Show #1586 - Monday, June 24, 1991

Mark Born game 3.
Final Jeopardy! responses from audiorecording.


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Charlee Hutton, a contract administrator from Long Beach, California

Tom Nicoll, a police officer originally from Detroit, Michigan

Mark Born, an investment analyst from Los Angeles, California (whose 2-day cash winnings total $44,399)

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Jeopardy! Round

1990 EMMYS
    $100 22
In 1990 this news network won its 1st news Emmy, for coverage of events in Tiananmen Sq.
    $100 6
The value of the item stolen determines whether this crime is petty or grand
    $100 11
This word meaning fantastic or bizarre is from the Italian for "of a grotto"
    $100 1
You'll find the schoolhouse Grandma Moses attended at the museum in Bennington in this state
    $100 16
Like Raphael, this artist of "Potato Eaters" & a "Starry Night" was dead at age 37
    $100 21
In 1981 this First Lady didn't say a word to Mrs. Reagan as they rode to the capitol for the swearing-in
    $200 23
Peter Falk & Patrick McGoohan won Emmys for this series in 1975 & in 1990
    $200 7
Sometimes called conciliation court, it's an informal court for settling small debts
    $200 12
This adjective meaning tearful comes from the Latin word for tear, lacrima
    $200 2
You can celebrate Oktoberfest in La Crosse & Bratwurst Days in Sheboygan in this state
    $200 17
Giovanni da Bologna's 1564 sculpture of this god shows him with winged helmet & feet, running
    $200 27
Mrs. Reagan says her husband has never discussed his divorce from this woman with anyone but her
    $300 24
The mode in which the awards were telecast, or the FOX show that was named Best Variety Program
    $300 8
From its start in 1789 to 1804, the U.S. Supreme Court consisted of judges from this party
    DD: $1,000 13
Panacea & panoply are 2 of the many words starting with "pan" that derive from this language
    $300 3
The Arkansas, South Platte & Rio Grande rivers begin in this Rocky Mountain state
    $300 18
Nan Wood Graham, who posed for this painting by her brother in 1930, died in 1990
    $300 28
Her firstborn child
    $400 25
She took home an Emmy for her 1989 interview with Marlon Brando on CBS
    $400 9
1 of the 2 types of practicing lawyers in Britain
    $400 14
Peau de soie is a dress fabric whose name is French for "skin of" this fabric
    $400 4
Cibola County is in this state where the Seven Cities of Cibola were thought to be
    $400 19
Many of the people portrayed in his "The Night Watch" paid 100 guilders to be included
    $500 26
The 2 Brians who skated off with Emmys for their performances in "Carmen on Ice"
    $500 10
This list of cases waiting to be heard is kept by the clerk of the court
    $500 15
Meaning "of the city of Saluq", the name of the saluki dog comes from this language
    $500 5
Longfellow called this city "Queen City of the West" & it has kept the title
    $500 20
This surrealist described his home region, Catalonia, as "The Nose of the Earth"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Mark Tom Charlee
$2,700 $700 $500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Mark Tom Charlee
$2,300 $1,100 $2,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
20 years before Bismarck, Joseph von Radowitz tried to unify this country under Prussian leadership
    $200 11
The Olivier Theatre opened in this city in 1976 with a production of "Tamburlaine the Great"
    $200 16
In ill health, Alvah Roebuck sold out to this partner for $25,000 in 1895
    $200 21
In the American rhyme, the number of the "Engine, Engine" "Running along the Chicago line"
    $200 6
In 1946 this city on the Riviera held its first international film festival
    $200 22
It took two to do the Cambio, La Puerta & Doble Corte variations of this Argentine dance
    $400 2
It looks as if Hawaii's Kamehameha I, like Mark Twain, came in with this astral event
    $400 12
With few exceptions, the classical drama of India is written in this language
    $400 17
Since he joined Disney as chairman & chief executive, company profits have increased eightfold
    $400 23
"Moses supposes his toeses are" these
    $400 7
During the two world wars, the French gov't briefly moved to this city famous for its wines
    $400 27
Marlene Raymond passed under a flaming bar 6 1/8 inches off the floor, a record for this dance
    $600 3
1 of the 2 nephews of Rua who jointly ruled the Huns after their uncle's death
    $600 13
Arlecchino & Scapino were 2 of the Zanni, or Zanies, in this improvised Italian comedic form
    $600 18
As the brains behind this co., Thomas J. Watson required "Think" signs in every corporate office
    $600 24
It's what he says after "Teddy bear, teddy bear" turns out the light
    $600 8
The nation's oldest major city, it's also the main seaport
    $600 28
During a 1988 party in Miami, 119,986 people joined the longest line ever to do this dance
    DD: $2,000 4
The 2 UN secretaries-general who came from Scandinavia
    $800 14
Many of Euripides' plays featured this theatrical device, "the god from the machine"
    $800 19
Deciding the corporate life wasn't for him, he left Apple Computer & Steven Jobs behind in 1985
    $800 25
The sparrow killed Cock Robin, but "Who saw him die? 'I', said" this creature
    $800 9
A major battle of the revolution took place in this city, now famous for its grand prix
    DD: $500 29
Dance meaning "the latest thing" in Portuguese that Stan Getz took from Brazil to the U.S. in 1962
    $1000 5
She was a lady in waiting to Henry VIII's 1st & 2nd wives before becoming his 3rd wife
    $1000 15
Riots followed the opening of this Synge play at Dublin's Abbey Theatre
    $1000 20
This founder of K Mart remained chairman of the company until 1966, a month before his 99th birthday
    $1000 26
What "Nancy Etticoat in a white petticoat" who, "the longer she stands, the shorter she grows" really is
    $1000 10
A cooking style utilizing onions is named for this city at the juncture of the Rhone & Saone rivers
    $1000 30
A caller would lead this 1930s dance, not named for NYC's nickname, but a Columbia, S.C. nightclub

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Mark Tom Charlee
$12,200 $2,900 $5,000
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Named for a U.S. president, this author wrote a 5-volume biography of that president in the 1850s

Final scores:

Mark Tom Charlee
$10,100 $100 $9,999
3-day champion: $54,499 3rd place: Boehm Porcelain Killer Whale hand-made, hand-painted sculpture 2nd place: General Instruments satellite TV system with hundreds of channels + Magnavox 20" stereo color TV with universal remote

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Mark Tom Charlee
$10,800 $2,900 $5,000
27 R
(including 2 DDs),
5 W
(including 1 DD)
10 R,
2 W
15 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $18,700

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1991-03-18
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