Show #7876 - Monday, December 3, 2018


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Bernadette Nguyen, an attorney from Mechanicsville, Maryland

Dave Leffler, a retired police officer from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Elizabeth Goss, a housewife from Pleasant Ridge, Michigan (whose 1-day cash winnings total $4,799)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 17
In the Grimms' version of this character's fairy tale, she wears golden slippers, not glass
    $200 22
A major innovation in this device was the pop-up mechanism around 100 years ago
    $200 27
Nuns 'N Moses, who both dress & shred religiously
    $200 16
In addition to having a pretty nifty weapon as its long upper jaw, this toothless fish can swim up to 60 mph
    $200 1
This naval officer commands a fleet
    $200 6
A special black paint from Rust-Oleum will turn any wall into one of these writing slates
    $400 18
She lives with 7 miners who at one point think she's dead
    $400 23
An alliterative enclosed vessel for heating kernels until they explode
    $400 28
The funk-tastic Earth Wind for Hire
    $400 14
The bluefin variety of this food fish can weigh half a ton
    $400 2
The property of making sour foods taste sweet gives this berry its wondrous name
    $400 7
This alliterative cork wall item got its necessary accessory the push pin in 1900 thanks to inventor Edwin Moore
    $600 19
This guy who could spin straw into gold had a name from German mythology from a type of goblin
    $600 24
As in India's popular Tandoori chicken, Tandoori means cooked in an oven made of this
    $600 29
2 bands honoring this group: Better Off Dead & Terrapin
    $600 11
You'd have me down, down, down on my knees now, wouldn't you, this predatory fish here?
    $600 3
This 9-letter verb means to inform an arrested suspect of his rights
    $600 8
Just like Jabba, you can have this hero frozen in carbonite on your wall with a mural decal from
    $800 20
"Iron Heinrich" is an alternate title of this tale about a royal who goes through an amphibian stage
    $800 25
A small oven with a turning spit inside it to aid roasting & barbecuing
    $800 15
Nearly Dan does some of this group's dirty work
    $800 12
This "body organ" fish breathes out of water using its swim bladder; if held underwater, some will drown
    $800 4
The famous check-in area of this Vegas hotel is seen here
    $800 9
A wall that supports the weight of the roof & floors above it is called this
    DD: $4,000 21
After a poor peasant's wife grows ill, she gives birth to a tiny son whom they name this
    $1000 26
A high-stress job can be described as this, the kitchen version of an autoclave
    $1000 30
Take a chance on their tribute band, Bjorn Again
    $1000 13
The "compleat" male type of this fish permanently attaches itself to a female to obtain nutrients & to reproduce
    $1000 5
In 1985 this airline began with 2 jets flying out of Dubai
    $1000 10
The walls of Paris' Musee de Cluny feature the 6 panels of "The Lady & the Unicorn", a series of these

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Elizabeth Dave Bernadette
$3,600 $2,200 $2,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Elizabeth Dave Bernadette
$9,800 $4,000 $6,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 29
Disney & NASA developed some educational games to highlight this astronaut toy's 450 days aboard the I.S.S.
    $400 30
Conquering Sicily in May 1860 & this southern Italian city in September, Giuseppe Garibaldi helped unite southern Italy
    $400 4
"A Life Discovered" is the subtitle of a book about this enigmatic woman, the most famous portrait sitter of all time
    $400 9
Taste & this other one of the 5 senses can mean just a bit, as in "just a" this "of indigestion"
    $400 14
This state has beer & music--the Anheuser-Busch brewery & the Scott Joplin residence
    $400 19
"The Pink ____";
"Black ____"
    $800 28
This was sent into space in 1996 & 2000, but it was passed during a spacewalk for the 1st time in 2013 on its way to Sochi
    $800 1
Verdi inspired the unifiers & his name was used as an acronym: Vittorio Emanuele Re d'Italia, "Victor Emmanuel" this
    DD: $4,000 5
The diary of young Julie Manet has been published as "Growing Up With" this group of painters
    $800 10
It means a little bit & is also the first syllable of a word for a little bitty frog
    $800 15
The first Confederate capitol is in this Alabama city
    $800 20
"Purple ____" with Prince;
"Black ____" with Michael Douglas
    $1200 25
Ground control to Col. Hadfield--the Canadian astronaut made a video of this David Bowie song in space
    $1200 2
This Prussian PM began the process that led to German unification as an attempt to stick it to Austria
    $1200 6
The origins of this pre-surrealist movement in 1916 Zurich play out in "Destruction Was My Beatrice"
    $1200 11
If the first line of your sonnet ends with "pigeon", this word for a bit is one of your few rhyming options
    DD: $2,000 16
The Plummer Building named for Henry Plummer, M.D., is a landmark part of this Minnesota facility
    $1200 21
"The Thin Blue ____";
"The Thin Red ____"
    $1600 26
Astronaut Don Pettit used this "effect" with the name of the smallest blood vessel to create a zero-G coffee cup
    $1600 3
Reviving medieval groups, neo-Guelfs saw this personage as the hub of Italian unity; neo-Ghibellines said no
    $1600 7
"The Art of Rivalry" tells of Picasso owning a portrait by this Fauvist & having friends throw darts at it
    $1600 12
U.S. troops adapted the Japanese sukoshi into this word for a little bit
    $1600 17
Boys Town began as this priest's Boys' Home
    $1600 22
"White ____" with Cagney;
"Red ____" with Schwarzenegger
    $2000 27
Astronauts were bouncing off the walls in this 1970s space station
    $2000 24
On Jan. 18, 1871 King Wilhelm of Prussia answered "a duty to our common" this "land" to accept the title of kaiser
    $2000 8
"Portrait of an Unknown Man" is a book about this "Younger" 16th century German artist
    $2000 13
Fulbert-Dumonteil's lamb chops recipe calls for this much garlic, just a bit, this French word
    $2000 18
State where you'll find Calvin Coolidge Homestead District & also Socialist Labor Party Hall
    $2000 23
Comedy time:
"Silver ____" with Pryor & Wilder;
"Blue ____" with Martin Lawrence

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Elizabeth Dave Bernadette
$16,600 $17,200 $10,200

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Last name of John, Daniel, Elisha & Edward, whose firm turned 200 in 2018 & has dressed 40 U.S. presidents

Final scores:

Elizabeth Dave Bernadette
$28,199 $33,801 $3,199
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $33,801 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Elizabeth Dave Bernadette
$10,400 $17,200 $12,200
16 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
20 R,
2 W
18 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $39,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2018-10-30
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