Latin: Nice abs! Ab extra means "from outside"; ab initio means "from" this |
the beginning
She volunteered as a nurse at Union hospitals & toured Union army camps with her husband |
Mary Todd Lincoln
Does my posterior look big in these pants?: big |
Once I learned to embrace this centuries-old clicking practice device, my drumming skills took off |
a metronome
"Big Cheese", "Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives", "Kitchen Inferno" |
Food Network
"Spring forward" is half a mnemonic used to remember this, which in the U.S. actually begins still in winter |
Daylight Savings Time
Poli sci: In presidential succession, this Cabinet job comes right after the pres. pro tempore of the Senate |
(Rishab: Who is the Attorney General?)
Secretary of State
During the 1960 presidential campaign, she wrote a weekly newspaper column called "Campaign Wife" |
Jackie Kennedy
What...? Who? Her!: All of the above |
With the violin I always have to remember to use the proper amount of this substance on my bow before playing |
"Frontline", "Nova", "Nature" |
This U.S. federal holiday is the only one in the spring |
(William: What is Easter?)
Memorial Day
Art history: The soup cans by this artist were huge in 1962 but his wooden replicas of Brillo soap pad boxes got ink, too |
Andy Warhol
Her uncle Teddy walked her down the aisle when she married a future president in 1905 |
Eleanor Roosevelt
To quote Britney, "So if I said I want your body now, would you hold it against me?": against |
a preposition
It's difficult fingering, but mastering barre these on my guitar really paid off |
(William: What are frets?)
"Vice Principals", "Room 104" |
In March on the 1st day of spring at this spot, see the sun skim the horizon to begin 6 months of near-total daylight |
the North Pole
Geography: Along the national scenic trail named for this line, spilled water might flow east, might flow west |
the continental divide
This wife of Rutherford B. Hayes came from a slave-owning family but she & her parents were abolitionists |
Lucy Hayes
Ahoy! Surrender your vessel or be boarded by Pirate Pete!: ahoy |
(Caroline: What is an [**]?) [Originally ruled incorrect; ruled correct during contestant interviews.]
an interjection (or exclamation)
"The Walking Dead", "Better Call Saul" |
(William: What is HBO?)
Before "spring" the season was called this, like a religious fasting period |
Anatomy: The lower end of this arm bone includes 2 projections called epicondyles; wait, that's not funny at all |
the humerus
This First Lady's final acting role was in "The Sam Darland Story", a 1962 episode of the TV series "Wagon Train" |
Nancy Reagan
Here's a very, very, very good clue from our non-lazy, Emmy-winning writing staff: very |
an adverb
Sustain & soft are these parts of a piano |
the pedals
"The Magicians", "The Expanse" |
In Greek myth, spring was marked by the return from Hades of this daughter of the goddess of agriculture |