Show #7752 - Tuesday, May 1, 2018


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Geoff Brousseau, an epidemiologist from Centennial, Colorado

Jan Brown, an air traffic controller from Warwick, Rhode Island

Osman Syed, a student from Jamesville, New York (whose 1-day cash winnings total $33,333)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
The first event in history recorded by the ancient Greeks were these contests that took place in 776 B.C.
    $200 19
About this, your formal statement of opposition that needs my immediate ruling... overruled!
    $200 11
Part of the sub-title of the book about this man is he "lived eight and twenty years, all alone in an uninhabited island"
    $200 6
"Cool Runnings"
    $200 17
This 4-letter button on your phone prevents your coughing from affecting the conference call
    $200 23
If your order is C.O.D., you pay at the time of this "D"
    $400 2
To the Greeks the "navel of the world" was in this town where the oracle of Apollo spoke
    $400 20
So, you fled over the state border, got caught & were sent back via the 1878 clause regarding this; welcome home!
    $400 12
Ow, she's a! Her beau is Knightley Knightley, just lettin' it all hang out
    $400 7
Starring Will Ferrell:
"Blades of Glory"
    $400 10
We once said "button your lip"; now we use a slide fastener to hush people with this phrase
    $400 22
A payment at the start of a poker hand; add "up" to mean "do your share!"
    $600 3
Impiety toward the gods & corrupting the young were on this philosopher's final rap sheet
    DD: $2,000 26
You actively impeded the investigation by giving the FBI false info! That's this 3-word crime & a very, very big deal
    $600 13
"Food consumed today" by her includes "2 Bloody Marys (count as food as contain Worcester sauce and tomatoes)"
    $600 8
Featuring Ellen Page:
"Whip It"
    $600 15
On your neck, this makes it less cold; on your car, it makes it less noisy
    $600 24
"Shut up & take my money!" was said by Fry on this sci-fi animated show when told about problems with a gadget he's buying
    $800 4
In 335 B.C. he brought many more than seven against Thebes when it foolishly rose against his leadership
    $800 21
I rule that we'll have to do this to your wages, from Old French for "to prepare"
    $800 14
This character began traveling around in a large fruit in 1961
    $800 9
With Will Ferrell:
"Kicking & Screaming"
    $800 18
To put a stop to noise, or a type of car on Amtrak trains where you lower your voice & don't talk on the phone
    $800 25
Owned by PayPal, this 5-letter app allows you to send money to friends, making group dinners less stressful
    $1000 5
In his comedy "The Clouds", this playwright poked fun at intellectuals like the sophists
    $1000 27
So you're trying to establish the defendant's M.O., short for this Latin term; please proceed
    $1000 16
This orphan was written into existence just after the passing of the Poor Law of 1834
    $1000 28
"Blue Crush"
    $1000 29
To put a stop to noise, or a state of "S"tillness that "gives consent" in an old idiom
    $1000 30
Depositing this 5-figure amount of cash or more in the bank requires form 8300 & that the IRS be notified

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Osman Jan Geoff
$800 $1,800 $3,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Osman Jan Geoff
$2,400 $4,200 $6,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 9
Pope Urban VIII originally approved this man writing about heliocentric theory, but not defending it
    $400 2
You can't make s'mores without this confection
    $400 4
This Caribbean island that became a commonwealth in 1952 covers more than 3,400 square miles
    $400 23
In 1881 circus impresario James A. Bailey merged his operation with this former competitor's
    $400 14
2001 & 2012:
This Indian grandmaster of the sitar
    $400 30
This 3-letter word that rhymes with sip once meant a half-pint of ale
    DD: $2,800 10
In a 19th c. spat in this field, O.C. Marsh won a round when it turned out E.D. Cope had put an elasmosaurus skull on the tail
    $800 3
Often translated into English, "Schlaf, Kindlein, Schlaf" is this type of song
    $800 1
2,300 miles SW of Hawaii, this territory that has "American" in its name is administered by the Interior Dept.
    $800 24
James Lovell dealt with an oxygen tank explosion as commander of this 1970 mission
    $800 15
Panama's Ruben Blades, for an album appropriately titled this, "world" in his native tongue
    $800 28
In the U.S. ABV, or alcohol by volume, is half of this traditional measure of alcohol concentration
    $1200 11
Atomists like Robert Boyle said the space where atoms aren't is this 4-letter term for emptiness; Spinoza scoffed
    $1200 6
Title shared by the heads of government of Austria & Germany & the chief administrator of a university
    $1200 5
This became a territory on Aug. 1, 1950 & the focus of a possible nuclear confrontation in 2017
    $1200 12
Chess Records' first major female star, this R&B singer hit the charts with "At Last" & "Tell Mama"
    $1200 18
1991: Mickey Hart, one of the drummers for this legendary San Francisco rock band, for "Planet Drum"
    $1200 26
Armand de Brignac offers a Midas bottle size that contains 30 liters of the brut gold type of this
    $1600 13
Isaac Newton feuded for decades with this German over who had invented calculus
    $1600 7
It's another name for the esophagus
    $1600 16
This term that precedes "Guinea" is also found before "Islands" that include U.S. possessions like Kingman Reef
    $1600 20
Deposed in 1688 in the "Glorious Revolution", King James II was the last British king of this house
    $1600 21
1992, not '66: him, for "Brasileiro"
    $1600 27
This "equestrian" measure is equal to one ounce of booze
    $2000 17
This chemist was guillotined after doubting French Revolution leader Marat's theories on magical fluids
    $2000 8
This bird is often hard to spot, but its song is easy to recognize
    DD: $5,500 19
Annexed in 1867, this island may be only 2 square miles but a 1942 battle there proved to be a key moment in the Pacific in WWII
    $2000 25
This former Maine senator & Secretary of State narrowly lost the 1884 presidential election to Grover Cleveland
    $2000 22
These Irish instrumental wizards were the bosses
    $2000 29
In the 19th century, the U.K. designated 14 ounces as the size bearing the name of this ship

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Osman Jan Geoff
$13,900 $9,800 $13,600

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Translated from Roman numerals, "55" appears in luggage & watch product names from a company founded by this man

Final scores:

Osman Jan Geoff
$4,900 $2,800 $7,599
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $7,599

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Osman Jan Geoff
$8,400 $9,800 $15,600
15 R
(including 2 DDs),
4 W
13 R,
1 W
22 R,
1 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $33,800

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Game tape date: 2018-01-24
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