Show #7847 - Tuesday, October 23, 2018


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Patrick Healy, a social studies teacher from Bronxville, New York

Traci Clark, a pharmacist from Pembroke Pines, Florida

Erik Agard, a puzzlemaker from Gaithersburg, Maryland (whose 2-day cash winnings total $40,001)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: In which each clue will be delivered by some of the on-air personalities at our affiliates coast to coast.)
    $200 11
"To the red country & part of the gray country of Oklahoma, the last rains came gently..."
    $200 2
Chapeau--do let it go to your head
    $200 21
(Hi, I'm Sarah French from NBC Charlotte.) 1996's "Indomitable Spirit" project featured statues of 6 22'-long panthers outside Bank of America Stadium in North Carolina, home to this NFL team
    $200 16
In a British brewery, a firkin equals 1/4 of this other container
    $200 1
Billy Joe Shaver declares this "is where I was born... the Lone Star State's where I'm comin' from"
    $400 12
Just beat it:
"I first met Dean not long after my wife and I split up"
    $400 3
Maison rules--first, know what maison means
    $400 22
(Hi, I'm Liz Cho from ABC7.) Ulysses S. Grant was interred here in his New York City tomb in 1897; years later, Groucho Marx made a famous running gag out of this question
    $400 17
A township is composed of 36 sections, which are each 640 of these units of measure
    $400 7
In a 1992 title Billy Ray Cyrus had one
    $600 13
"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a... fortune, must be in want of a wife"
    $600 26
Kensington, Md. kids! No pressure living up to this scientist who had an annus mirabilis ("year of marvels") in 1905
    $600 4
Huit will do a number on you
    $600 23
(Hi, I'm Rob Fukuzaki from ABC7.) At the first major football game played in this stadium, USC rose up & bowled over Penn State 14-3
    $600 18
Equal to 128 cubic feet, a cord is a large cut pile of this
    $600 8
Take heed before you fool around: Hank Williams warned that this title thing "will make you weep"
    $800 14
Pin your hopes on Dickens:
"My father's family name being Pirrip, and my Christian name Philip..."
    $800 27
Los Angeles St. in the city of angels boasts a school named for this woman, one of Mexico's most notable painters
    $800 5
Time for a body check:
    $800 24
(I'm Jennifer Gilbert from Fox45.) The horse racing bet where you pick the winners of the first six races is called this
    $800 19
Named for a Nobel Prize winner, a morgan is a measure of distance between these on a chromosome
    $800 9
In a 2013 smash a distraught Miranda Lambert said the cause of her suffering "ain't my mama's" this
    DD: $3,000 15
The first in a series:
"Once there were four children whose names were Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy"
    $1000 6
From the animal kingdom:
    $1000 25
(I'm Melissa Magee from 6ABC.) Besides using her sewing skills to make a living, Betsy Ross also made musket cartridges for this army formed by the Continental Congress in 1775
    $1000 20
Fabric comes in this 4-letter unit, which can range anywhere from 10 to 100 yards
    $1000 10
Juice Newton almost led the pack "playing with" this lady in a 1981 hit

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Erik Traci Patrick
$1,400 $1,400 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Erik Traci Patrick
$4,800 $1,400 $2,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 24
On Thanksgiving 1806, Pike & his men failed to climb the peak that now bears his name in this state
    $400 1
Suge Knight went to prison but not to this area that's the name of his record label
    $400 19
It's the side of a right triangle that's opposite the right angle
    $400 8
The Gandhi Sagar Dam
    $800 28
Pike thought he bought land for the U.S. near the Twin Cities of this state in 1805, but the Sioux seemed to disagree
    $800 18
Sarah Paulson harmonizes with herself as singing conjoined twins on this series: "Freak Show"
    $800 6
As of 2018 only 40 prisoners of a total of 780 detainees remained at this Cuban site
    $800 3
(Iain Armitage from Young Sheldon presents the clue.) All positive integers are either composite, with factors other than themselves & 1, or they're this kind, the rock star of numbers
    $800 14
Do this to a field & you are adding; do this to a watermelon & you are removing
    $800 9
Durango & Zacatecas
    $1200 27
Zeb would have been dismayed to find out the source of this is not Lake Leech as he declared, but Lake Itasca
    $1200 15
In "The Last Action Hero", this actor tells himself "you've brought me nothing but pain"
    $1200 7
In 2011 a Birmingham, England prison made news by losing these; happens to us all as we get older
    $1200 2
a + b = b + a is this principle of addition
    $1200 11
Getting this 8-letter notice from the army is great for a soldier; a traffic one will be costlier
    $1200 10
The city of Lodz
    $1600 26
Pike didn't like the frigid, stormy crossing of this Great Lake to attack what's now Toronto in the War of 1812
    $1600 16
He was tough as Bane, but this actor slaps himself around as Ron & Reggie Kray in "Legend"
    DD: $4,000 23
In 1784 the Marquis de Sade was transferred to this prison that gained fame of its own 5 years later
    $1600 4
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows a circle on the monitor.) The part of a circle's circumference that lies between two endpoints is called this, from Latin for "bow"
    $1600 12
The site seen here is this type of vast view; as a verb, the word can mean to fail to see something
    $1600 21
Alice Springs & the Simpson Desert
    $2000 25
Pike was vexed to find out commanding gen. Wilkinson was a spy for this Eur. kingdom & Pike was suspected, too
    $2000 17
Michael Fassbender played both sides of an android kiss as Walter & David in this sequel "Covenant"
    $2000 22
Prison lit like the 2018 bestseller "The Mars Room" teaches us this 6-letter word for your prison roommate
    $2000 5
As a verb, it means to slant or depict unfairly; in math it refers to 2 lines that do not intersect & are not parallel
    DD: $6,000 13
From the Latin for "blood", this word can mean either "cheerful" or "bloodthirsty"
    $2000 20
Lough Ree & Castle Durrow

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Erik Traci Patrick
$19,600 $13,400 $5,000

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

This "creature of evil, grim and fierce, was quickly ready, savage and cruel, and seized from their rest thirty thanes"

Final scores:

Erik Traci Patrick
$26,801 $26,800 $8,500
3-day champion: $66,802 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Erik Traci Patrick
$15,600 $14,000 $5,000
19 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
17 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
13 R,
5 W

Combined Coryat: $34,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2018-08-21
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