(Alex presents from the Galapagos Islands.) A 2013 study on diving mammals, like these Galapagos sea lions, found that they contain a positively charged myoglobin; it's a protein that allows them to store this gas, which permits them to stay underwater longer as they hunt for their fish prey |
Truck around in its Tacoma |
Vividly described in Samuel Pepys' diary, this 4-day catastrophe that destroyed most of the city began on Sept. 2, 1666 |
the Great Fire of London
| has harsh words for the hairdo called a "man" this, "used by hipsters" |
a bun
This substance that weakens or cripples Superman can now mean a substance that affects any particular person |
1994: Sally Field, Tom Hanks, Robin Wright |
Forrest Gump
There's only one consonant in this maker of the S7 |
Messina was destroyed in a 1908 earthquake that devastated this Italian island |
It's the mammalian mustache sported here, flippers not included |
(William: What is a dolphin mustache?)
a walrus
This character inspired a suit, a collar & shoe with his name |
[Nancy rings in and does not say anything.] (Alex: Oh, you're drawing a blank.) (Nancy: Yep.)
Buster Brown
1992: Clint Eastwood, Gene Hackman, Morgan Freeman |
(Alex presents from the Galapagos islands.) Over 60,000 acres of the Galapagos Islands have been set aside for beneficial crops, like this grass of the genus Saccharum; this primitive but very effective press is helping to extract the juices--go Jimmy, go Jimmy |
sugar cane
Sail on by in this brand's Armada |
In 1887 a flood of this "colorful" river in China flattened 1,500 villages |
the Yellow River
A sweater with a collar a bit more assertive than a crewneck is called a mock this |
a turtleneck
This 2-word name for a rich benefactor comes from a "Little Orphan Annie" character |
Daddy Warbucks
2008: Russell Brand, Mila Kunis, Jason Segel |
Forgetting Sarah Marshall
(Alex presents from the Galapagos Islands.) "Darwin's finches writ large" is how Carl Safina describes this soaring bird; the waved type here in the Galapagos is the only truly tropical type, & it has evolved distinct markings that help provide its name |
(Nancy: What's a gull?)
the albatross
Need some insight on its Insight? OK--the car gets 44 MPG |
(William: What is Hyundai?)
British kids no longer worked this job after some as young as 7 were killed doing it in an 1838 Yorkshire disaster |
coal mining
Stockings in an open diamond-shaped pattern are called these, which honestly, does not sound sexy at all |
This alliterative term for a social misfit comes from the title comic strip character seen here |
sad sack
2006: Hugo Weaving, Natalie Portman, John Hurt |
V for Vendetta
(Alex presents from the Galapagos Islands.) Portulaca, which is this type of plant named for its water-storing tissues, will turn a bright yellow in the rainy season, & the land iguanas that feast on this plant will eagerly approach visitors, if they happen to be wearing yellow |
(Rob: What is moss?)
Its Mirage from Japan is no mirage |
(Alex: [Before Nancy selects the next clue] Now, as we get into this category, I want you to know that you get to join me for each of the clues on these fascinating islands.)
a Mitsubishi
In 1989 this hurricane that followed Gabrielle caused $3 billion in damage to Charleston |
Sure, you can put dimes or quarters in the slot in the strap of these "relaxing" shoes, but they have this name for a reason |
penny loafers
Lockheed Martin adopted the name "Skunk Works" from a similar name for a backwoods still in this comic strip |
Li'l Abner
1971: Sean Connery, Charles Gray, Jill St. John |
(Alex: James Bond film. [*].)
Diamonds Are Forever