Show #7670 - Friday, January 5, 2018


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Claudia Hochstein, an environmental program administrator from Saint Paul, Minnesota

Brandon Brooks, an HR manager from Chicago, Illinois

Sean Sullivan, a financial adviser from Verona, New Jersey (whose 1-day cash winnings total $15,000)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 2
A new & growing condition is nomophobia, the fear of losing access to this--is there a charger nearby?
    $200 1
A webbed foot forms the "D" in this team's name on their logo
    $200 13
15,406... 15,405... 15,404... man, this is going to take a while
    $200 11
Like the lake it was named for, Salt Lake City originally had this adjective at the front of its name
    $200 7
"Wild" this grain isn't this grain at all but the seed of an aquatic grass
    $200 26
"It was glamorous to look sickly" Susan Sontag wrote of the 19th c. cult of thinness through this lung disease
    $400 3
Women who suffer from tokophobia, fear of this, are more likely to want C-sections
    $400 16
In 2010 they brought back crossed swords to their bison logo
    $400 14
To put in a lower gear
    $400 21
In 1982 the Univ. of Utah Hospital was where the first permanent artificial this organ was implanted
    $400 8
Bison grass from the Bialowiez region of Poland is used to flavor Zubrowka, a type of this spirit
    $600 4
No way you are getting someone with pediophobia, fear of these, to watch the movie "Child's Play" or "Annabelle"
    $600 17
A sea creature is depicted chomping on a hockey stick on the logo of this San Jose team
    $600 15
A blackmail scheme, or a Grateful Dead "Street"
    $600 22
One of the 2 basketball stars from the 1990s to have statues outside the Utah Jazz' home arena
    $600 9
This tallest grass "shoots" over 30% more oxygen into the atmosphere than an equivalent mass of trees
    $800 5
Sometimes I accuse the writers of ergophobia, or fear of this--but it is a serious anxiety condition
    $800 18
A musical note outlined in yellow & navy has served as their logo since 1998
    $800 19
Term for when a spacecraft lands successfully in the sea
    $800 24
Recalling a great moment in state history, bronze seagulls perch on a monument in this square named for a building
    $800 10
The tip of a leaf resembles a boat in this popular long grass with a state in its name
    $1000 6
The grouping of holes on the seed pod of this sacred water plant, can break out those with trypophobia, the fear of holes
    $1000 20
This team's flying wheel logo is the oldest unchanged logo in the NHL, created in 1948
    $1000 23
A native of Maine
    DD: $2,000 25
Just like the one in the Middle East, this Salt Lake City river empties into a very saline lake
    $1000 12
Widely used on football fields, this grass named for a British dependency is native to the African savannas
    $1000 27
19th c. Brits praised the beauty of the women in this disputed area of northern India & northeastern Pakistan

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Sean Brandon Claudia
$1,200 $2,400 $2,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Sean Brandon Claudia
$5,400 $3,800 $3,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 16
Poor grammar was one reason the Concord, Mass. library banned this Twain novel 1 month after it was published in 1885
    $400 11
The Oakland A's won the World Series in 1972, '73 & '74, completing what we now call this
    $400 20
Tesla emigrated to the US. in 1884 & soon began a contentious job working for this inventor
    $400 1
CCH Pounder & Zoe Saldana both appeared as blue Na'vi in this 2009 mega-hit
    $400 6
Listen up! Otology is the study of this body part & its diseases
    $800 17
"Madame Bovary" provoked so much outrage it was banned & this author faced immorality charges
    $800 12
One installment of an internet TV show like "Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee"
    $800 21
Several of Tesla's product designs were used to harness this natural landmark to power Buffalo, New York
    $800 2
Played by Karen Gillan & Michael Rooker, respectively, Nebula & Yondu in this Marvel series have a bluish tinge
    $800 7
Extreme partiality to one's own country, gender or race, it may come from the name of a character in an 1830s play
    $1200 18
Ayatollah Khomeini laid down a fatwa on Salman Rushdie for this novel
    $1200 13
The Labradoodle was originally a cross between these 2 canines
    $1200 22
Tesla once claimed he'd been contacted by aliens & in 1940 declared he had developed one of these rays
    $1200 3
Jamie Foxx seemed to get a charge out of playing this Peter Parker foe in "The Amazing Spider-Man 2"
    $1200 8
Steve Reich is a leader in this music style marked by simple & austere compositions
    DD: $1,500 19
Violent sexuality in this man's life & works before & during the French Revolution led to him being jailed for many years
    $1600 14
It's an approximate prediction without solid facts or figures
    $1600 23
In 1891 Tesla invented this induction device that can transmit electric power without wires
    $1600 4
Patrick Warburton went blue as this hero on TV--then Amazon gave Peter Serafinowicz a shot
    $1600 27
A ship is named for this shipbuilder & health insurance pioneer who had a factor in Permanente, California
    DD: $4,000 9
19th c. English physician John Snow's knowledge of chloroform & ether made him a master of this -ology
    $2000 25
For openly dealing with apartheid, some of this woman's novels were banned in her native South Africa
    $2000 15
Want to swap yuan for yen? You're in the forex market, forex from these 2 words
    $2000 24
These 2 Balkan nationalities claim the great inventor; in a 1936 telegram he said he was proud of both
    $2000 5
Movie audiences saw a lot of blue as Billy Crudup played Dr. Manhattan in this 2009 film
    $2000 26
The first Vietnam war vet in the House, this long-serving Pennsylvanian had a ship christened in his name in 2015
    $2000 10
In April 2017 the G20 nations said they think this, intervention to defend a domestic industry, is damaging

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Sean Brandon Claudia
$14,600 $9,500 $5,400

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 1946, MLJ Mags. changed its name to this "Comics", incorporating the first name of its popular teenage hero

Final scores:

Sean Brandon Claudia
$10,100 $10,801 $3,797
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $10,801 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Sean Brandon Claudia
$11,200 $11,000 $5,400
12 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
19 R,
5 W
(including 1 DD)
11 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $27,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2017-10-24
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