Show #7884 - Thursday, December 13, 2018


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Mary Kate Moriarty, a dentist from Dumfries, Virginia

Faris Alikhan, a speechwriter from Atlanta, Georgia

Elana Schor, a journalist from Washington, D.C. (whose 1-day cash winnings total $23,601)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 19
Byron is dead & Fauntleroy is fictional, but my true love has those 2 & 8 others with this title a-leaping!
    $200 6
(Sarah of the Clue Crew presents the Palk Strait on the monitor.) It's about 40 miles across the Palk Strait from the Indian state of Tamil Nadu to this island that's about 15% ethnically Tamil
    $200 13
A coveted award for those who exhibit their dogs, "B.I.S." stands for this accolade
    $200 1
The "Night in Canada" celebrating this sport began airing in 1952
    $200 10
This term for a boxing match refers to the cash to be won
    $200 26
"Desdemona! Che Veggo!"
    $400 22
I really don't wanna know where my BFF found the 8 maids a-doing this
    $400 7
The Korea Strait connects the East China Sea with this other country-named sea
    $400 14
It was a verb meaning to grind into small bits before it was a noun for dog food pellets
    $400 2
Tim Russert was a longtime moderator of this news program that's now over 70 years old
    $400 11
After the demise of Nirvana, Dave Grohl formed this musical group
    $400 27
"Elseneur, Une Salle Du Palais"
    $600 23
My true love went all out, getting Stewart Copeland, Clem Burke, Ginger Baker & 9 other of these musicians
    $600 8
This strait separates 2 countries & 2 continents by a mere 53 miles
    $600 15
This term is used to describe a dog's coat, like the one seen here, that has a texture similar to strands of metal
    $600 3
Pauley Perrette was still part of the cast when this crime drama celebrated its milestone 300th episode
    $600 20
With teams of pros & volunteers, this life-saving profession was an Olympic demonstration sport in 1900
    $600 28
"The Doge's March"
    $800 24
Looks like the love of my life got fowl with this trio
    DD: $3,200 9
The Denmark Strait lies between these 2 islands, one 20 times the size of the other
    $800 17
A dog command, it's also the anatomical name for the end of a loaf of bread
    $800 4
Lasting from 1955 to 1975, this TV western slung 635 episodes
    $800 12
Jim O'Malley & D.J. Fitzpatrick played their college football for this team
    $800 29
"Vor Prosperos Zelle"
    $1000 25
A couple of these birds that winter in central Africa? Oh, my true love, you shouldn't have! Really. I mean that
    $1000 16
The Strait of Hormuz connects the Gulf of Oman with this gulf to the west
    $1000 18
The American Kennel Club breaks dogs down into 7 groups, including this one featuring the chihuahua & miniature pinscher
    $1000 5
Public TV station WGBH in this city has been airing the home renovation show "This Old House" since 1979
    $1000 21
In a 1975 thriller Gerald Seymour popularized the phrase "one man's terrorist is another man's" this

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Elana Faris Mary Kate
$1,600 $400 -$600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Elana Faris Mary Kate
$4,000 $3,200 $2,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 21
The unstable J.K. Stephen was the son of England's main authority on this type of law dealing with theft, murder, etc.
    $400 3
Primrose Everdeen & Effie Trinket, in the action series' first offering
    $400 2
Born 1 second into the year 1946, Kathleen Casey-Kirschling was the first kid in this huge wave
    $400 11
This alliterative phrase meaning "to make simpler for those who know less" was used way back in 1927 about Hollywood
    $400 1
"Full Rip 9.0" examines the signs & possibilities of the next big one of these in the western United States
    $400 27
This word for hello! is the title of several books on basic French, including one that gives you help from Louis L'Escargot
    $800 22
Richard Mansfield played the title roles in a stage version of this R.L. Stevenson tale at the time & was suspected
    $800 4
In 1975:
Ellen Brody & Quint, who has a war story to share
    $800 8
In 1945 Grand Rapids became the first city to do this to its drinking water, revolutionizing dental care
    $800 12
A standard message in Adobe Acrobat is "insufficient" these (it's a plural!) "for an image"
    $800 17
A 65-million-year-old story is told in "Flying Dinosaurs: How Fearsome Reptiles Became" these
    $800 26
As a grown man, le garcon is someone doing this job
    $1200 23
Prince Albert Victor, brother to the future V king of this name, died soon after the murders & was suspected
    $1200 5
McLovin, hangin' with Officers Slater & Michaels
    $1200 9
This edifice built for the War Dept. was intended to go back to civilian use after WWII, maybe as a very big hospital
    $1200 13
Donald Rumsfeld's 2002 phrase meaning "things we now know we don't know"
    $1200 18
Many were turned on to physics as a career by 1947's "One Two Three..." this number you can't actually count to
    $1200 28
To us "faux pas" can mean all sorts of blunders, but to the French it's "false" this
    DD: $800 25
This 19th c. author has been looked at; later writers pitted his creation against the Ripper in books like 2009's "Dust and Shadow"
    $1600 6
Ice Cube & Dr. Dre, on their rise to fame in a 2015 film
    $1600 10
Numerical name of the group from the West Coast that defied the House Un-American Activities Committee in 1947
    $1600 14
In 1910 the Supreme Court reinforced an old legal maxim, saying this 4-word phrase "does not excuse"
    $1600 19
Subtitled "The Plant That Changed the World" in John Gaudet's study, this species was first widely used in ancient Egypt
    $2000 24
The graphic novel "From Hell" posits that William Gull, who served Queen Victoria in this capacity, was the Ripper
    $2000 7
Little Bill & Amber Waves, adults in adult film
    DD: $2,000 15
On March 11, 1941 this alliterative act became law & let FDR transfer billions of dollars in supplies to foes of the Axis
    $2000 16
This rather negative name of an 1850s political party referred to its members' response to keep its lodges secret
    $2000 20
In 2013 this late physicist released an autobiography titled "My Brief History"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Elana Faris Mary Kate
$10,800 $17,200 -$400

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

In the preface to a book of his stories, he thanks a herpetologist of upper India & an elephant named Bahadur Shah

Final scores:

Elana Faris Mary Kate
$21,600 $22,700 -$400
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $22,700 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Elana Faris Mary Kate
$10,800 $20,400 $400
19 R,
3 W
22 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)
8 R,
7 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $31,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2018-10-31
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