Show #7804 - Thursday, July 12, 2018


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Johanna Schaufeld, a piano technician and woodworker from the Bronx, New York

Michelle Cabral, an elementary school music teacher from Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Wes Hazard, a standup comic and storyteller from Stoughton, Massachusetts (whose 3-day cash winnings total $51,196)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 26
It's Ice Cream Month & add these colorful berries--in 2003 the Agriculture Dept. proclaimed July their month too
    $200 6
The Ad Council began in 1942 as the War Advertising Council; its first campaign urged the sale of war these
    $200 21
Of course, Cervantes was part of Spain's literary Siglo de Oro, or this age
    $200 1
Soup's on! This thick Italian one with vegetables, beans & bits of pasta
    $200 16
In an Eagles hit "My head grew heavy & my sight grew dim, I had to stop for the night" here
    $200 11
Of Abel
    $400 27
If your birthday is the Fourth of July, this is your astrological sign
    $400 7
In 1979 the Council unleashed McGruff the Crime Dog, who urged Americans to do this 6-word thing
    $400 22
This war of legend is considered the end of the Greek Heroic Age
    $400 2
It's the Naval Academy's equivalent of a West Point cadet
    $400 17
In a 2012 film British retirees don't get quite what they expected at this "Best Exotic" hotel in India
    $400 12
Of the movies' Marion Crane
    $600 28
This "canine" period begins in July & relates to the star Sirius' appearance to the ancient Egyptians before Nile floods
    $600 8
A 1988 campaign that said "Help stop AIDS. Use" one of these was the first in America to use the word
    $600 23
Jacobus, the Latin name for this British king, gave us the Jacobean Age of the 17th century
    $600 3
It's a little fancier name for a bartender
    $600 18
A 1955 headline, "Story of a Person Who Walked Lonely Street", is thought to have inspired this Elvis hit
    $600 13
Of Albus Dumbledore
    $800 29
In July 1939 this man gave a farewell speech at Yankee Stadium
    DD: $200 9
A 1983 campaign introduced the phrase "Friends don't let friends" do this
    $800 24
The 19th century Industrial Age gave us roller milling, making white this more available to the masses
    $800 4
Hark back to yesteryear to this old office machine being used here
    $800 19
In "Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation", Dracula, voiced by this comic actor, takes his own vacation
    $800 14
Of Grendel
    $1000 10
The Council's 1960s recruiting campaign for this JFK program called it "the toughest job you'll ever love"
    $1000 25
In India's Gupta Age, this now-dead tongue became the court language of the empire
    $1000 5
Medically speaking it's another term for a TIA, or transient ischemic attack
    $1000 20
I'm glad I never stayed at the hotel of Donald Sinclair, on whom John Cleese based Basil in this show
    $1000 15
Of Nancy in "Oliver Twist"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Wes Michelle Johanna
$3,000 $1,800 $200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Wes Michelle Johanna
$4,800 $4,000 $3,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 12
Landscaping is part of this "appeal", named for the edge of the sidewalk
    $400 5
These crazy numbers can't be expressed as a quotient of 2 integers
    $400 11
To be yoked (for people, not oxen) meant to be in this condition
    $400 17
Along with the Kremlin, it was added to UNESCO's World Heritage list in 1990
    $400 19
At 15 Alex moved to London to live with his grandfather, author of "Stammering, and Other Impediments of" this
    $400 6
1956 film epic with Charlton Heston as Moses
    $800 13
One of the most cost-effective rehabs is to add this to the attic, preferably to a level above R-30
    $800 1
Newton's Third Law is often given as "for every action..." these 7 words
    $800 27
Put a feather in your cap & name this club of fashionable gentlemen, whose name became slang for fops & dandies
    $800 23
This strait connects San Francisco Bay to the Pacific
    $800 18
Bell's graphophone improved on this Edison invention as well as reversing its syllables
    $800 7
In the U.S. this Agatha Christie mystery was known as "And Then There Were None"
    $1200 14
This cable channel has had more than 30 shows with "Flip" in their titles
    $1200 2
This word before "star" refers to changes in shine; Algol's apparent magnitude goes from 2.1 to 3.4 every few days
    $1200 28
Now meaning the smallest member of a litter, it once was used to refer to a crabby old lady
    $1200 24
The memorial seen here in West Bengal honors prisoners who suffered in this infamous site in 1756
    $1200 20
The first long-distance call was within this Canadian province, to Paris from Bell's former home of Brantford
    $1200 8
Tito Merrelli is an incapacitated opera star in the musical "Lend Me a" this
    $1600 15
For granite these in the kitchen, some flippers go with a tile version, others with a solid slab
    $1600 3
The equation y2=2px describes this conic section, the shape of the arch in some bridges
    $1600 29
Owing to the unknown substances they were stuffed with, bags of mystery were these breakfast items
    $1600 25
This arm of the Pacific Ocean is between the Chinese mainland & the Korean peninsula
    $1600 21
Bell co-invented what's said to be the first of these devices, testing it on Civil War vets with bullets still in their bodies
    $1600 9
This song by General Public is featured in the movies "Clueless" & "Weird Science"
    $2000 16
Tell buyers all about the storage space in the scullery, AKA this person's pantry
    DD: $3,800 4
The name of this long-vanished supercontinent is from Greek for "all" & "Earth"
    $2000 30
A whooper-up was an inferior, hard-on-the-ears one of these
    DD: $4,000 26
An HBO film & a Broadway musical both bear the name of this Long Island estate owned by Jackie Kennedy's aunt
    $2000 22
In 1903 Bell sailed for Europe & brought back to Washington the body of this man for burial in his institution
    $2000 10
An ode to surgical enhancement in "A Chorus Line" is titled this, "Looks: Three"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Wes Michelle Johanna
$6,400 $15,200 $14,400

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

The author of this novel thought of calling it "Silence in the Water"

Final scores:

Wes Michelle Johanna
$12,799 $18,400 $400
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $18,400 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Wes Michelle Johanna
$6,400 $15,400 $10,600
16 R,
2 W
17 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
13 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $32,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2018-03-07
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