Show #7657 - Tuesday, December 19, 2017

WE ASKED: Leonard Maltin.


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Jordan Garroway, a mechanical engineer from Rochester, New York

Lisa Beth Davis, a retired Army master sergeant from Altadena, California

Kate O'Connor, an insurance salesperson from Florence, New Jersey (whose 1-day cash winnings total $21,000)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 26
(Film critic Leonard Maltin presents the clue.) Will Ferrell is a delight in this 2003 film whose cast also includes old pros like Ed Asner & Bob Newhart
    $200 20
Mumbai, formerly
    $200 1
The U.S. got involved in Vietnam by helping this nation try to regain control of its former colony
    $200 6
Akie Abe is the first lady of this country
    $200 11
Entomological personality who flits from one public gathering to another
    $200 16
We need you to bring a wand up front! Someone set off the walk-through type of this
    $400 27
(Film critic Leonard Maltin presents the clue.) I found the laughs mild & sparse in this reworking of "A Christmas Carol" starring Bill Murray as a vernal TV executive
    $400 21
In math it's found before "value"; in thermodynamics, before "zero"
    $400 2
This period in the South can be divided into presidential (1865-1867) & Congressional or Radical (1867-1877)
    $400 7
In 2017 Zimbabwe's controversial first lady said this nonagenarian husband of hers could run again even after he dies
    $400 12
An assistant who handles someone's correspondence & plans appointments; doesn't everybody have one?
    $400 17
No, pocketing 2 company pens does not call for a "full" this with your hands locked behind the offender's neck
    $600 28
(Film critic Leonard Maltin presents the clue.) Edmund Gwenn was the real deal as Kris Kringle, working as a department store Santa, in this delightful 1947 film
    $600 22
A carnivore, or a yeoman warder at the Tower
    $600 3
First performed in 1897, this musical work was designated the official march of the United States in 1987
    DD: $1,000 8
"Destilando Amor" & "Huracán" are telenovelas featuring Angélica Rivera de Peña, first lady of this country
    $600 13
The Motion Picture Academy "liked" this 2010 offering, awarding it 3 Oscars
    $600 18
When you told Eric to bring this to work, I think you meant a deterrent spray, not a spiked club
    $800 29
(Film critic Leonard Maltin presents the clue.) In the perennial favorite "A Christmas Story", Peter Billingsley plays this boy who wants nothing more than a Red Ryder BB gun
    $800 23
A gander whose color is between black & white
    $800 4
In old New England a regular use of the village green was training this body of men mentioned in the Second Amendment
    $800 9
In 2012 this man's wife was listed as comrade Ri Sol Ju, but that is thought to be a made-up name
    $800 14
Before literary fame, Alice Walker had this job with the New York City Welfare Department
    $800 19
The RFID system, short for this "identification", is not working & we need to let people in
    $1000 30
(Film critic Leonard Maltin presents the clue.) Bing Crosby introduced the timeless song "White Christmas" in this 1942 film about a hotel in the country
    $1000 24
Australian wilderness grain-grinding buildings
    $1000 5
In 1915 the 1st transcontinental telephone call was made when A.G. Bell called this former assistant in San Francisco
    $1000 10
Rosario Murillo is now first lady & vice president of her country, standing beside this husband, a fellow Sandinista
    $1000 15
According to this 2-word -ism, civilization is subject to the same laws of natural selection as animals
    $1000 25
The intruder wouldn't stop & now we have a breach of this, also a geometry term for a boundary line

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Kate Lisa Beth Jordan
-$200 $1,800 $3,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Kate Lisa Beth Jordan
$2,400 $1,000 $6,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 6
The rich architectural heritage of this Czech capital makes it "The City of 100 Spires"
    $400 11
A hunted animal, or a place from which stone is extracted
    $400 18
Demodex folliculorum is one of these tiny parasitic arachnids that live on you in or near your hair follicles
    $400 16
The Blue Man is the first person Eddie hears from in Mitch Albom's "The Five People You Meet" here
    $400 22
An angel one of these helps startups; a business professor took the term from Broadway
    $400 1
It's the subtitle to "Star Wars" Part IV, which is kinda Part I 'cause it was the first one made... my head hurts
    $800 7
The china-making city of Meissen, Germany is "The City of" this translucent ceramic
    $800 12
This word can refer to the boat on the left or the pile on the right
    $800 26
Bacillus subtilis is a bacterium found in soil & in this 3-letter area where it may aid human health
    DD: $1,000 17
The Stage Manager says, "Doc Gibbs died in 1930", but a minute later the doc is chatting away in this play
    DD: $3,000 23
Here is this group of the United States Navy doing its thing with precision & grace
    $800 2
On May 6, 1941 this comic put on a show for airmen at March Field in California & a tradition began
    $1200 8
I'll put a spell on you if you don't know that Escazu, Costa Rica is "The City of" these, AKA brujas
    $1200 13
It can mean past due or a "juvenile" lawbreaker
    $1200 27
A form of life discovered in the 1970s, Archaea can thrive in harsh environments, like this park's Octopus Spring
    $1200 20
The spirits of Heisenberg & this Danish mentor remember the A-bomb in the play "Copenhagen"
    $1200 24
In 1973 this Angel fanned Rich Reese for this 383rd strikeout of the season, still the modern record
    $1200 3
Sandra Bullock says the "Hope fl--" line that gives this 1998 film its title
    $1600 9
On France's Garonne River, it's the "City of Wine" & has a wine theme park called that
    $1600 14
This word describing a shape can also refer to an ad or notice left in your mailbox
    $1600 21
Residents of this fictional town tell their story from the grave in Edgar Lee Masters' "Anthology"
    $1600 25
It looks like a ray, but between the category title & its tail, you should know it's called this
    $1600 4
In The Who's "My Generation", "Things they do look awful c-c-cold", which leads to this wish
    $2000 10
Guangzhou, China, which is also known by this English name, is "The City of Five Goats"
    $2000 15
A coffin, or the gloomy feeling that comes upon you as it's being carried
    $2000 19
The dead Leon, son of Kilgore Trout, recounts this author's 1985 "Galapagos"
    $2000 5
James Earl Jones earned his first Tony as boxer Jack Jefferson, who fights the title Caucasian in this play

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Kate Lisa Beth Jordan
$9,600 $6,800 $7,400

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

The book "From the Volcano to the Gorge" tells the story of this World War II battle

Final scores:

Kate Lisa Beth Jordan
$19,200 $13,600 $1,200
2-day champion: $40,200 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Kate Lisa Beth Jordan
$9,600 $4,200 $8,400
11 R,
2 W
17 R
(including 2 DDs),
8 W
16 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $22,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2017-09-05
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