Show #1060 - Friday, March 24, 1989


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Craig Campbell, an advertising executive from Victorville, California

Deb Coester, an accounting clerk from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Alison Whitney, a preschool director and teacher from Orlando, Florida (whose 2-day cash winnings total $11,699)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 13
This American Indian was only about 22 when she died in England in 1617
    $100 1
"Evita" told this city, "Stand back, you oughta know whatcha gonna get in me"
    $100 3
Covering 3,108 square miles, this Alaskan capital is the nation's largest in area
    $100 5
In soccer, it's nudging the ball forward with your feet; in basketball, it's bouncing it with your hands
    $100 19
The tension control on your machine regulates the tension of this, not your nerves
    $100 20
You can use one of these to hold up a broken arm or knock down Goliath
    $200 14
This author, the wife of an aviator, published 5 volumes of her diaries & letters
    $200 2
Pecos Bill was "the toughest critter west of" this San Antonio site
    DD: $500 4
"Energy Turns the World" was the theme of the 1982 World's Fair held in this Tennessee city
    $200 9
1st recorded shooting match took place in 1472 in this country known for avoiding wars
    $200 27
A skirt marker is usually used to measure this
    $200 21
Circus siblings Albert, Otto, Alfred, Charles & John
    $300 15
Take our advice; these famous twins were born on the 4th of July in 1918 in Sioux City, Iowa
    $300 18
"Buffalo gals, won't you come out tonight, and dance by" this
    $300 6
The New York State Museum, the nation's oldest state museum, is located in this city
    $300 10
Of hurling, curling or purling, the one that uses a stick similar to a hockey stick
    $300 28
The zigzag stitch is commonly used to keep some fabrics from doing this
    $300 22
Phonology, syntax & semantics are all part of this science
    $400 16
Gary Morton, who's married to her, says, "Show business is my wife"
    $400 25
Broadway song in which Sally sings, "I made my mind up, back in Chelsea, when I go I'm going like Elsie"
    $400 7
North Dakota's largest city, it was named for one of the founders of a famous frontier stage line
    $400 11
He won the title of "Prom King" in high school, & in 1980 won 5 gold medals for speed skating
    $400 29
A tailor's ham is not his lunch but a stuffed cushion used for this purpose
    $400 23
First name of actors Hayden & Holloway
    $500 17
She made her 1st appearance on "The Tonight Show" in 1971 with an elephant who painted Johnny's pants
    $500 26
Marlene Dietrich sang, "Go see what" these title guys "will have and tell them I'm having the same"
    $500 8
This Arizona university town has been called the "Astronomy Capital of the World"
    $500 12
Hit the telltale board on the bottom of the front wall in this sport's court & you'll lose a point
    $500 30
Often decorative, it's one or more lines of stitching on the outside of the fabric
    $500 24
Only person to have won both the Nobel Prize for Chemistry & the Nobel Peace Prize

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 12):

Alison Deb Craig
$400 -$400 $2,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Alison Deb Craig
$2,500 $600 $3,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 6
French for "miscellaneous mixture", it's a favorite Jeopardy! category
    $200 15
Dostoyevsky's last novel was the story of these "Brothers"
    $200 7
The hulled kernels of corn from which grits are made are called this
    $200 8
Largest national seashore entirely in 1 state is this state's Padre Island
    $200 13
Type 1 diabetes results when the body can't produce enough of this to process nutrients
    $200 1
This great king of the Franks was succeeded in 814 by his son Louis the Debonair a.k.a. The Pious
    $400 14
A conspiracy, a small piece of ground or the main story line in a novel
    $400 16
She may have been a "dame", but you'd never say that about her famous character Miss Jane Marple
    $400 17
The feline on the box says, "They're Gr-r-reat!"
    $400 9
You can swim at Mauna Kea Beach miles from the volcano on the Kihola Coast of this island
    $400 22
Since it came to the U.S. in the '30s, this disease has killed almost half the elms in the U.S.
    $400 2
In 1137 the future Louis VII married this 15-year-old heiress of Aquitaine
    $600 23
Lana Turner starred as Constance in the film version of this novel by Grace Metalious
    $600 21
This Anita Loos novel was subtitled "The Illuminating Diary of a Professional Lady"
    $600 18
This savory jelly was so named because its color resembled a snake's
    $600 10
Island where millions swim every summer at Jones Beach, a 2,413-acre state park
    $600 26
They're the tissues that connect bones to bones
    $600 3
Louis XIV was nicknamed "Le Roi Soleil", which means this
    $800 24
U.S. architectural movement based on Midwestern homes built by Frank Lloyd Wright
    $800 27
He was seeking the Democratic nomination when his novel "The Strategies of Zeus" was published in 1987
    DD: $1,200 19
Under normal conditions, this fat found in chocolate will keep for years without going rancid
    DD: $1,000 11
Panama City Beach isn't in Panama but on the Panhandle of this state
    $800 4
Louis IX, who led crusades to the Holy Land, was the only king of France to receive this honor
    $1000 25
A guitar pick
    $1000 20
This thick meat stew from the south of France traditionally includes white beans
    $1000 12
Beaches on this New England state's 17 3/4 miles of coastline include Hampton Beach & Rye Beach
    $1000 5
Louis II of Bavaria, the notorious "Mad King Ludwig", was a fanatic admirer of this composer

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Alison Deb Craig
$7,500 $2,400 $8,000

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

When it broke away from France in 1804, it became the 2nd independent country in the New World

Final scores:

Alison Deb Craig
$500 $1 $999
2nd place: Trip to Desert Inn Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas 3rd place: Maytag Jetclean dishwasher New champion: $999

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Alison Deb Craig
$6,600 $2,400 $8,000
22 R
(including 3 DDs),
3 W
8 R,
3 W
21 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $17,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1988-12-05
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