Show #1892 - Tuesday, November 24, 1992


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Jimmy Black, an engineer from West Warwick, Rhode Island

Mark Kristal, a professor originally from Paterson, New Jersey

Susan Hodges, a writer from Palmyra, New Jersey

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Which means that each response will begin with that letter of the alphabet.)
    $100 2
More flowers are pollinated by this insect than by any other
    $100 21
If you're taking up this hobby, "How to be a Ham" is recommended reading
    $100 26
This "piper's son, stole a pig and away he run"
    $100 6
This piano maker was born in 1797 in what is now Germany; his original last name was Steinweg
    $100 11
Cabbage is cavolo, & this cabbage relative is cavolini di Bruxelles
    $100 1
In a woven fabric they're the threads at right angles to the warp threads
    $200 3
This small, New World bat is known to drink about 1 tbs. of blood each day, about half its weight
    $200 22
Philography is the hobby of collecting these, whether it's Mozart's or President Bush's
    $200 27
"When the boys came out to play, Georgie Porgie" did this
    $200 7
"Queen of Ice Queen of Shadows" is a biography of this late Olympic athlete & screen star
    $200 16
If you order ostriche in an Italian restaurant, you won't get an ostrich but these shellfish
    $200 10
The Edict of this place issued May 25, 1521 branded Martin Luther an outlaw
    $300 4
Rather than a nose, a whale breathes through 1 or 2 of these nostrils at the top of its head
    $300 23
Presto! Famous practitioners of this include Harry Anderson & Dom De Luise
    $300 28
2-word phrase that describes Peter, who "had a wife and couldn't keep her"
    $300 9
She once said, "The best job of my life was as U.S. ambassador to the Republic of Ghana"
    $300 18
If Nero were alive today & wanted his coffee served this way, he'd ask for un caffe nero
    $300 14
It's the 9-letter term for a person who frets a lot, maybe over handling toads
    $400 5
They're the leaves that enclose & protect an ear of corn
    $400 24
Since it was legalized federally in 1978, home brewing of this has attracted about 1.5 mill. Americans
    $400 29
Line following "Up and down the city road, In and out the Eagle, That's the way the money goes..."
    $400 12
This Catholic was the first U.S. first lady to have a private audience with the Pope
    $400 19
Served as an appetizer, salmone affumicato is salmon prepared this way
    $400 15
2-word phrase for someone who reveals wrongdoings from within an organization
    $500 8
The giant species of this tree is also known as the Sierra Redwood
    DD: $2,000 25
Collectors of these restaurant souvenirs are known as phillumenists
    $500 30
The old woman who lived in a shoe gave her children "some broth without any" of this
    $500 13
The Duchess of Windsor's first name was Bessie, but she was known by this, her middle name
    $500 20
Paul Simon might know these 4 herbs are known in Italy as prezzemolo, salvia, rosmarino e timo
    $500 17
His "Swiss Family Robinson" was inspired by Defoe's "Robinson Crusoe"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Susan Mark Jimmy
$1,200 $2,400 $500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Susan Mark Jimmy
$2,900 $2,100 $1,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
He wrote the 1892 operetta "Haddon Hall" with Sydney Grundy after quarrelling with W.S. Gilbert
    $200 26
This Dearborn auto pioneer was elected in 1982 for his transmission mechanism
    $200 19
Before conquering Peru, he served as mayor of Panama City from 1519 to 1523
    $200 8
Massive building projects were undertaken in this capital city after the great fire of 1666
    $200 10
This "Silence of the Lambs" star got her day in court & an Oscar for the 1988 drama "The Accused"
    $200 2
A spectre doesn't have to appear in this type of supernatural tale, as its name implies
    $400 3
The second part of Handel's "Messiah" ends with this famous chorus
    $400 27
Eli Whitney was named to the Hall of Fame in 1974 for this invention
    $400 20
The journal still survives from his 1673 exploration of the Mississippi with Joliet
    $400 9
Solidarity's roots are in this seaport city
    $400 11
Paul Newman earned an Oscar nomination for his role as a down-and-out lawyer in this 1982 film
    $400 6
From the Latin legere, "to read", this kind of story is often handed down from the past
    $600 4
Examples of these poems set to music include Schoenberg's "to Napoleon" & Beethoven's "to Joy"
    $600 28
Harold Edgerton was elected in 1986 for his development of a stroboscope used in this creative field
    $600 21
The bay lying between Canada & Greenland was named for this English explorer who reached it in 1615
    $600 13
This largest Swiss city is on the lake & in the canton of the same name
    $600 12
In his final film role, Tyrone Power stood trial for killing a widow in this Agatha Christie drama
    $600 16
It's a "canine" term for poetry that's rude & crude
    $800 5
A "lied" is a German art song; add 2 letters to get this word, its plural
    $800 29
For his development of the neutronic reactor, this Italian-American was elected in 1976
    $800 22
He discovered the Magnetic North Pole in 1831 & has an Antarctic ice shelf and sea named for him
    $800 14
This city is home to the Ulster Museum
    $800 24
Noted lawyer Joseph Welch played a judge & Jimmy Stewart a lawyer in this 1959 drama
    $800 17
This movement whose name means "storm & stress" was the forerunner of German Romanticism
    $1000 7
Chopin's Waltz in D-flat Major, Op. 64, No. 1 is better known by this title
    $1000 30
In 1987 this American inventor was elected for his calculating or adding machine
    $1000 23
Knighted in 1886, he was in the 1st European party to reach Africa's Lake Tanganyika
    DD: $1,000 15
Galileo taught at the university in this Italian city where Shakespeare set "The Taming of the Shrew"
    DD: $1,500 25
Henry Fonda as Juror No. 8 is the lone holdout among his fellow jurors in this 1957 drama
    $1000 18
This adjective derived from Spanish describes a novel about a picaro, or rogue

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Susan Mark Jimmy
$5,300 $7,600 $5,000

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

They were the maternal grandparents of England's Queen Mary I

Final scores:

Susan Mark Jimmy
$10,301 $4,899 $8,500
New champion: $10,301 3rd place: Flexsteel sofa 2nd place: trip for 2 to Panama City, Florida

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Susan Mark Jimmy
$5,300 $10,100 $5,000
14 R,
0 W
25 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 2 DDs)
14 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $20,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1992-08-24
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