Show #615 - Friday, April 17, 1987

Every clue was prepared by Jeopardy! staff researcher Victoria Haselton, whose ESL class she taught was in the audience.


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Anne Hallerman, a nursery school teacher from Richmond, Virginia

Bill Johnston, an aerospace engineer from Rancho Palos Verdes, California

Jim Ryan, a writer from Alexandria, Virginia (whose 4-day cash winnings total $30,250)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Those are children's songs in the form of tabloid headlines.)
    $100 5
In Holland, if you find one of these living on your roof, expect good luck &, maybe, a bigger family
    $100 21
On Oct. 1. 1983, Gov. Deukmejian approved benitoite as this state's official gemstone
    $100 22
In '86, American Greg Lemond pedalled 2500 miles to become the 1st non-European ever to win this
    $100 7
Naming it after a Buddhist goddess, this company 1st called their camera a "Kwanon"
    $100 8
Handicapped rodents mutilated by farmers wife
    $100 1
Impressing your boss will earn these, even if you're not a young Girl Scout
    $200 6
When ducks molt all their wing feathers at the same time, they can't do this
    $200 23
The color of this soft gem varies according to the waters from which it comes
    $200 27
Eton boys are called dry-bobs if they play cricket & this if they row
    $200 14
His winged foot appears between the "Good" & the "Year" in the company logo
    $200 9
Young couple in hiking tragedy; boy sustains grave head injury
    $200 2
According to Robert's Rules, any member who notices a breach of a rule may rise to this
    $300 15
Puffins use these, rather than feet, to propel them while swimming underwater
    $300 24
It's not the drill but this powdered gem which, rubbed on by the drill, cuts the stone
    $300 18
He used to carry the heavens on his shoulders; now he moves furniture
    $300 10
Female suspect named in sheep incident at local school
    DD: $500 3
She left her sisters in 1978 & had this hit in 1979
    $400 16
Of cliff, barn, or cave swallows, the species that returns to San Juan Capistrano
    $400 25
In the early '7os, feuds among miners closed the emerald mines in this northern-most country in South America
    $400 19
This Trojan War veteran fights stains in your sink
    $400 11
Placed by parents perilous perch, infant takes plunge in windstorm
    $400 4
Seurat developed this painting technique which uses small dots of individual colors
    $500 17
The Pacific, Central, & Mississippi flyways are among the North American routes birds use for this
    $500 26
The French called it the "Turkish stone", but the finest comes from Nishapur, Iran
    $500 20
Homer's "rosy fingered dawn", she makes bathrooms rosy with her pastel prints
    $500 12
Arachnid escapes drowning in sudden cloudburst
    $500 13
If your airplane has insufficient fuel to go back to where it started, you're here

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 7):

Jim Bill Anne
-$100 $300 -$100

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jim Bill Anne
$500 $1,100 $3,100

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: AUTOS BY THE NUMBERS, by the way, is a category that has to do with all 1987 models of cars currently being sold in the United States.)
    $200 11
4000 Finnish women have pledged not to have these until Finland changes its nuclear energy policy
    $200 6
Both Montezuma & emperor Maximilian had palaces on site of this country's Nat'l Museum of History
    $200 19
    $200 22
Margaret Sanger dedicated her book on birth control to this relative who had had 11 children
    $200 1
Mohammed's flight from this city marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar
    $200 12
It's "the, bottomless pit , "Gehenna", "blazes", "blue blazes", or "you-know-where"
    $400 15
In 1986 members of the Sea Shepherd Society sank 2 of 4 Icelandic ships which hunted these
    $400 7
When Lord Elgin took Greek sculptures from the Parthenon, he sold them to this museum
    $400 23
Natives on her African coffee plantation believe she was writing a new Koran
    $400 2
Ancient Japanese shugendo teaches that sacred power can be found at the top of these
    $400 13
In prison, it's known as "the hair curler" because it gives you a "permanent wave"
    $600 16
It's said in 1974 soviets could earn a copy of "Hound of the Baskervilles" for recycling this
    $600 8
F. Lloyd Wright designed this NYC museum around a spiral ramp so that visitors would not lose their way
    $600 24
Her only non-fiction work was "Every Night, Josephine!" describing her French poodle's lifestyle
    $600 3
Hindus believe that if you die in the city of Varanasi you will be released from this cycle
    $600 14
If you're "eating for 2", you "have 1 of" these pastries "in the oven"
    $800 20
Coca-Cola has decided to shelve cans made of this until they perfect a recycling system
    DD: $600 9
2 of 3 U.S. museums hosting 1st exchange exhibition of 1985 Geneva US/USSR cultural agreement
    $800 25
Muckraker Ida Tarbell earned the name "terror of the trusts" for her history of this oil co.
    $800 4
It's believed Stonehenge & its sister monument Woodhenge are relics of this Celtic religion
    $800 17
In "The Women's Room" Mira finds this euphemism crossed off the toilet door
    $1000 21
Hereford, Texas will soon be home of the nation's 1st electric power plant fueled by this
    $1000 10
Commissioned as offices by the Medicis in 1559, this Florence palace now houses Botticellis
    $1000 5
The way the Catholic church sees it, he was revolting--starting October 31, 1517
    DD: $1,700 18
In the lingo of hospital & gov't this pair becomes "negative patient care outcome & income enhancement"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jim Bill Anne
$2,200 $5,300 $5,900

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 1962, he asked "How can you... govern a country that has 246 different kinds of cheese?"

Final scores:

Jim Bill Anne
$4,400 $6,000 $10,601
3rd place: a Catalina cruise 2nd place: an Emerson video recorder + Karl-Lorimar home videos New champion: $10,601

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Jim Bill Anne
$2,000 $5,500 $5,900
13 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
(including 1 DD)
13 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
17 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $13,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1986-12-10
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