Show #7903 - Wednesday, January 9, 2019


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Evan Caris, a student and writer from Decatur, Georgia

Siobhan Fabio, an attorney from Little Rock, Arkansas

Jessica Holloway, an art education student from The Woodlands, Texas (whose 1-day cash winnings total $26,001)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 11
A board for when you are bored

_ _ C K _ _ M M _ _
    $200 1
Oh, yeah! This non-carbonated beverage is Nebraska's state soft drink
    $200 16
1807's "The Family Shakespeare" changed some text &amp; omitted this tale of 2 frisky lovers in ancient Egypt as unsuitable
    $200 6
A book subtitled "Alps & Elephants" follows this Carthaginian general's march against Rome
    $200 22
Darwin used "descent with modification" before warming to this 9-letter word for biological changes over time
    $200 21
As an ace in this war, Snoopy was "two thousand feet over St. Juvin...suddenly a Fokker triplane appeared"
    $400 12
Three or more giving mutual support

A G R _ _ P
_ _ G
    $400 2
This pizza with simple toppings of mozzarella, tomatoes &amp; basil was named in honor of the queen of Savoy
    DD: $2,000 17
Seen as obscene, Richard Burton's 1885 version of this book of Mideast fables was published with major cuts
    $400 7
King Philip II of Spain sent it in 1588 to invade England
    $400 23
Darwin called this 1859 work "one long argument"
    $400 27
Snoopy once journeyed to the top of a great hill, leading this small friend's troop of scouts
    $600 13
Insomniac's activity

T _ _ _ _ N _
_ N _
T _ _ N _ N _
    $600 3
This hearty, spicy tripe soup has been touted as a hangover cure &amp; is popular in Mexico on New Year's morning
    $600 18
This Philip Pullman series beginning with "The Golden Compass" cut Lyra's more adult feelings from the U.S. version
    $600 8
Egypt &amp; Syria launched a war against Israel on October 6, 1973, which was this Jewish holy day
    $600 24
Darwin is known for finches, but his passion at home were these urban birds--he amassed more than 90 of them
    $600 28
After Snoopy zips past his master on one of these, Charlie Brown simply says, "Rosebud?"
    $800 14
Precursor to the SUV

S T _ T _ _ _
W _ G _ _
    $800 4
To make a pink daiquiri, you'll need rum, powdered sugar, lime juice &amp; this syrup made of red currants or pomegranates
    $800 19
Many passages depicting Basil's love for the title character were cut from editions of this Oscar Wilde book
    $800 9
This early 1920s scandal involved granting exclusive oil rights in Wyoming to the Mammoth Oil Company
    $800 25
In 1882 Darwin was buried in this London church next to Sir John Herschel
    $800 29
As this ultra-hip persona, Snoopy debates whether he should spend time at the student union or the library
    $1000 15
One of a twin in the Midwest

S _ _ N _
_ A U _
    $1000 5
Sauce Raifort, made from this condiment, is served cold as an accompaniment to prime rib
    $1000 20
This first novel by Theodore Dreiser was reissued nearly a century after it was published to add back 40,000 words
    $1000 10
Originally it was a fortress; Cardinal Richelieu began using it as a state prison in the 17th century
    $1000 26
The Royal Society awarded its medal to Charles in 1853 for his writings on these crustaceans found on rocks &amp; ships' hulls
    $1000 30
In 1969 Snoopy described this as looking like a "dirty beach"; not quite as eloquent as magnificent desolation"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Jessica Siobhan Evan
$5,400 $1,800 $600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jessica Siobhan Evan
$7,400 $4,200 $2,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 24
This "Family" cartoonist for his caption "May I borrow a cup of cyanide?"
    $400 1
The tallest point in Canada is Mount Logan, found in this territory
    $400 7
Gave us the "Ring" cycle, went to the "Twilight of the Gods" on February 13, 1883
    $400 6
Often followed by speeches, it's a lavish meal honoring an important occasion
    $400 17
The Italian film award is modeled after this statue by Donatello (not Michelangelo)
    $400 16
Carpal tunnel syndrome afflicts your wrist, while tarsal tunnel syndrome happens here
    $800 23
Him for "Nonviolence is the first article of my faith"
    $800 2
This Russian resort city that hosted the 2014 Winter Olympics also hosted some World Cup games in 2018
    $800 8
Had some travails with "La Traviata"; died in Milan in 1901 &amp; is buried at the home for retired musicians that he founded
    $800 9
A sudden storm, especially one at sea
    $800 18
In 2016 this monster finally got his due when a film featuring him won the Japanese Academy Award
    $800 20
It's often caused by repetitive gripping motions, though it sounds like you might pick it up at Wimbledon
    $1200 25
This one-named pianist with "I cried all the way to the bank"
    DD: $1,200 3
The lush island of Naxos has been called "The Green Leaf of" this sea
    $1200 10
He wrote some lively "Hungarian Dances"; on April 3, 1897 it was lullaby &amp; good night
    $1200 13
Native to Asia, this fruit is often used in jams and jellies
    $1200 19
This director of "The Skin I Live In" has been nominated for the Goya Award for Best Director 9 times
    $1200 28
A digit curled & locked in place is called this type of finger that's proverbially "itchy"
    $1600 26
This American-born poet for remarking in a 1915 letter, "Poetry must be as well written as prose"
    $1600 4
It's been called Australia's "Second City" &amp; was the second city named a UNESCO City of Literature
    $1600 11
Caught us off guard with his "Surprise" Symphony; if you seek his grave, visit Austria's Bergkirche
    $1600 14
It's French for nickname
    $1600 21
Marion Cotillard won an Oscar &amp; a Cesar for her performance as Edith Piaf in this film
    $1600 29
Pain from whole body vibration affects this type of truck driver defined sometimes as a specialist in 600-mile-plus runs
    DD: $1,600 27
Attributed to this revolutionary, "It is better to die on your feet than to live on you knees!"
    $2000 5
Counterintuitive name of the waterfall that emerges from Venezuela's Auyan-Tepui, or "Devil's Mountain"
    $2000 12
Composed the "Wedding March"; died Nov. 4, 1847, 6 months after the sudden death of his sister &amp; musical soulmate Fanny
    $2000 15
Adjective meaning calm & free from commotion or disturbance
    $2000 22
Of course "Run Lola Run" won the Lola Award for Best Film by this country's film academy
    $2000 30
RSIs, repetitive strain injuries, include one to this 4-muscle cuff in the shoulder; it affects painters as well as pitchers

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jessica Siobhan Evan
$14,200 $19,400 $8,400

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

So that viewers wouldn't think it was about opera, the "R" in this show's logo was turned into a gun

Final scores:

Jessica Siobhan Evan
$28,400 $10,399 $2,599
2-day champion: $54,401 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Jessica Siobhan Evan
$14,200 $18,200 $8,400
18 R,
4 W
19 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
14 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $40,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2018-11-14
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