1000 11
This adjective meaning inappropriately humorous uses all 5 vowels in alphabetical order
    $1000 6
Alois Senefelder used grease to draw an image onto limestone, inventing this printing technique in the 1790s

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Team Buzzy Team Colby Team Austin
$1,600 $4,200 $4,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Team Buzzy Team Colby Team Austin
$2,200 $6,000 $2,100

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 17
Jean-Jacques Scherrer painted a 1429 event, "The Entrance of" this Frenchwoman "into Orleans"
    $400 29
"Stayin' Alive",
"More Than a Woman"
    $400 30
Collectors of these can learn their values from the Scott number, listed in an annual catalog
    $400 25
As a grad student, Gordon Gould coined "laser", which stands for light amplification by stimulated emission of this
    $400 24
A trip to this capital might include a visit to the ABBA Museum & to Skattkammaren, the royal treasury
    $400 22
Menlo Park is in this township in New Jersey
    $800 18
Robert Colescott expanded African Americans' role in history with works like this peanut scientist "Crossing the Delaware"
    $800 28
A 2005 adaptation:
"Along Came Bialy",
"Heil Myself"
    $800 27
The deities in Facts on File's "Encyclopedia of Gods" include Nyakaya, a goddess in the form of this Nile beast
    $800 26
Per the USPS, ZIP (as in ZIP code) stands for this "improvement plan"
    $800 23
Check out one of the last great 19th century hotels, the colonial-style Raffles Hotel in this Asian island country
    $800 21
A British monarch is the source of this adjective for the first decade of the 20th century
    $1200 2
When Charles Schreyvogel won fame for a painting of this doomed lt. col., Frederic Remington said he got the horse wrong
    $1200 11
A 1967 film:
"Scarborough Fair", "April Come She Will"
    $1200 8
Library Journal's best reference books of 2017 include these sites: "Walking the Trails of History", like at Chickamauga
    $1200 4
You lie supine for this weightlifting exercise, BP
    $1200 13
Seen here is an interior view of the main dome of this colorful Istanbul landmark
    $1200 20
This eponymic line of cars debuted in 1957 & departed with its 1960 model
    $1600 1
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows a painting on the monitor.) The scepter has symbolically fallen from King Robert's hand in a 19th-century painting by Jean-Paul Laurens titled after this action taken against the king by the pope
    DD: $15,600 16
"Son of a Preacher Man",
"Girl, You'll Be a Woman Soon"
    $1600 5
The first encyclopedia used by future Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales was this one aimed at 9- to 18-year-olds
    $1600 14
A way of accounting for inventory, LIFO stands for this
    $1600 6
Named for a statesman, this largest national park in South Africa offers the chance to see amazing wildlife up close
    DD: $7,400 7
The plane truth is that this 2-word branch of math is named for a Greek who lived around 300 B.C.
    $2000 3
Adolph Menzel painted a concert with this great Prussian king on Flute & C.P.E. Bach at the keyboard
    $2000 12
A 2018 sequel:
"If I Could Turn Back Time",
"Mutant Convoy"
    $2000 9
This French Enlightenment man was the mind behind the Encyclopedie & edited it from 1747 to 1772
    $2000 19
In case of missiles from the Soviet Union, the U.S. & Canada had this, the DEW line for short
    $2000 15
December is a fun time to visit Scotland, especially during this New Year's festival that features torch parades & Vikings!
    $2000 10
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew swirls some liquids in a flask.) Liquids can be swirled & mixed without danger of spillage in this tapered laboratory flask, named for a 19th-century German chemist

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Team Buzzy Team Colby Team Austin
$3,600 $7,600 $8,900

Final Jeopardy! Round

Prior to 2016 it was the last election year in which the winning candidate had never held public elected office

Final scores:

Team Buzzy Team Colby Team Austin
$0 $7,499 $0

Cumulative scores:

Team Buzzy Team Colby Team Austin
$0 $15,099 $5,200
3rd place: $75,000 (split three ways) Winner: Finalist 2nd place: $75,000 (split three ways)

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Team Buzzy Team Colby Team Austin
$13,400 $7,600 $11,400
Jennifer Alan Leonard
$2,200 $6,000 $4,600
Alex Pam Roger
$11,200 $1,600 $6,800
17 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)
16 R,
3 W
17 R,
5 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $32,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2019-01-09
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