Show #4860 - Friday, October 28, 2005


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Laura Henne, an environmental specialist from Doylestown, Pennsylvania

Alaric Smith, a songwriter, vocalist, and graduate student from Sacramento, California

Joey Bland, an actor and improviser from Chicago, Illinois (whose 1-day cash winnings total $27,000)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: But whose back?)
    $200 28
In 1985 a British Antarctic science expedition first detected one of these that forms annually in the ozone layer
    $200 1
___ &amp; The E Street Band
    $200 21
The London structure where the little princes were kept in 1483 is called the "Bloody" this
    $200 12
Berlin's first Reichstag was a governmental body formed by princes &amp; nobles of this medieval empire
    $200 29
This magazine's "Marginal Thinking Department" features "drawn out dramas" by Sergio Aragones
    $200 14
Drink up! This nation leads the world in coffee growing
    $400 27
A fluorescent lamp contains argon & a small amount of this liquid metal's vapor
    $400 2
___ &amp; Dawn
    $400 22
Dictionaries define a cottage as a small house with just 1 of these
    $400 13
Around 1268 Roger Bacon observed that these new optical devices could be used to improve eyesight
    DD: $1,400 30
Guideposts magazine was founded in 1945 by this "positive" minister &amp; his wife Ruth
    $400 15
Sodium penthothal is in this class of drugs that have sedative &amp; hypnotic properties
    $600 6
(Kelly of the Clue Crew juices a lemon in the chemistry lab.) This acid--C6H8O7--is found in the juice I'm extracting
    $600 3
___ &amp; The Heartbreakers
    $600 9
A building dedicated to one country at a World's Fair, like the 1939 or 1967 one
    $600 17
A poet, mathematician & astronomer, he moved people with the quatrains in his 12th century "Rubaiyat"
    $600 25
Adolph Ochs, who bought into the New York Times in 1896, "train"ed at this Tennessee city's Times
    $600 16
(Hi, I'm Wolf Blitzer.) During the 2000 election I interviewed Bush, Gore, Nader &amp; this Reform Party nominee
    $800 7
In 1969 Marcian Hoff Jr. condensed all of a computer's arithmetic functions to this one tiny chip
    $800 4
___ &amp; The Silver Bullet Band
    $800 10
The structure seen here at Churchill Downs is known as this, like certain Buddhist edifices
    $800 18
Chinese explorer Cheng Ho died in Calicut, India some 65 years before this Portuguese man reached it in 1498
    $800 24
In 1989 &amp; 1999, it got the National Magazine Award's "Seal of Approval" for personal service
    $800 19
In The Princeton Review's 2004 colleges survey, this university of 30,000 was ranked lowest in alcohol consumption
    $1000 8
William Gilbert coined the word electricity, which comes from the Latin word for this fossil resin
    $1000 5
___ &amp; The Tijuana Brass
    $1000 11
As well as the art of public speaking, this word can mean a place for prayer, like Montreal's St. Joseph's one
    $1000 23
Now called ergotism, this "fiery" medieval disease took its name from the order of monks who treated it
    $1000 26
In 1756, the New Hampshire Gazette, the state's first newspaper, began publishing in this "port" city
    $1000 20
This African country's capital is Gaborone

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

Joey Alaric Laura
$2,600 $4,200 $600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Joey Alaric Laura
$4,200 $6,000 $0

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 6
This 1949 novel features a society dominated by such slogans as "War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength"
    $400 11
"Houston, we have a problem"
    $400 16
Serving under President Clinton, she was the first female press secretary
    $400 22
National Aviation Day is on the August 19 birthday of this pioneer who made the first powered flight in Dec. 1903
    $400 17
A pair of cocky, cartoon magpies, one had a New York accent & one had a British accent
    $400 1
Your Uncle Marty can't believe you bought that sweater this way when he owns 3 garment factories
    $800 7
When this title slat bridge with vine handrails broke, 5 victims were hurled to their death
    $800 12
"The guy next door just became the man upstairs"
    $800 23
England honors this bird, not the clock, in April; its arrival announces the return of spring
    $800 20
About a century ago, London's South Kensington Museum got renamed for this pair
    $800 2
The earlier-in-the-sentence counterpart of latter
    DD: $3,000 8
While traveling from Oklahoma to California during the Depression, she says, "All we got is the family unbroke"
    $1200 13
"Ten years ago he could get to you from behind the glass. On Feb. 9th he's out"
    $1200 29
Pierre Salinger became the interim California senator 4 years after being made press secretary by this president
    $1200 24
Shavu'ot, or Feast of Weeks, is a Jewish holiday celebrated 7 weeks after this festival
    $1200 18
Known for their 1972 match, these Russian &amp; American chess players had a rematch 20 years later
    $1200 3
"Admire" has the same Latin root as this, a household item commonly used for admiration
    $1600 9
This 1946 Nikos Kazantzakis novel was narrated by a Crete mine owner who's drawn out of his shell by an elderly employee
    $1600 14
"One ring to rule them all"
    $1600 26
Marlin Fitzwater was first appointed by this president
    $1600 25
On the first Monday in March, Illinois honors this Polish hero of the American Revolution
    $1600 19
In a tragic Babylonian love story recounted by Ovid, Pyramus is paired with this fair maiden
    $1600 4
It's an alternate name for a high school yearbook
    $2000 10
This most popular of Zane Grey's books featured a gunslinger named Lassiter &amp; Jane Withersteen, a Mormon heiress
    $2000 15
A 2001 sequel:
"He will rise again"
    $2000 27
This president appointed Ronald Ziegler, who was just 29
    $2000 28
The weather on July 15, this saint's day, is said to fortell the weather for the next 40 days
    DD: $3,000 21
"Hurrah! Hurrah! For Cleve &amp; Steve" was an 1890s song for this pair campaigning for prez &amp; veep
    $2000 5
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew demonstrates the proper way to hang Old Glory.) When hanging a flag in a window, this rectangular corner section should be to the left of the viewer

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Joey Alaric Laura
$17,200 $6,400 $6,200
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Home to the oldest cathedral &amp; the oldest university in the Americas, this capital was founded in 1496

Final scores:

Joey Alaric Laura
$21,200 $12,401 $0
2-day champion: $48,200 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Joey Alaric Laura
$15,400 $6,400 $6,600
17 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
16 R,
6 W
9 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $28,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2005-08-03
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