Show #7764 - Thursday, May 17, 2018

2018 Teachers Tournament final game 1.


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Steve Mond, a 9th and 10th grade math teacher from Midvale, Utah

Larry Martin, a second grade teacher from Kansas City, Missouri

Claire Bishop, a high school Latin teacher from Lexington, Kentucky

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 19
The Berlin Wall came down
    $200 1
"Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night"
    $200 9
It can get you out of a rut:
    $200 12
Kendrick Lamar rapped, "I am" this; Muhammad Ali might have disagreed
    $200 2
This presidential retreat is located in a wooded area of Catoctin Mountain Park in Maryland
    $200 28
Murderer of a politically prominent person
    $400 20
The Titanic set off on maiden voyage
    $400 4
"Speak unto Pharaoh king of Egypt, that he let the children of Israel go out of his land"
    $400 29
One of these green machines
    $400 14
In the past, this hitmaker of "Turn On The Lights" & "Mask Off" was Nayvadius Wilburn
    $400 8
While rolling on to the Pacific, this river forms a boundary between Washington & Oregon
    $400 27
14-letter way to describe a facial look without emotion
    $600 21
The 21st Amendment scotched Prohibition
    $600 5
"And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, come and see"
    $600 30
Good luck memorizing all 17 characters:
    $600 15
In 2018 this Southern city's new mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms put rappers T.I. & Killer Mike on her transition team
    $600 3
(Kelly of the Clue Crew presents an image of bodies of water.) Eleven narrow bodies of water, including the two longest, Cayuga and Seneca, make up the "digits" of this geographic group
    $600 24
A society with no social demarcations (& no sessions of school)
    $800 22
20 million voters could newly cast a ballot for president; one is seen here
    $800 6
"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find"
    $800 13
You can probably get it for less:
    $800 18
Hooray for this hip-hopper who with "God's Plan" is the only act other than The Beatles with 20 Top 10 hits in one decade
    $800 10
This colorful group of eroded mountains contains South Dakota's Custer Peak
    $800 26
To oust someone from owning a piece of property
    $1000 23
Rosa Parks sat down for freedom
    DD: $600 7
"The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord"
    $1000 16
It helps mix your gas with the right amount of another gas:
    $1000 17
Billboard listed 2 of his trilogies, "Blueprint" & "Volume", among the 10 bestselling rap series of all time
    $1000 11
West Quoddy Head in this state is the easternmost point of land in the contiguous United States
    $1000 25
To evaluate, or to impose a tax

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Claire Larry Steve
$1,200 $200 $2,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Claire Larry Steve
$2,600 $3,000 $3,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: But don't. I'll give you an example: kilo and silo, for example.)
    $400 30
May is named for the goddess Maia, in some versions the daughter of this titan condemned to hold up the heavens
    $400 28
A terrible career path for this TV character, who went from nice chemistry teacher to nasty crystal meth master
    $400 27
They may be small, but they pack a lot of flavor, fiber & antioxidants
    $400 22
An occultation is a type of this astronomical event
    $400 29
Book 2 in a series, it was published in between "Angels & Demons" & "The Lost Symbol"
    $400 16
Adjective meaning pleasing & noun meaning something to eat
    $800 12
Guenevere sings of "The Lusty Month Of May" in this musical
    $800 11
In "Dead Poets Society", Robin Williams inspires his students with this Latin phrase translated as "seize the day"
    $800 26
There are about 50 of these green nuts in a one-ounce serving & as much potassium as half a banana
    $800 21
In science talk, it's a gamete
    $800 4
"No Easy Day" is Navy SEAL Mark Owen's firsthand account of the mission that killed this man
    $800 17
Multiple female adults & a portent of the future
    $1200 5
The Eta Aquarids, an annual one of these heavenly events, reach their peak in early May
    $1200 10
In season 9 of this animated show, Mr. Garrison became Mrs. Garrison; in season 12 it was back to Mr. Garrison
    $1200 23
This Chinese cabbage is an excellent source of calcium & vitamin A
    $1200 15
The adrenal & the thyroid are among these glands that regulate your body's processes by secreting hormones
    $1200 1
In 2008 Kathy Reichs was atop the list with "Devil Bones"; in 2002, it was Alice Sebold, with this novel
    $1200 20
A farm implement to dig up a field & a light emanating from something
    $1600 6
This May birthstone is a variety of beryl
    $1600 9
You can win our money knowing he played a teacher in 1986 with the immortal line "Bueller... Bueller... Bueller"
    $1600 25
Large & easily stuffable, cerignola from Italy is a variety of this
    DD: $4,200 13
In physics, it's the ability of a deformed body to return to its original size & shape
    DD: $2,000 2
A nonfiction bestseller about death rituals around the world shares its title with this James Jones novel
    $1600 19
Your gustatory sense & a hereditary social division of India
    $2000 7
Citing his fading eyesight, on May 31, 1669, this one-time president of the Royal Society made the last entry in his diary
    $2000 8
This nostalgia network rebranded itself with edgy series like "Teachers", whose educators aren't exactly dedicated
    $2000 24
Used in the Japanese tea ceremony, this powdered tea boosts metabolism & is a great detoxifier
    $2000 14
Wanna get away? From Earth's surface, this is about 6.96 miles per second
    $2000 3
This Ann Patchett bestseller about opera & terrorism has been turned into a real opera
    $2000 18
Not long ago & to give in

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Claire Larry Steve
$9,400 $18,400 $5,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

Adding "P" to a word for a chronic back condition gets you this synonym for graphite or pencil lead

Final scores:

Claire Larry Steve
$1,400 $11,799 $2,600

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Claire Larry Steve
$11,400 $15,800 $6,200
19 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
16 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
14 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $33,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2018-03-21
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