The 1st of these to be synthesized was mauve in 1856 |
One of his 1st works, it was partially set in the year 802,701 |
(Kevin: What is The Sleeper Awakes?)
The Time Machine
A gherkin is a small one of these used for pickling |
a cucumber
We use this 5-letter French word to describe something outmoded or past its prime |
Movie studio whose logo shows 22 stars arcing over a mountain |
The cyanide process isn't used for murder but to remove these 2 precious metals from their ores |
gold & silver
Beverly Hills city limit signs now announce Beverly Hills is sister city to this French film town |
Country in which Wells set "The War of the Worlds" |
England (Great Britain)
If you were served "poisson et petit pois" in Paris, you'd get fish & this vegetable |
Italian for "broad", it's a musical direction meaning to play slowly |
(Kevin: What is andante?) (Susanna: What is adagio?) (Mike: What is lento?) (Alex: No. Well, no, we won't accept that. [*] is what we're going for. That is the word that satisfies both parts of the clue.)
Reason you probably didn't see this box of Wheaties at your local supermarket: |
(Alex: They're showing the--let me point it out to the people at home, they said that the NFL champions, Denver Broncos, they're a tribute to the Denver Broncos on the back side. They did what the Chicago newspaper did when Truman ran for the presidency.)
because the Redskins won the Super Bowl
Heating a mixture of calcium oxide, sodium carbonate & sand produces this |
One of Frank Lloyd Wright's last buildings stands on this street famous for its exclusive shops |
[The end-of-round signal sounds.]
Rodeo Drive
J. M. Barrie, it's said, told Wells, "It is very well to be able to write books, but can you waggle" these |
Like the turnip, this root vegetable can trace its "nip" ending back to the same root, "nepe" |
a parsnip
"Ricksha" is a shortened form of this Asian word meaning "man power carriage" |
[The dictionary variant "ricksha", without the "W", was used in the clue.]
You can be sure this electrical giant connects the "S" to the "T" in its logo |
(Alex: Thought that "you can be sure" would give it to you. You can be sure if it's [*]. Kevin, we've got less than a minute to go.)
Completes the title of his 1933 look into the future of mankind, "The Shape of..." |
Things to Come
As asparagus is eaten in spears, bamboo is eaten in this "similar" form |
The Hindi word for an elephant seat -- the one you ride on, not the one it sits on |
Trademarked name of those little sticky yellow note papers from 3M |
Wells' letters & papers are held in the city of Urbana at the University of this central state |
(Kevin: What is Indiana?)
The potatolike "Eleocharis tuberosa", it's found on pond bottoms & in Chinese dishes |
the water chestnut
The Swedish word for hot mulled punch |
1 of the 2 numbers represented on the domino on the Domino's Pizza box |
(Mike: What is 6?)
1 or 2