Show #2831 - Monday, December 16, 1996


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Andy Jackson, a substitute teacher and carpenter from Watervliet, Michigan

Gene Ballesty, a railroad conductor from Selden, New York

Jere Souza, a homemaker from El Dorado Hills, California (whose 1-day cash winnings total $7,100)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 16
These brothers were sentenced to life without parole for killing their parents Kitty & Jose
    $100 21
Smoke inundated this NYC complex' towers after a bomb exploded in its garage, February 26, 1993
    $100 11
This fast-moving bird got his own TV series in 1966 -- Beep! Beep!
    $100 1
A cylindrical drum called the okedo is used in the kabuki theatre of this country
    $100 6
Traditionally the Lord's Supper is a ritual meal of these two items
    $100 26
The peak on a cap, or the movable front piece on the helmet of a suit of armor
    $200 17
This CBS News show finally aired its interview with former tobacco executive Jeffrey Wigand
    $200 22
The Price Tower in Bartlesville, Oklahoma was designed by this great American architect
    $200 12
The Munsters had a pet one of these who was fond of saying, "Nevermore"
    $200 2
This military flute derives its name from the German word for "pipe"
    $200 7
Sukkot & Shavuot were ancient pilgrimage festivals requiring males to visit this city
    $200 27
As a noun it can be a burial chamber; as a verb, it means to leap
    $300 18
Galileo probe data released in January showed this planet had less water than expected
    $300 23
The towers of Angkor Wat in this country symbolize the peaks of mythical Mount Meru
    $300 13
Waldo, who was murdered on "Twin Peaks", was a talkative one of these birds
    $300 3
It was Benny Goodman's instrument
    $300 8
The first day of Lent falls on this weekday
    $300 28
From the Latin for "to be watchful", it's a person who takes the law into his own hands
    $400 19
Lee Teng-Hui won the presidency of this country in its first democratic presidential election
    $400 24
A lamp in her tower was the guiding light for Leander in his swim across the Hellespont
    $400 14
The title of this acclaimed miniseries referred to a frontier town, not to a solitary pigeon
    DD: $500 4
It's the smallest & highest sounding brass instrument in an orchestra
    $400 9
Suffering, cause, cessation & the path were his four noble truths
    $400 29
This British title was first given to John Beaumont in 1440
    $500 20
On Feb. 26 this Fox Broadcasting Co. head pledged free air time for major presidential candidates
    $500 25
In 1906 this natural formation in Wyoming was made the first U.S. national monument
    $500 15
It's the bird name of the Emmy-winning actor who plays twins Adam & Stuart Chandler on "All My Children"
    $500 5
The amadinda of Africa is a type of this percussion instrument made of logs instead of wooden bars
    $500 10
It once referred to the leaden seal on a Papal document; now it refers to the document itself
    $500 30
It's a short ornamental drapery placed across the top of a window

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Jere Gene Andy
$1,400 $500 $2,500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jere Gene Andy
$2,400 $2,200 $4,300

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 14
The two legislative bodies created in Article I, Section 1
    $200 6
Shortly after "The Grapes of Wrath" was published, he embarked on an expedition to Mexico
    $200 1
This ever-popular pickled cabbage dish may be flavored with weisswein -- white wine
    $200 11
This current 007 was born in Ireland & moved to England at age 11
    $200 21
John Boyd Dunlop patented a pneumatic one of these in 1888 & built a whole company around it
    $200 26
It's about 30 miles north of the Cape of Good Hope
    $400 17
It lasted from May 25 to September 17, 1787
    $400 7
After leaving the Mayo Clinic, this author committed suicide July 2, 1961 at his Ketchum, Idaho home
    $400 2
It's traditional to serve bockwurst, a delicately flavored sausage, with this beverage
    $400 12
This "Grace Under Fire" star tells all in her searing autobiography "Knee Deep In Paradise"
    $400 22
More than 25,000 mourners came to Dayton, Ohio in 1912 to pay their last respects to this aviation pioneer
    $400 27
4 of the top 10 U.S. ports, including the port of Plaquemine, are in this state
    $600 18
It took longer to get this amendment passed than it did to repeal it
    $600 8
Songwriter Paul Dresser, who changed the spelling of his name, was this "Sister Carrie" author's brother
    $600 3
In Germany, these sweets are known as kokonuss-makronen
    $600 13
Christine Lahti of this TV medical series won an Oscar for her live-action short film "Lieberman in Love"
    $600 23
This inventor of a railroad sleeping car also designed a dining car in 1868
    $600 28
Piraeus is the port for this capital city
    $800 19
Article II, Section 3 commands the president to periodically inform the Congress on this
    $800 9
His 1885 work "King Solomon's Mines" was suggested by the ruins at Zimbabwe
    $800 4
Leberknodel are dumplings made from this organ meat
    $800 15
Denzel Washington rode into Venice on a submarine to promote this 1995 film
    $800 24
When he retired from Polaroid in 1982, he held 533 patents
    $800 30
In 1927 Australia's government moved from this port city to Canberra
    DD: $800 20
He was the only signer representing New York
    $1000 10
In 1858 W.M. Thackeray quarreled with this author in the so-called Garrick Club Affair
    $1000 5
This fruit is the main ingredient in the cold soup kirschkaltschale
    $1000 16
This star of "Annie" returned to Broadway as John Davidson's daughter in the 1996 staging of "State Fair"
    $1000 25
His invention of a weaving loom was delayed by his service in the French Revolution
    DD: $4,000 29
Most of this nation's imports come through its port of Lagos on the Bight of Benin

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jere Gene Andy
$9,400 $9,000 $5,700

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Sounds like a commercial product here.)
Common household product named for a 19th century surgical pioneer

Final scores:

Jere Gene Andy
$799 $11,500 $100
2nd place: Trip to Puerto Rico New champion: $11,500 3rd place: Wallace Punch Bowl Set

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Jere Gene Andy
$10,100 $6,000 $5,700
20 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)
14 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W
23 R,
4 W

Combined Coryat: $21,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1996-10-22
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