Show #2835 - Friday, December 20, 1996


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Tom Meenan, a computer consultant from Arlington, Virginia

Marina Matuzek, an attorney from Worcester, Massachusetts

Lucy Shigemitsu, a writer originally from Tokyo, Japan (whose 1-day cash winnings total $2,399)

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Jeopardy! Round

THE 1990s
(Alex: That sounds easy.)
    $100 6
On Nov. 20, 1994 he beatified 5 individuals, including Franciscan sculptor Claudio Granzotto
    $100 1
This Jackson made her film debut in 1993 as a poetry-writing beautician in John Singleton's "Poetic Justice"
    $100 11
The Queen Liliuokalani Canoe Races take place on Labor Day weekend in this state
    $100 24
South Africa is the world's leading supplier of this precious metal
    $100 15
Diners on a diet can substitute yogurt or cottage cheese for this sour dairy product
    $100 14
On April 4, 1940 Neville Chamberlain said that this dictator had "missed the bus"
    $200 7
In 1996 Tomiichi Murayama, this country's first Socialist premier since 1948, resigned
    $200 2
Part of this "Material Girl"'s film "Dangerous Game" was shot near our former "Jeopardy!" offices
    $200 12
The Freeze Yer Gizzard Blizzard Run is part of Ice Box Days in International Falls in this state
    $200 25
A ferroalloy always contains this metal
    $200 16
Rub this part of a pencil on an emery board so it won't cause smudges on your paper
    $200 20
Margot Asquith said of Lloyd George, "He could not see" one of these "without hitting below it"
    $300 8
He ended a 35-year military career in 1993 by resigning as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
    $300 3
He married Julia Roberts after they appeared in Robert Altman's film "The Player"
    DD: $500 13
Milwaukee's yearly Lakefront Festival of the Arts takes place at the War Memorial Center on this lake
    $300 26
This liquid metal is added to paints to make them mildew proof
    $300 17
Use these washday items to hold sheet music or to clamp coupons to your pocket while shopping
    $300 21
Bartletts quotes this comedian: "I never forget a face, but in your case I'll make an exception"
    $400 9
More than 300 Republican candidates signed this document September 27, 1994
    $400 4
Reba McEntire made her TV acting debut as his leading lady in "The Gambler Returns: The Luck of the Draw"
    $400 27
They're the 2 main metals found in brass
    $400 18
Cover ripening ears of this with used beverage cans to keep birds from eating them
    $400 22
"I can sometimes deal with men as equals and therefore can afford to like them", she wrote in Ms.
    $500 10
In December 1995 2 of this country's former presidents, Chun Doo Hwan & Roh Tae Woo, were indicted
    $500 5
In a 1992 film this curvaceous country singer gave James Woods some "Straight Talk"
    $500 28
In 1795 Martin Klaproth named this metal, now used in the aerospace industry, for its strength
    $500 19
You can use this oral hygiene product to string beads or clean faucets
    $500 23
Simon Cameron said "An honest" one of these "is one who, when he is bought, will stay bought"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Lucy Marina Tom
$1,700 $700 $500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Lucy Marina Tom
$1,700 $1,600 $2,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 15
At 6'5" this former Phoenix Suns player is the shortest ever to lead the NBA in rebounding
    $200 1
In this Verdi opera, the king of Ethiopia is a baritone role while the king of Egypt is a bass
    $200 9
The Auteuil & Longchamp racecourses lie in the Bois de Boulogne, a well-known park in this capital
    $200 6
This leader of the Reformation was born in Eisleben, Saxony November 10, 1483
    $200 20
Dorothy Livesay, a native of this North American country, won the Governor General's Award for poetry twice
    $400 16
In 1963 this future mayor became the first Black politician to win a seat on the L.A. city council
    $400 2
Her uncle the Bonze curses her for renouncing her religion to marry Lt. B.F. Pinkerton
    $400 10
Acadia National Park in this state is the easternmost national park in the continental U.S.
    $400 7
Czars Nicholas I & Nicholas II married German princesses who used this first name as empress
    $400 21
Anne Tyler entered this Durham, N.C. university at 16 & later became its library's Russian bibliographer
    $600 17
This Underground Railroad conductor served as a spy for the Union in the Civil War
    DD: $1,800 3
Angels guard this duo while they sleep in the forest in an 1893 opera
    $600 11
The national park of this U.S. territory in the South Pacific includes several types of rain forest
    $600 8
The Teatro San Carlo, one of Italy's largest opera houses, was built in this city by the bay in 1816
    $600 28
WXYZ, WLW & WOR were stations on the MBS, this network
    $600 22
Zbigniew Herbert writes poems, plays & essays in this, his native language
    $800 18
In 1888 a Boston monument was erected to honor this man & 4 others who died in the Boston Massacre
    $800 4
In a Borodin opera, this title prince has a wife named Yaroslavna
    $800 12
Venezuela's Canaima National Park is the site of this highest waterfall in the world
    $800 14
This ruling family of Monaco was deposed during the French Revolution, but regained the throne in 1814
    DD: $700 26
With a radio show since 1978 & a cable TV show since 1985, he has Guinness' record for hours on the air per week
    $800 23
This mystery author was a racing correspondent for the London Sunday Express for 16 years
    $1000 19
This Illinois Democrat joined the Senate Judiciary Committee after the Clarence Thomas hearings
    $1000 5
In Flotow's opera "Martha", Lady Harriet is a lady-in-waiting to this last Stuart queen of England
    $1000 13
Horseshoe Bend National Military Park in Alabama is the site where he defeated the Creek Indians in 1814
    $1000 25
This French city known for its porcelain was once the capital of the Lemovices, a Gallic tribe
    $1000 27
It's National Public Radio's early evening news magazine
    $1000 24
Abel's daughter becomes VP of the U.S. in "The Prodigal Daughter", this ex-MP's sequel to "Kane and Abel"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Lucy Marina Tom
$4,900 $1,100 $4,800

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

2 of the 3 Republicans elected vice president twice

Final scores:

Lucy Marina Tom
$9,601 $1,200 $300
2-day champion: $12,000 2nd place: a trip to New England with stay at Smugglers' Notch family ski resort in Vermont + the Jeopardy! Crossword Companion Roll-A-Puzzle system from Herbko 3rd place: Static snowboards + the Jeopardy! Crossword Companion Roll-A-Puzzle system from Herbko

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Lucy Marina Tom
$4,900 $3,600 $4,600
13 R,
3 W
14 R,
6 W
(including 2 DDs)
18 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W

Combined Coryat: $13,100

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1996-10-22
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