Show #7714 - Thursday, March 8, 2018


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Liz McCarthy, a communications executive from South Orange, New Jersey

Hannah Ewing, a teacher from Stamford, Connecticut

Lane Flynn, a business owner from Atlanta, Georgia (whose 1-day cash winnings total $19,198)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Each correct response will be a word made of the letters--some of the letters in "business".)
    $200 12
The 12th of this group of proposals from Pres. Wilson called for free passage for ships through the Dardanelles
    $200 1
Process by which voters can petition to have an elected state official removed from office
    $200 4
The Declaration of Independence & the Constitution were both signed in this Philadelphia hall
    $200 24
Starting with cave paintings, E.H. Gombrich's "The Story of" this has sold millions of copies
    $200 20
Going back to 1988 divers from this country, including Gao Min, have taken every gold medal in women's springboard
    $200 7
John Lennon was on the cover of Rolling Stone's first one
    $400 13
On the eve of the armistice ending World War I, this leader abdicated & fled to the Netherlands
    $400 2
In most states this person takes over if the governor can't serve
    $400 16
What the British call a jumper we call this type of sweater that you pull over your head
    $400 27
"The Gnostic Gospels" of Elaine Pagels' study refer to "The Gospel of" this repentant Mary
    $400 21
Do you know me? Or rather, this country where 1968 downhill, slalom & giant slalom skiing champ Jean-Claude Killy is from?
    $400 8
To ignore someone in insulting fashion
    $600 14
These 2 teams faced off in the World Series, so one of them was going to win its last title of the 20th century
    $600 3
Nebraska has this type of state legislature meaning "one chamber"
    $600 17
DJ Tanner-Fuller's household includes her 3 sons, her best friend Kimmy & her sister Stephanie on this Netflix series
    $600 28
One medium for the message of this Canadian scholar was his 1964 work "Understanding Media"
    $600 22
2-time 10,000-meter champ Haile Gebrselassie, come home to this country
    $600 9
It's an old-fashioned word for a kiss
    $800 15
The first official U.S. military newspaper with this name published its first issue Feb. 8, 1918
    $800 5
A state treasurer manages revenue & this official reviews how state money has been spent
    $800 18
It is the title of Stephen King's novel about the creepy clown Pennywise
    $800 29
These 5 words complete the title of David Reuben's 1970 bestseller "Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex..."
    DD: $1,400 25
Gymnast Nadia Comaneci, always a 10 in our book, hailed from here
    $800 10
In Brit slang for a self-important person, it often follows "his"
    $1000 23
In March the first U.S. case of this flu strain was recorded; it would claim as many as 25 million worldwide in just 2 years
    $1000 6
Per the language of the 10th amendment, delegated powers go to the feds & these powers are kept by the states
    $1000 19
"La Vie Boheme" is a song from "Rent", which was based on this Puccini opera
    $1000 30
Barry Goldwater wrote "The Conscience of a Conservative"; in 2017, this Arizona senator used the title for his book
    $1000 26
9-time champ Paavo Nurmi from this country also held the world record for the mile for 8 years
    $1000 11
These cavities are small at birth & grow rapidly after puberty

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Lane Hannah Liz
$2,600 $1,400 $2,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Lane Hannah Liz
$7,400 $5,000 $4,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 14
In dire emergencies only, Auntie is skilled in tying this French-name device between a wound & the heart
    $400 17
Italian for "time", it's the speed at which music is or should be played
    $400 2
Perfect ride for Phil Rizzuto, who shared his nickname with one
    $400 1
From Old Norse, a gowpen is the hollow that's formed when you put the 2 of these together to form a bowl
    $400 4
In the 200s B.C. Emperor Zheng connected a number of fortresses into what became this single system
    $400 12
This woman went from corporate litigator to Fox News & then to NBC mornings
    $800 15
Auntie says you'll get more of this nutrient, from the Danish word koagulation, if you eat leafy greens
    $800 18
Arnold Schoenberg didn't like this term for his music because it's based on what's missing; he preferred "pantonal"
    $800 3
One can hang from a cable or float through Venice
    $800 8
If you're an entomophagist, by definition you dine on these
    $800 21
Tang emperor Taizong expanded the empire's trade routes across Asia & gained control of this "inner" region
    $800 13
The BBC paid twice as much as the legal world, one of the reasons this man silly-walked away from the law
    $1200 16
Auntie often has one of these pencils on hand to staunch the flow of life's many scrapes
    DD: $2,000 24
This word for disturbance of regular flow or rhythm as in jazz is from the Greek for "cutting short"
    $1200 5
A police squad car like the one here, or a fast warship
    $1200 9
Author Christopher Corbett coined autotonsorialist, someone who does this himself or looks like he did
    $1200 27
Like in the work seen here, the emperors of this 276-year dynasty encouraged high artistic craftsmanship
    $1200 19
Before he was on "Wide World of Sports & "Monday Night Football", this announcer represented Willie Mays
    $1600 22
Auntie knows that alcohol acts as an astringent, making tissue do this, stemming the flow of small cuts
    $1600 25
An accidental is a note that the composer changes by a semitone; a little b-looking thingy indicates this
    $1600 6
In South Korea the Incheon Airport Maglev is one of these
    $1600 10
The adjective pyroclastic refers to fragments that can dangerously blast away from one of these
    $1600 29
Emperor Yangdi undertook great public works projects in the 600s, like this once-1,100-mile waterway
    $1600 20
Despite going blind at 12, he became a public defender in Italy but chose arias over closing arguments
    $2000 26
For big jobs, Auntie uses HemCon, made with chitosan, from the shells of this "pink" marine animal
    $2000 28
The opposite of an augmented chord is this type of chord
    $2000 7
"P" is for pursuit in this alphanumeric plane used by World War II's Flying Tigers
    DD: $3,000 11
Bedlam was an asylum; Bridewell gave us a generic word for one of these
    $2000 23
10 years after graduating from Virginia Law, he was the puzzlemaster on NPR's "Weekend Edition"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Lane Hannah Liz
$10,000 $6,200 $9,600

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

This 1990 novel made into a blockbuster film says the Hammond Foundation "has spent $17 million on amber"

Final scores:

Lane Hannah Liz
$19,201 $9,601 $14,600
2-day champion: $38,399 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Lane Hannah Liz
$13,000 $5,600 $11,600
26 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
10 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
13 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $30,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2017-12-06
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