In 2017 Betsy DeVos became the 11th holder of this job |
the Secretary of Education
Amy Schumer made waves with the photo she posted in honor of this swimsuit's day, July 5, its 71st anniversary |
the bikini
Of the 3 basic states of matter, the one that fits the category |
Rod-shaped eye cells help you to see forms, & cells of this shape help you see colors |
The Jersey boys who play sports for this university are the Tigers |
In a No. 1 hit, she sings, "I got the eye of the tiger... 'cause I am a champion & you're gonna hear me roar" |
(Alex: With less than a minute now.)
Katy Perry
Post held by Robert McNamara & Chuck Hagel |
Secretary of the Defense
Small Business Saturday is 2 days after this holiday |
It describes filthy living conditions due to neglect or poverty |
Redness, excessive tearing & itching may be signs of pinkeye, known medically by this name |
First graders work to achieve tiger rank in this organization |
the Cub Scouts
She asserts in a 2012 hit, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger... doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone" |
(Kelly) Clarkson
Coloradans Ken Salazar & Gale Norton are recent Secretaries of this |
the Interior
Learn how to save a person who's choking on June 1, the national day for this, also known as an abdominal thrust |
the Heimlich maneuver
When asked about a shorter or easier method, he told Ptolemy I, "There is no royal road to geometry" |
In surgery for this condition, an artificial lens replaces your own clouded one |
(Kyle: What is glaucoma?) (Lindsay: Oh, I just drew a blank.)
Here's the story of a dog named Tiger who was a family pet on this TV show |
The Brady Bunch
In the '70s this No. 1 hit by Helen Reddy asked us to "hear me roar" |
"I Am Woman"
This department's website says its Secretary Andrew Mellon made the Great Depression worse |
the Treasury
Aug. 4 honors this military branch whose forebear, the Revenue Cutter Service, was founded on that day in 1790 |
the Coast Guard
In the 19th c. a medical journal defined a chronic one as having been incapacitated by disease for the duties of life |
an invalid
"Tyger Tyger, burning bright, in the forests of the night", begins a poem in his 1794 collection "Songs of Experience" |
(Kyle: Who is Burns?)
(William) Blake
At the Grammys in 2014, Sara Bareilles sang this song of hers with Carole King; the pair also sang King's "Beautiful" |
This Obama Labor Secretary became head of the DNC in 2017 |
(Tom) Perez
Because of the label tucked into the character's hat band, National Mad Hatter Day is on this date |
October 6th
Earthworms are classified as this type of segmented invertebrate |
an annelid
Sometimes when we get older, this part of the retina "degenerates" & causes blurriness in our field of vision |
the macula
The largest carnivorous marsupial of modern times was the now-extinct thylacine, also known as this alliterative tiger |
Gloria Gaynor called her autobiography this, also the name of her signature song |
I Will Survive