Show #7924 - Thursday, February 7, 2019


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Alan Florendo, a software developer from St. Louis, Missouri

Amanda Basta, an attorney from Arlington, Virginia

Bif Reiser, a mathematician from Portland, Oregon (whose 1-day cash winnings total $28,001)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Each correct response in that category will rhyme with the word "word".)
    $200 17
In an effort to save money, the Kentucky Coal Museum recently switched to this source of renewable energy
    $200 16
"It's Not Easy Being Green" is a signature song of this TV character (& it's not the Hulk)
    $200 11
In the mood for Chinese food? There's P.F. Chang's & this chain that started in Glendale, California
    $200 1
Pol Pot was the despotic leader of this Asian country from 1975 to 1979
    $200 26
(Kelly of the Clue Crew shows a march route on the monitor.) The official route of a 1963 march started at the Washington Monument & moved down either Constitution or Independence Avenue to see this Baptist minister speak
    $200 6
A gathering of bison
    $400 14
On this day in 2015 the U.S. National Air & Space Museum put Wonder Woman's invisible jet "on display"
    $400 18
This rock classic begins "Well I'm running down the road tryin' to loosen my load, I've got seven women on my mind"
    $400 22
This "Shoesource" reminds us that "it feels good to" do this
    $400 2 calls Oymyakon in this country the world's coldest city, with -90 temps & bonfires needed at winter funerals
    $400 7
Postponed until a later date
    $600 13
Cuba's Museo Giron has a film about this battle, calling it the "first defeat of U.S. imperialism in the Americas"
    $600 19
This Five for Fighting song that says, "I'm more than a bird, I'm more than a plane" is subtitled "It's Not Easy"
    $600 23
An iconic Galleria bag or a black nylon backpack is a "must have" from this very upscale Italian brand
    $600 3
China shares the Gobi Desert with this country that's 1/70 as densely populated as China
    DD: $2,000 27
In the 1930s the endeavor known as this took about a year to complete & took its participants from Jiangxi to Shaanxi
    $600 8
Just seeing the mountain variety of this creature brings me happiness
    $800 12
The world's first museum of narrative art is coming to Los Angeles; this founder was at the 2018 groundbreaking ceremony
    $800 20
In this musical, Miss Hannigan, Rooster & Lily sing, "Easy street, where the rich folks play"
    $800 24
Visit a showroom of this indoor bike brand for a test ride; if you buy, a pro like George Hincapie could be your instructor
    $800 4
2013 saw the first meeting of Lionel Messi & Pope Francis, perhaps the 2 most famous men from this country
    $800 29
"Tell Your Mother I'll Vote Dry" was a hymn you might have heard during a march for this teetotaling "T" movement
    $800 9
Likely speech pattern for one extremely inebriated
    $1000 15
Bringing art to the Ozarks, an heiress of this family has bankrolled the new Crystal Bridges Museum in Arkansas
    $1000 21
This Arizona-born country singer had a No. 1 hit with "Free And Easy (Down The Road I Go)"
    $1000 25
"Do something creative every day" is the motto of this card store, P.S. for short
    $1000 5
In 2017 this country's prime minister Haider al-Abadi declared victory over the Islamic State
    $1000 28
A 1930 march against a salt tax made its way to this sea on India's west coast, where marchers scooped up salt
    $1000 10
One from the Taurus Mountains of the Middle East

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

Bif Amanda Alan
$3,400 -$1,000 $4,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Bif Amanda Alan
$6,800 $800 $5,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 3
Young 18th c. Brits would take a grand tour of Europe, including crossing these mountains into Italy (carried in a chair)
    $400 20
Virgil's "Aeneid" relates the founding of Lavinium, a town near this more famous locale
    $400 1
The opposite of a blessing:
This 5-letter word
    $400 15
This foreign First Lady was called "the muse of Manila"
    $400 10
A universal constant of gravitation is named for this 17th & 18th century man
    $400 21
George Clooney recorded a version of "I Am A Man Of Constant Sorrow" for this Coen Bros. film, but his voice was replaced
    $800 4
Men who came back from their tours with too much foppishness were called by this pasta insult like Yankee Doodle
    $800 27
This ancient poem contains epic fights between Menelaus & Paris as well as Achilles & Hector
    $800 2
Of humility:
This one of the 7 deadly sins
    $800 16
Idina Menzel won a Tony for playing this witch in "Wicked"
    $800 11
A space telescope & a constant of the universe's expansion are named for this man
    $800 23
In Victorian London Jay's was a store of clothes for this period of a year or more, like the extra-dull black fabric bombazine
    DD: $3,000 5
Canaletto made pretty good money selling landscapes of this city of his birth as souvenirs for grand tourists
    $1200 28
In the "Kalevala", the national epic of this country, Ilmarinen the smith takes a sauna before he goes courting
    $1200 12
Of to don (a piece of clothing):
This other "D" word
    $1200 17
He's done Shakespeare & supervillains & was knighted in 1991
    $1200 6
In finance Napier's constant is helpful in understanding the compound type of this
    $1200 24
Augustus Saint-Gaudens' memorial to Clover Adams is also known as this 5-letter synonym for sorrow
    $1600 8
The 18th century excavations at these 2 ancient sites made Naples a must-stop
    $1600 29
Blake & Shelley saw this character as the real hero in Milton's "Paradise Lost" & applauded his rebellion against tyranny
    $1600 13
Of "to assist":
This "imp"ish word
    $1600 18
Ismail Merchant died in 2005, but this longtime partner won an Oscar at age 89 for writing "Call Me By Your Name"
    DD: $3,000 7
Max Planck's constant is the ratio of the energy of this smallest unit of radiation to its frequency--what a leap!
    $1600 25
In some versions, Sorrow is the son of Pinkerton & this title Puccini opera heroine
    $2000 9
Emulating the feat of the mythical Leander, Lord Byron swam across this strait during his grand tour
    $2000 30
The shorter of the 2 great epic poems of ancient India, its title translates from Sanskrit as "Rama's Exploits"
    $2000 14
Of discard (an item) or of break (a promise)
    $2000 19
This fashion designer has expanded his repertoire to include performing in his own cabaret show
    $2000 22
Per Viswanath's constant, if you randomize this number sequence named for a 13th c. Italian, it'll still follow a pattern
    $2000 26
It's Spanish for "sorrows", so the name of Mexican actress Del Rio means "sorrows of the river"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Bif Amanda Alan
$32,800 $3,200 $9,000
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

3 presidential films, all directed by Oliver Stone, have a total of only 9 letters in their titles--"Nixon" & these 2

Final scores:

Bif Amanda Alan
$32,800 $6,399 $8,000
2-day champion: $60,801 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Bif Amanda Alan
$28,200 $3,200 $9,000
31 R
(including 3 DDs),
1 W
5 R,
1 W
17 R,
4 W

Combined Coryat: $40,400

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Game tape date: 2018-12-05
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