Show #7599 - Thursday, September 28, 2017

Austin Rogers game 3.

Guinness World Records Adjudicator Alex Angert presents Johnny Gilbert with a framed certificate recognizing his announcing record: "The longest career as a game show announcer for the same show is 32 years 7 months and 30 days and was achieved by Johnny Gilbert on 'Jeopardy!' (both USA) in Culver City, California, USA as of 28 July 2017".


[<< previous game]

Robert Barron, a teacher from Columbia, South Carolina

Emily Dumas, a project manager from Somerville, Massachusetts

Austin Rogers, a bartender from New York, New York (whose 2-day cash winnings total $59,900)

[next game >>]

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Identify the film for us; I'll give you the line.)
(Alex: Each correct response will begin with an "S" and end with a "T".)
    $200 17
It's the only piece that can be promoted to one of greater value
    $200 1
"You talkin' to me?"
    $200 6
This tech co. didn't get as many likes as it wanted after raising $16 billion for its 2012 IPO but it returned 105% within 2 years
    $200 12
This noncommissioned officer ranks just above a corporal in the Marine Corps
    $200 11
(Kelly of the Clue Crew shows a fault on the monitor.) The sliding of two sides along a fault in the surface of the global crust causes these events
    $200 21
14,410 feet southeast of Tacoma
    $400 18
If an identical position occurs 3 times in a game, a player may claim this result, then go kiss his sister
    $400 2
"I see dead people"
    $400 7
Filing for bankruptcy in 2009? No prob for this automaker, which raised $20.1 billion in a 2010 IPO
    $400 30
This vacant outdoor space is used by children for unorganized games & sports such as baseball
    $400 13
It's the most abundant element in Earth's core
    $400 23
28,251 feet in the Karakoram
    $600 19
A tactic via which one piece attacks 2 opposing ones is called this, like a common dining utensil
    $600 3
"I happen to have Mr. McLuhan right here"
    $600 8
A $731 million IPO in 2015 got this rhymingly named wearable fitness company in tremendous shape
    $600 29
Antonio Guterres is currently the head of this main organ of the United Nations
    $600 14
Some of the deepest mines like the Savuka & Driefontein are used to look for gold in this country
    DD: $3,400 24
Remeasured by the USGS in 2016 at 20,310 feet
    $800 20
Trading a knight or bishop for one of these more valuable pieces is known as winning the exchange
    $800 4
"You want answers?! ...You want answers?! ...You can't handle the truth!"
    $800 9
Drop the last 4 letters from the name of the app to get this company, the big IPO story of March 2017
    $800 28
In this form of trapshooting, clay targets simulate birds in flight
    $800 15
The cave seen here & its rough stalactites were formed as the result of the solidification of this
    $800 25
14,692 feet between Switzerland & Italy
    $1000 22
Descriptive notation like P-Q4 has been largely replaced by this "mathematical" kind, which would say simply d4
    $1000 5
"Why worry? Each of us is wearing an unlicensed nuclear accelerator on his back"
    $1000 10
The one of the 3 main consumer credit reporting bureaus that does not begin with "E", it raised $664 million in 2015
    $1000 27
A sleepwalker
    $1000 16
Warming trends in Siberia have caused the springing up of tiny hills filled with marsh gas, mainly this deadly stuff
    $1000 26
7,494 feet, the Inuit symbol seen here on Blackcomb Mountain at this British Columbia ski resort

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Austin Emily Robert
$2,600 $1,000 $600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Austin Emily Robert
$11,000 $600 -$600

Double Jeopardy! Round

GOING 24/7/365
    $400 6
Take a seat in the Wrigley Field dugout & you're in this county
    $400 1
On the morning of April 15, 1865 Dr. Samuel Mudd set this man's broken leg
    $400 30
Proverbially, you "make" these to apologize for an insult
    $400 8
"The Restaurant at the End of the Universe" is part of this Douglas Adams book series
    $400 29
In geometry, it's a plane figure with 7 sides & 7 angles & despite what you may be thinking, it does not begin with "S"
    $400 25
What could go wrong at a park with genetically engineered hybrid dinosaurs? Everything, says this 2015 film
    $800 7
The Stickley Museum in Onondaga County, NY. has an outsize chair made for this Tibetan holy man to sit in cross-legged
    $800 2
This super-nurse & her supply wagons gave aid to Union casualties & Confederate prisoners
    $800 26
In French it means "street" & in English, to feel sorrow over something
    $800 9
Reality & illusion merge in this play that delves into the lives of 2 minor characters in "Hamlet"
    $800 28
A nursery rhyme tells of 24 of these European thrushes miraculously surviving a brush with pie
    $800 20
This song aka "Aladdin's Theme" was a No. 1 hit
    $1200 13
19th century toilets are part of the collection of Watertown's Plumbing Museum in this state's Middlesex County
    $1200 3
This preacher, the brother of author Harriet, gave an oration at the raising of the flag over Fort Sumter at war's end
    $1200 23
Singularly, it means to feel remorse for; add an "S" to politely refuse an invite
    $1200 10
Only a few of the works of this Czech author of "The Castle" were published while he was alive
    $1200 27
This Trader Joe's rival has a 365 value brand
    $1200 19
This anthology of athleticism ran on ABC from 1961 to 1998
    DD: $1,000 14
Cornelius Vanderbilt's rustic rocking chair is in the museum named for this other rich guy in Wayne County, Michigan
    $1600 4
Asked why the Confederates lost Gettysburg, he "charge"d, "The Yankees had something to do with it"
    $1600 22
This 8-letter synonym for sorry has its pros but now--specifically--its "con"s
    $1600 11
Tyrone's love life weirdly corresponds with V-2 rocket attacks in this author's "Gravity's Rainbow"
    $1600 24
After Bobby Seale got a separate trial, the group including Jerry Rubin & Abbie Hoffman got renamed this
    $1600 18
It just takes some time but everything will be just fine if you name this emo band that sang "The Middle"
    $2000 16
The House seat for Henderson County, N.C. is held by Mark Meadows, in 2017 news as chair of this conservative caucus
    DD: $8,000 5
In 1861 this future general received a commission in the Army from his brother John, a senator known for his anti-trust act
    $2000 21
Ian McEwan novel set in the Second World War era
    $2000 12
A line in this French author's "Myth of Sisyphus", saying human life is absurd, gave the movement its name
    $2000 15
The 24th Amendment says the right of U.S. citizens to vote "shall not be denied... by reason of failure to pay" this specific tax
    $2000 17
Kate Beckinsale plays a vampire warrioress named Selene in this epic saga

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Austin Emily Robert
$26,200 $7,600 $5,800
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Once its own city, it joined with a neighbor in 1898; today on its own it would be the 4th most populous city in the U.S.

Final scores:

Austin Emily Robert
$36,200 $0 $600
3-day champion: $96,100 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Austin Emily Robert
$17,400 $8,200 $5,800
28 R
(including 2 DDs),
5 W
9 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
10 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $31,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2017-04-25
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