Show #2634 - Thursday, February 1, 1996

Bill Sloan game 4.


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Eitan Ginsburg, an executive director from Woodland Hills, California

Frank Lowther Jr., a research scientist from Los Angeles, California

Bill Sloan, a real estate broker from Mission Viejo, California (whose 3-day cash winnings total $34,000)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
The name of this Scottish city may come from a Celtic word meaning "Edin's Fort"
    $100 26
These 2 teams made it to the 1995 World Series
    $100 7
A 1927 issue of this magazine featured the first undersea photographs in natural color
    $100 21
It's the "Red Planet"
    $100 16
In October 1860 Little Grace Bedell wrote him a letter, saying she thought he should grow whiskers
    $100 6
Stephen Day was the first of these in the 13 Colonies; the Bay Psalm Book came from his shop
    $200 2
The unification of Italy is commemorated by a monument to Victor Emmanuel II in this capital city
    $200 27
In April 1995 25,000 fans turned out to honor this former 49er QB who announced his retirement
    $200 8
In 1994 Dell Magazines launched a "Western Magazine" named for this author
    $200 22
When blood goes through these organs, it turns red
    $200 17
"Hospital Sketches" of 1863 is a collection of letters by this "Little Women" author when she was a nurse
    $200 12
Her stage name came from the song "Day by Day" & Oscar Levant said he knew her before she was a virgin
    $300 3
The well of ZamZam is one of the holy sites in this Saudi Arabian city
    $300 28
Sponsored by this brewery, the Silver Bullets, a women's pro baseball team, made its debut in 1994
    $300 9
Regular features of this magazine include Star Tracks, Chatter & Picks & Pans
    $300 23
The people who hold this office are addressed as "Your Eminence" & wear red hats
    $300 18
A letter criticizing Truman administration policy caused him to be relieved of command in 1951
    $300 13
In 1883 Benjamin Day founded the New York Sun, the first successful U.S. daily sold at this price
    $400 4
Saigon, once capital of Indochina, is now known by this name
    $400 29
It's the sport played by Gary Player
    $400 10
The first Polish edition of this pocket-sized monthly magazine went on sale in May 1995
    $400 24
They make borscht red
    $400 19
This novelist was sentenced to a year in jail for the letter he wrote supporting Alfred Dreyfus
    $400 14
In 1903 Teddy Roosevelt appointed William Rufus Day to this body, where he served almost 20 years
    $500 5
This German port is home to the world-famous Hagenbeck Zoo
    $500 30
In March 1995 Doug Swingley became the first non-Alaskan to win this sled dog race
    $500 11
Before Conde Nast revived it in 1983, this arts & culture magazine was defunct for nearly 50 years
    $500 25
In "Grimm's Fairy Tales", she's Snow White's sister
    DD: $500 20
Popes just don't write letters, they write bulls & these letters to all bishops
    $500 15
In 1939 Jack Benny hired him as a replacement for tenor Kenny Baker

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Bill Frank Eitan
$1,300 $400 $1,100

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Bill Frank Eitan
$3,500 $1,300 $1,900

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 13
Augeas refused to play this hero the agreed reward for cleaning out his stables
    $200 6
Japan donated $1.5 million to the building of his presidential library at Texas A&M
    $200 25
This Ken Kesey novel is told by an enormous schizophrenic Indian named Bromden
    $200 2
The fertile farmland of the Sumerians was found between these 2 rivers
    $200 1
Since they're made mainly from this part of an egg, egg substitutes don't contain cholesterol
    $200 14
It's the West Texas town Marty Robbins made famous in song
    $400 20
This Greek god of the sea also had dominion over springs & lakes
    $400 7
His 32¢ stamp was issued April 26, 1995
    $400 26
Pierre Aronnax is the narrator of this 1870 Jules Verne tale about a submarine
    $400 4
In 1862 he became Prussia's prime minister under King William I
    $400 3
One of the best natural sources of iodine is kelp, a type of this
    $400 17
This famous knight served Spanish kings Sancho II & Alfonso VI & several Muslim kings
    $600 21
According to Hesiod, this river of the underworld was the oldest child of Tethys & Oceanus
    $600 8
Gerald Ford was among the mourners at this former House Speaker's funeral January 10, 1994
    $600 27
In this James Dickey novel, Ed Gentry, Drew Ballinger, Bobby Trippe & Lewis Medlock take a canoe trip
    $600 5
In 1602 the Netherlands established this company; the West version was set up in 1621
    $600 15
During pregnancy or when there's a loss of blood the need for this mineral greatly increases
    $600 18
This country's currency is the colon
    $800 22
The name of these female winged monsters means "the snatchers"
    $800 10
This former president is a real traveling man; in 1995 he visited Haiti... Sudan... Nigeria...
    $800 28
Early in the novel, Jonathan Harker is sent to help this count purchase property in England
    $800 9
In the 480 B.C. battle of Salamis, the Greeks beat this empire's fleet led by Xerxes
    $800 16
While excess sodium raises blood pressure, this mineral in bananas may lower it
    $800 23
Legendary South American Indian chief who periodically covered himself in gold dust
    $1000 30
This daughter of Zeus & goddess of wisdom assumed various disguises to aid Odysseus on his trip home
    $1000 12
An 800'-long memorial to this 20th c. president in Washington is scheduled for completion in Spring 1997
    DD: $2,000 29
In this novel the nearsighted Piggy & sensitive Simon are killed before the boys are rescued
    $1000 11
Henry IV's Edict of Nantes concerned this religious group
    DD: $2,000 19
Most of the fat in our diet is composed of these molecules that include "3" fatty acids
    $1000 24
"Current" event off the coast of Peru

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Bill Frank Eitan
$11,900 $4,700 $5,500
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 1968 Gwendolyn Brooks succeeded this man as Poet Laureate of Illinois

Final scores:

Bill Frank Eitan
$12,700 $5,600 $9,500
4-day champion: $46,700 3rd place: Lacroix man's or lady's watches + selection of Jeopardy! games & Jeopardy! Scorekeeper from ITV 2nd place: Broyhill Fontana Collection furniture & Samsung VCR + selection of Jeopardy! games & Jeopardy! Scorekeeper from ITV

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Bill Frank Eitan
$11,900 $5,700 $5,500
31 R,
3 W
12 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)
13 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $23,100

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: Unknown
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