Show #7644 - Thursday, November 30, 2017


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Lisa Kristina, a freelance musician from Chicago Heights, Illinois

Lily Gebrenegus, an accounting manager from Seattle, Washington

Matt Preston, an assets protection leader from Harvest, Alabama (whose 2-day cash winnings total $25,998)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We want you to name the league the franchise currently plays in...)
    $200 26
When this giant of retail died in 1992, his heirs split up more than $20 billion
    $200 16
This 1936 novel was inspired by an aunt's scrapbook of the Civil War & its aftermath
    $200 21
The only home on Boston's Freedom Trail belonged to this silversmith
    $200 11
The spread of those inherited traits that help creatures produce more creatures is "natural" this
    $200 1
The Arizona Cardinals
    $200 6
It's Spanish for meat; when followed by "asada", it means it's been roasted
    $400 17
This classic began in 1844 as a serial for the magazine Le Siecle but later became a book, one for all of them
    $400 22
Until the 1600s this tribe lived & fished on the bay that bears their name with no idea they were in Rhode Island
    $400 12
To unsubscribe from an e-mail list, you can this "out"
    $400 2
The St. Louis Cardinals
    $400 7
This yellow-skinned melon is named for the Turkish town that exported it
    $600 18
This Philipp Meyer novel about the Texas frontier came to AMC with Pierce Brosnan as the powerful Eli McCullough
    $600 23
In 2003, after years of erosion, this state's iconic Old Man of the Mountain crumbled to the ground
    $600 13
A court or boxing judgment
    $600 3
The BC Lions
    $600 8
It's the plural French word for an appetizer of raw vegetables; it just means "rawness"
    $800 28
After his 1906 death, the Chicago Board of Trade shut down to remember this merchant
    $800 19
"Flight of the Sparrow" recounts the real tale of a Puritan woman from this colony captured by Indians in 1676
    $800 24
In 1883 he settled at Prouts Neck, on the coast of Maine, where he would paint many of his seascapes
    $800 14
12-letter adjective for excellent "treatment"
    $800 4
The Stanford Cardinal (in this case, a conference)
    $800 9
Plural name of the versatile feta product seen here
    $1000 27
One estimate said this man's wealth near his 1937 death would be the equivalent of four times Bill Gates' wealth
    $1000 20
A young woman steps aside so her sister can marry a king in this Philippa Gregory novel
    $1000 25
This English explorer & captain gave New England its name after exploring the region in the 1600s
    DD: $1,600 15
What a parent does to a better-loved child, or what a person limping is doing to the bad leg
    $1000 5
The Minnesota Lynx
    $1000 10
Copra is the dried meat of this

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Matt Lily Lisa
$3,000 $600 $0

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Matt Lily Lisa
$3,400 $1,000 $2,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You have to identify the movie Johnny is quoting.)
    $400 1
"Let's talk about something important. Put that coffee down! Coffee's for closers only"
    $400 26
This other name for a graduation ceremony implies that it's the start, not the end, of something
    $400 16
This main male hormone affects the development of characteristics like facial & body hair, as well as a deep voice
    $400 6
It's equal to about .62 miles
    $400 8
The joyful quality of this serenade makes it a favorite
    $400 21
The Ituri forest in the Congo is home to a tribe of these people whose males grow no more than 60 inches
    $800 2
"I drink your milkshake! I drink it up!"
    $800 27
In June 2013 Kate Middleton smashed a big bottle of champagne at this type of ceremony to name & launch a ship
    $800 17
The heart comes in its own pouch--this membranous sac
    $800 7
A person who has the power to influence the selection of someone for higher office
    $800 9
Mozart was born in this city in 1756; his birthplace has been a museum there since 1880
    $800 22
This jungle helmet is made from the heartwood of the sola plant, hence the name
    $1200 3
"In this country... when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women"
    $1200 28
The Dogon people of Mali have a ceremony every 60 years called Sigui, when this dog star appears between 2 mountain peaks
    $1200 18
(Kelly of the Clue Crew shows an illustration of the upper airway.)Tissue like the soft palate in the upper airway can collapse during sleep, causing snoring as well as this disorder, from the Greek for "without breath"
    $1200 13
In this movie Jean-Claude Van Damme learns Thai martial arts to avenge his brother
    $1200 10
Mozart wrote 41 symphonies, just 2 in this type of key that tends to connote sadness & seriousness
    $1200 23
A rainforest recently explored in this 4th-most populous country revealed new & unknown species of kangaroos
    $1600 4
"Crush your enemies, see them driven before you & hear the lamentation of their women!"
    DD: $1,400 29
In an African-American wedding tradition, the bride & groom do this to symbolically sweep away the past
    $1600 19
This lowermost portion of the brainstem is responsible for regulating both heart rate & respiration
    $1600 14
Einstein said, "Imagination is more important than" this (he had a lot of both)
    DD: $2,000 11
Count Almaviva invites everyone to a wedding banquet at the end of Act III of this comic opera
    $1600 24
We've high hopes for the ficus elastica, this jungle tree, whose latex was once a valuable commodity
    $2000 5
"What I do have are a very particular set of skills... skills that make me a nightmare for people like you"
    $2000 30
Chabana is the style of flower arrangement used during this ceremony
    $2000 20
T cells, part of the immune system, are so named for being derived from this gland
    $2000 15
Literally "coiled", this concept envisions latent energy coiled at the base of the spine until activated by yoga
    $2000 12
This scholar put together the most complete catalog of Mozart's work in chronological order, the source of the K. numbers
    $2000 25
Hawaii's forests have many types of these, including the apapane & the honeycreeper

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Matt Lily Lisa
$7,800 $5,000 $15,800
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

The central image on the flag of this nation is a symbol of strength in Psalm 92 & a prized building material in I Kings 5

Final scores:

Matt Lily Lisa
$5,599 $5,000 $15,900
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $15,900

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Matt Lily Lisa
$7,800 $5,000 $17,200
16 R,
4 W
10 R,
4 W
18 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $30,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2017-08-23
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